Wednesday 1 May 2024



Very interesting reading. Not one that keeps you on the edge of your seat, but definitely holds you. Interesting climax. Good read for sure. This book also gives some rich insight into the life of a Catholic Priest. I was raised and am pretty fundament and a non-Catholic. I was surprised that many of the deep thoughts in this book parallel that of most Christians. Of course I will read more of Victor M's stuff, I like it when an author gets to the heart of the novel and keeps you there. I would definitely recommend this book as a novel and a teacher. A Thinker.

Do you believe that God still performs miracles in today's jaded and fallen world? What would your reaction be to three children stating they had met Jesus in a park? Would you believe without question? Or would you be led into doubt and disbelief instead? In Visions, Moubarak explores these all-too-human questions through the eyes of Catholic priest, Father Ignatius, and the ecumenical community at large. You will be irresistibly drawn into the believable characters, and sympathize with their questions and insecurities, while at the same time, be compelled to examine your own heart as to its spiritual health. This novel is a must-read for every Christian, and I would highly recommend it, too, for those who are questioning their beliefs in Christ, our Savior.
~Martha Orlando, author, A Trip, a Tryst and a Terror, Children in the Garden, The Moment of Truth, Revenge!, Redemption, Revelation, all available on Amazon

I found this book to be written very well. There was a "realness" to the Characters and a pertinent message for all of us. I found myself becoming friends with the Characters and feeling their emotions and becoming drawn into their lives. I also found that the spiritual message was a deep message and one that can be contemplated in our own lives.

This book definitely falls into the category of one of those books that once you begin to read it, you become captured and cannot set it down. I have told many people about the book and the message that it contains and all have enjoyed it tremendously.

You will not be disappointed with this wonderful Book.

Deacon Patrick Kearns, Roman Catholic Deacon, Sacramento Diocese, USA

Just got done reading Visions. Whether you are a skeptic, a believer or somewhere in-between you wont be able to put this book down. Victor has a warm and inviting writing style that is filled with both humor and knowledge. I found myself laughing at all the "across the pond" sayings, which only made me love the book more. Came back to order another, but just had to write a review first. JustKiminNC

The question is posed "What would you do; how would you react if you or someone you knew saw Jesus? Visions is a book with characters who become more real the more you read. Fr. Ignatius is a down to earth Christ like priest who cares deeply for the people in his charge. This is a story for our own times. In the book Jesus tells the children He appears to tell their priest to pray for peace and that the world will not know peace until it learns to forgive. This is a message we need for our world today.
The story will make you laugh and cry; it will make you ask and answer that question of faith for yourself~ What would you do; how would you react? Go ahead and pick up Visions; you won't be able to put it down. Karin Searson



  1., some have it and some don't!

    1. It's certainly worth reading though. I read it as I was writing it to save time.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Hello Victor: Another of your books I must read, you are amazing, thank-you for being a great writer.


    1. Thank you Catherine. "VISIONS" was my first book and from then I have written several short stories and novels. See for the full list. Both Christian and humourous books. Some can be downloaded FREE.

      God bless.

  3. I think this was the first of your books I read ... and now I want to read it again!

    1. Thank you, Mevely. You know, sometimes I read my books and say, "Did I really write this?" It all sounds as if I'm giving myself advice.

      God bless always my friend.

  4. How I loved this book, Victor! It will always be one of my favorites by you.

    1. You are so kind to me, Martha. Thank you so much for your generous review on AMAZON. Little did I know when I wrote "VISIONS" that it would lead to so many other books.

      God bless you always my friend.

  5. You know I agree with these! for sure.
    Thanks for all you put out, and the prayers you have offered for us.

    1. Thank you so much my friends. Praying for you.

      God bless, Jack and Sherry.



God bless you.