Monday 24 June 2024

Signs of the times


Sign over a Gynaecologist’s Office:
"Dr Jones, at your cervix."

In a Podiatrist's office:
"Time wounds all heels."

On a Septic Tank Truck:
Yesterday's Meals on Wheels

On a Plumber’s truck:
"We repair what your husband fixed."

On another Plumber's truck:
"Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber."

On a Church's Bill board:
"7 days without God makes one weak."

At a Tyre Store
"Invite us to your next blowout."

On an Electrician's truck:
"Let us remove your shorts."

In a Non-smoking Area:
"If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action."


On a Maternity Room door:
"Push. Push. Push."

At an Optometrist's Office:
"If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."


On a Taxidermist's window:
"We really know our stuff."


On a Fence:
"Salesmen welcome! Dog food is expensive!"

At a Car Dealership:
"The best way to get back on your feet - miss a car payment."

Outside a Car Exhaust Store:
"No appointment necessary. We hear you coming."


In a Vets waiting room:
"Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!"

In a Restaurant window:
"Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up."

In the front yard of a Funeral Home:
"Drive carefully. We'll wait."

And don't forget the sign at a
"Best place in town to take a leak."


……… and the best till last
Sign on the back of yet another Septic Tank Truck:
"Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises"

Sunday 23 June 2024

Father G's Deal


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

For some reason, out of the blue, Father G came to mind earlier today. Can't think why.

He is now long gone to be with Jesus in Heaven. Father G was Italian but brought up and ordained in America. He had an American/English accent rather than Italian. He was from an Order of priests who were all Italians but, like him, born and brought up in the States.

He was a visiting priest at our church in England UK.

When he visited our church he never stood at the lectern to deliver his sermon. When he finished reading the Gospel he just walked up and down the central aisle and just spoke to the people rather than preach a sermon as such. His message was always appropriate to something we could all use there and then in life, rather than repeat what he'd just read from the Gospel.

One day he talked about worry. He explained that we all have a tendency to worry; some more than others. We worry about real or imagined problems, we worry about the past, or present and future, we worry about someone else, or health or all sort of things.

He said that often the devil picks up a weakness in us and uses it to create worrying thoughts in our mind in order to distance us from God.

He told us that we will all have troubles in life, none are immune from them. But Jesus has overcome sin and trouble, and we should trust Him to protect us and care for us. (John 16:33).

Whenever worrying thoughts come to mind we should repeat over and over again, "(Jesus, I trust in you."

Then he told us of a deal he made with God. He said, "God, I shall do your will on earth as best as I can, and you take care of the worries."

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; be of good cheer; For I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 KJV). Maranatha Singers.V)

Saturday 22 June 2024

Get a proper education


There is a lot that you young readers visiting this Blog that you do not know about the past. How people like me lived in those days; the equipment we had at our disposal back then, and what life was really like. Here's a few selections.

This item is a mobile telephone. We had to carry it with us everywhere to receive and send messages to each other "on the go". It was large and clumsy to carry in your back pocket or jacket; but most people had a carrying case in the shape of a shopping bag. To call a friend you had to turn that circular thing round using different numbers because this telephone, unlike the ones you have today, did not have a screen or camera for you to send pictures of yourself to everyone.

This is how we used to send texts to each other. We had pre-cut pieces of paper on which we marked different alphabetical shapes with dark ink. When the ink dried we put the paper in a small wrapper called an envelope, and then we wrote the address of the recipient on it, and we put the envelope in a metal box in the street or shopping centre. Someone used to take each envelope and deliver it safely to each recipient. A little slower than today's texts, but it was more private and no one saw the dubious photos of yourself which people send by cellphone today.

The portable phone I showed above did not have the facility to play music; so we had this machine we carried with us as well. That circular thing on the platform is called a disc and somehow it contained the sound of people singing and music on it. So you had to carry the music machine with that big flower shaped thing at the top, as well as a selection of discs with you wherever you went to have music "on the go." I had to pay extra on the bus for this machine because it took extra room on the seat near me.
A bus was a long vehicle like the one above and people used to get in and be driven to pre-set destinations they wanted to go to. Just like your Mom and Dad taking you in the car but it was cheaper.

This old machine used to tell you what time it is. It did not have digital numbers that light up but those two pieces of metal used to go round and round and point to numbers to tell you what time it is. Young people in those days were very clever and soon learnt how to tell the time in these machines, and did not need a voice or a lit screen to tell them the time. These machines were too big to carry on your wrist, but we had them in our handbags with the portable telephone and music machine shown above.

And this is a portable radio. Not as easy to carry as today's electronic contraptions but we made do without much complaining and feelings of entitlements.

And this is Alexa, a young lady I knew back then. She may not have been as clever as the contraption you have at home with the same name; but she was much more entertaining!

And here's another thing I'd like to show you which you may not be familiar with.

This building is called a church. It's a place where many people used to go to and often discover God in their lives.

Life was certainly different back then, a little hard maybe, but we certainly got through.

Thursday 20 June 2024

To Love A Priest


Of all Moubarak's Father Ignatius stories, this one most definitely is his most poignant. Torn between his priestly vows and the reemergence of a former love, Fr. Ignatius is faced with a deep and life-changing decision. You do not want to miss this one!
~Martha Orlando, author of A Trip, a Tryst and a Terror, Children in the Garden, Moment of Truth, Revenge!, Redemption, and Revelation, all available on Amazon
I have read Victor Moubarak and am impressed with his ability to teach me about the Catholic Church and it's stands and beliefs. He does not shy away from the controversial and that is important for me. I will probably never be a Roman Catholic Church 'follower' but it is refreshing to read, and learn things I did not know. One of my best friends converted from Baptist to become a Catholic, we have had many discussions. Now after following Victor and reading his books I feel more informed. I recommend the book as a very good fiction novel, very entertaining, you cannot go wrong giving this book a read. Kindle customer

I really enjoyed following my favorite priest, Fr. Ignatius, as he navigates his way through a tough challenge. Celibacy and the priesthood are tough subjects, yet the author addresses it with such grace and insight. Priests are people, just like any of us, with the same feelings and inner conflicts. This book just made me love and respect the character of Fr. Ignatius more than I already did...which was a lot! Ceil Ryan

A thought provoking and well written story of the vow of celibacy taken by Catholic priests and nuns. Victor spins a story addressing man made rules within the church with no Biblical authority and the ambiguity of allowing priests transferring from another denomination to serve while being married. The story is laced with Victor's subtle and dry wit--allowing us to look for the humor in everyday life. As always, Victor leaves the story hanging and you waiting for the next chapter of the life of Father Ignatius. LJC


Tuesday 18 June 2024

What does 3:16 mean?


For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Often quoted and often misunderstood. What do these 25 words really mean?

Every loving parent would do all in their power for their offspring. And as they grow up, having nurtured them and seen them become adults, nothing tears a parent's heart more than to see their children leave the nest and fly away; either to study at a far off University, or to find a job, or to set up a family of their own.

When Jesus taught us the Lord's prayer He said, "Our Father ..."

He did not say, "Our Master, Leader, Teacher," or any other description to identify God. He called Him Father to underline the fact that He is a Creator God who created all of us; and like every loving parent He loves us so much that He would do anything for us. 

He loves us all the same, but on an individual basis each according to our needs. Just like you would if you had children and loved each one differently but the same limitless amount.

God loved each one of us so much that He gave up His only Son for us. Yes, for you, and you, and you, and everyone through the ages past and years to come.

He loved everyone so that we may have eternal life. 

But there is a condition.

In order to have eternal life we must believe in Him. The invitation to eternal life is offered to everyone; but we must respond to the RSVP.

The word "whosoever" in John 3:16 means everyone. Every person that ever lived in the past, present and future has this invitation as of right by being a child of God; our Father in Heaven.

Perhaps we should replace the word "whosoever" with our name. Try it. See how it feels.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that if Victor believes in Him he should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Nothing tears a parent's heart so much than to see one's offspring go. Yet God willingly gave up His only Son for you, and you and all of us.

And all He asks is that we return that love to Him and obey and respect His Commandments.

Monday 17 June 2024

Interesting Facts


Every so often I like to share with you some interesting facts which you can use in conversation to impress your friends or audience at parties.

First  fact of life: When a body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.

Secondly, here's a misconception.  Some people say you can’t get a decent job without education. But that is not strictly true; look at Albert Einstein – he was a drop-out at school and still ended up being the first man on the moon!

Did you know the world's oceans would be much bigger if there were no sponges to soak up all the water?

If you were driving at speed at night and switched you headlights on, the light would arrive home before you.

Venus is the only planet to spin clockwise.

The more intelligent you are the heavier your brain gets. That's why some clever people have pains in the neck. 

At the equator, if you're facing East, you would be travelling at 1000 miles and hour.That is the speed the earth revolves at the Equator. If you were to throw a stone in front of you, it would travel all round the earth and hit you at the back of the head.

Did you also know that if you're in a vacuum and you shout loud no one would hear you? And it would make no difference whether the vacuum cleaner is on or off, or whether the bag is full of dirt and dust or whether it was empty?

Did you know that radio waves are faster than the speed of sound. I never knew that and it did not matter to me at all, even now that I know this. I thought I'd pass it on to you in case it helps you in life.

The sloth just hangs from a tree and sleeps for up to 18 hours a day waiting for humans to arrive and save him from extinction. That is why you never find a sloth in employment making cans of baked beans or anything else for that matter.

Did you also know that human beings are very complex people indeed, compared to the rest of creations. Man is the only creature who would tear down trees to make paper and then print leaflets saying "Save the trees"?

And finally, do you realise that all the words I use when I write my books are in fact in the dictionary? All I have to do is put them in the right order!

Sunday 16 June 2024

Memories ... Memories ...


Father Ignatius was certainly the product of his up-bringing.

Raised in a poor family who had known real hardship; yet at the same time a family held together, despite all the turmoil that life threw at them, by a common bond of mutual love and basic Christian principles.

It’s because of his up-bringing, and because he grew up with very little materially, that he developed a habit of frugality and saving whatever he could rather than wasting it away.

He had taken a private vow of poverty when he became a priest, and since then he spent as little as possible on himself. He was not mean in the sense of avarice since anything he had, or whatever else came his way in terms of money or goods, he eagerly shared with the poor in his parish.

The little he kept for himself was usually either books or certain items he had collected over the years and kept for their sentimental value.

One Friday afternoon he decided to clear up the spare room of personal items he had not used for ages. He decided to donate them to the rummage sale in aid of the elderly.

As he was searching through a box full of books he found an old vinyl record; the old 45 rpm type record, black in color in a torn paper sleeve. He looked at the title of the song and sat down on a nearby chair.

Suddenly, the memories came flooding fast. He held the record in his shaking hand, as tears welled up in his eyes. He hadn’t seen nor played it for years, yet here it was, like a ghost from years long past, awakening distant memories so long forgotten.

He remembered how, as a child, he had saved all his pocket money, and went to the music store after school to buy this particular record as a birthday present for his dear father. Now departed.

The song was quite popular then.

He remembered his father’s reaction when he opened the brown paper bag and pulled out the shiny black vinyl record.

His parental eyes welled up too all those years ago, the same as Father Ignatius’ eyes are welling up right now.

His father placed the record on the table and said nothing. He just held little Ignatius tightly in his strong arms and kissed his head gently. Ignatius was held so tight that he could hear his father’s heart beating in his chest.

He could hear it beating right now, as he sat there holding the record in his shaking hand. And strangely as it may seem, the experience also brought to mind the sweet smell of cooking as they all gathered there as a family in the kitchen that cold winter evening.

His mother moved towards the table, leaving for a moment the food on the stove, and picked up the record.

“How lovely …” she said as she read the title.

She too then hugged little Ignatius as tightly as she could.

The priest remembered that that particular day was the first and only time he had seen his father cry. Silently, he had wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and quietly said: “Thank you … son”.

He was a big strong man, not given to much emotions or small talk. He had probably invented the British stiff upper lip and kept his feelings well hidden within himself. Usually silent at the best of times; mumbling the odd “yes dear …” whenever his wife asked him something. A gentle giant in every respect.

His father had known extreme poverty and hardship throughout his life, having lived through the depression and economic crisis.

Father Ignatius recalled how his father told him that many a time, when he was a child during the depression, he had gone to bed at night with nothing to eat; because there was simply no food in the house. Those were terrible times indeed, as his father often recalled.

He remembered that his father had worked the land from the age of eleven, leaving school with little or no education. It was the done thing in those days, to work hard at an early age to help the family beat off starvation.

And in later years, as young Ignatius was growing up, his father still continued to work hard on the farm to bring enough food to feed his family. His mother too, took on washing to earn a few pennies to supplement the family budget.

Yet despite their impoverished state Ignatius never had to go hungry, as his father did before him; and he was always well dressed and cared for by his parents.

He wondered about all the sacrifices his parents must have made, and how much they had gone without, to ensure that Ignatius lacked nothing as he grew up.

Father Ignatius then brought to mind the day when, as a young man, he built up the courage to tell his parents after the evening meal that he had decided he wished to become a priest.

How he had feared their reaction on hearing the news.

Although they were a good Christian family, he often suspected that his father wanted him to take over the small farm he had built up over the years. How would he react to the news that his son would not follow in his footsteps as a farmer?

“Mom … dad … I’ve been thinking and praying about this for a while. I want to become a priest …” were the opening words to an announcement that he dreaded making.

His father just smiled gently and said: “Son … I am proud of you.”

Father Ignatius could hear those words ringing in his ears, as clear as if they’d just been spoken; and he sobbed gently as he remembered his parents now both in Paradise. No doubt looking down on him, and hopefully still proud of him.

He said a silent prayer as he wiped his eyes with his handkerchief.

He then went to his room and put the record on the turntable and one more time let the lyrics come to life.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Unexpected Guest


Our church needed help from its parishioners by hosting some student priests who were visiting our town for a few days. The idea was that each family will have a student priest in their home for two weeks to give them a short break from their studies at the seminary.

I kindly obliged and filled in a form.

A few days later we had a new trainee priest standing at our door. It changed our lives ... well, mine actually.

Can you imagine what it's like having a priest living with you? I have to mind what I say and do. For a start, I cannot watch Two and a Half Men and the adventures of Charlie Harper on TV. The priest does not approve of that. And there's a limit to how much EWTN and Christian TV Channels I can take. All this religion is doing my head in. And the Christian music too. When the TV is not on my wife now plays hymns on the radio 24/7. Is that what Heaven is like?

I have even been stopped by my wife from drinking my favourite whisky or cans of Guinness. And yet again, there's a limit to how much coffee I can take. I am so wound up I'm likely to lose control soon. Coffee is making me run to the bathroom more often than I like to.

The trainee priest sits there quietly all day reading his books and praying all the time. Every so often he asks us, ever so politely, to test him by asking him questions from his revision books. Questions like "what does ora pro nobis mean?" And other Latin phrases which he has to learn by heart. Does anyone know how to say "Clear off!" in Latin?

Worse of all, since he has been here I have had to be very nice and very good indeed. I am not myself any more. My family have noticed and liked the transformation in me. They say I am a much nicer person. That's what abstinence from a good drink does to you; and endless hours of Christian TV. 

Even the cat now likes me and sits on my lap purring. It's really too much. Oh ... to be able to sin again!

I went to confession the other day and I had nothing to tell our regular priest. Ever since we've had this trainee priest living with us I have been turning into a Saint. 

I did not do one thing wrong or bad for ages. Not one impure thought, not one biscuit or chocolate too many, in fact none at all. Not one greedy piece of cake or my favourite cheese. In fact I am losing weight as well as being saintly - maybe it's all those sins washing away.

FOOD FOR THOUGHTS: Can YOU imagine what it would be like having a priest living with you?  Think about it. How would it change your life? Would it change you for the better?

Another thought - Jesus is with you right now and every day. Every moment of your life. How does this affect the way you behave?

Friday 14 June 2024

How was it for you?


It's amazing. You buy a product or service on the Internet and you suddenly get a lot of e-mails asking you what you thought of what you bought.

Did you like the product you bought? Was it what you expected? Were you exhilarated beyond exhilaration? Did the earth move for you? Would you recommend it to all your friends?

NO ... I would not recommend it to all my friends. One of my friends is a 94 years old lady and if I suggested this to her she'd probably report me to the police.

Why do Internet sales insist on sending those stupid e-mails? Imagine if other professions did that also. Your doctor or dentist asking you if you enjoyed the operation and would you recommend it to your friends. Depends on the operation, I suppose. Another friend of mine wanted breast enlargement. She had an operation where they removed excess fat from her rear and transplanted it in her breasts. Now whenever she stands she tips over forward.

I rarely respond to those e-mails anyway. Except once. I gave a 1* to a product. I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower and was disappointed that it did not lean to one side as expected. I put some chewing gum underneath two legs to rectify the problem.

Thursday 13 June 2024

The Sick Note



Wednesday 12 June 2024

I confess


Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned ... actually ... I can't think of any sins.

How long has it been since your last Confession?

A long time ... years.

And you can't think of any sins you may have committed?

Not really, Father. I'm a good person really. I go to church regularly and don't do any harm to anyone.

How about a little humility?

I don't know how to be humble. I'm OK and good and don't really sin.

Let's consider the Ten Commandments.

Well, I have not killed anyone, or stolen from a bank, or done anything bad. In fact I haven't done anything else in the Commandments.

How about the Commandment to love one's neighbour?

Oh I love all my neighbours. Those on either side and those opposite across the road. I say Hello to them every now and then. They keep to themselves and I do the same. That's how I like it. You could say I love them from afar. It's the same with most people; I love them all as long as they don't bother me.

It sounds like you tolerate people rather than care for them.

Oh, I care for them all right. I care for all people really. I just keep myself to myself and look after my family, wife and children and don't bother anyone else.

Indifference is not really caring is it?

You're trying to make me look bad, Father. I just don't like to get involved. I'm busy enough as I am working all hours. Of course I care when I see bad things on TV, but there's got to be a limit to one's ability to care. Everywhere you look things are going wrong, politics, poverty, wars, disasters, the environment and all that. I can't be responsible for all this. I care that it happens and get on with my life.

Why did you come to Confession?

My wife forced me to. She said it's either that or else.

DISCLAIMER: Article written for entertainment purposes only. Any similarities to views you may hold, or actions you may have participated in, are coincidental and in no way attributable to anyone. 

Tuesday 11 June 2024

A spoonful of humour


An old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with no memory and brain damage. The doctor asked him a series of questions:
“Do you know where you are?”
“I’m at Bolton General Hospital.”
“What town are you in?”
“Do you know who I am?”
“Dr Hamilton.”
The old grandfather then turned to his son next to him and said, “I hope he doesn’t ask me any more questions.” 

“Why?” he asked. 

“Because all of those answers were on his badge.”


I didn't think my doctor could fix my bowed legs. I stand corrected.


Struck up a conversation with a spider today at home while dusting.  Nice guy. He's a web designer


There's a highway to hell but a stairway to heaven. Says a lot about the expected traffic


Friends, just a reminder to those who received a book from me at Christmas ...   They are due back in the library on the 29th.


Back in my day I went to the store with only £1 and came back with 2 bags of potato chips, 1 carton of milk, and 3 boxes of chocolate. Now they have CCTV cameras everywhere.


What do you call a politician with half a brain?  Gifted.


A self-made unqualified doctor could not find a job in a hospital. So he opens a clinic and puts a sign outside that reads 


A lawyer thinks this is a great opportunity to earn £100 and goes to the clinic.
Lawyer: "I have lost my sense of taste."
Doctor: "Nurse, bring medicine from box No. 14 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth."
Lawyer: "Ugh. this is kerosene."
Doctor: "Congrats, your sense of taste is restored. Give me my £20."
The annoyed lawyer goes back after a few days to try to recover his money.
Lawyer: "I have lost my memory. I can’t remember anything."
Doctor: "Nurse, bring medicine from box no. 14 and put 3 drops in his mouth."
Lawyer (annoyed): "This is kerosene. You gave this to me last time for restoring my taste."
Doctor: "Congrats. You got your memory back. Give me £20."
The fuming lawyer pays him, then comes back a week later determined to get back £100.
Lawyer: "My eyesight has become very weak I cannot see at all."
Doctor: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so take this £100."
Lawyer (staring at the note): "But this is £20, not £100!”

Doctor: "Congrats, your eyesight is restored. Give me £20."

Monday 10 June 2024

Jack taught me how to do it


It's funny how sometimes your mind thinks back to an individual too far in your past whom you'd forgotten many years ago.

Out of the blue, Jack came to mind. I knew him when I was 19; he was two years older and old enough to be my father. He knew it all and was eager to teach me.

At the time I was taking driving lessons. He suggested that I needed practice driving in-between driving lessons and offered to take me in his car.

He had an old car with the words Just Married still painted on the back. He tried to clean it but the painted words became part of the car and scraping them off would damage the original paintwork. The car was held together by rust.

He said we did not need an "L" plate to indicate I was a learner because this would draw attention to the car. It was parked in his garage.

He explained that the driver's chair slides backwards and forwards because the mechanism to hold it in place was broken. If I sat in a particular position my backside would stop the seat from moving.

He also said that to change gears you don't put your foot down on that pedal and change. Instead, you put your foot on the pedal, move the gear lever from 1 to neutral, release your foot, step on the pedal again, then move the gear stick to 2. You do the same thing when you change from 2 to 3; or when you go down from a higher gear to a lower one.

He told me not to worry if the steering wheel is a bit loose. I just have to turn it round more than usual.

And when I need the horn I have to tap it several times because it does not always work; and sometimes it sticks to a continuous hooting sound.

Also to pump the brakes several times for it to work.

And the seat belt is a bit loose but it works if you wind it round the gear stick.

And not to worry about the crack in the windscreen - just look "through" it.

I declined any lessons with him. He told me he and his girl had enjoyed many rides in that car.

Sunday 9 June 2024

What is your ultimate question?


The thing is, at the end of the day, the whole of your existence rests on one ultimate question. Or, to be precise, on the way you answer that question.

It is a simple question answerable with either YES or NO; but if answered honestly and truthfully it would guide your whole life for ever more. Take your time before answering it.


It is not a question to be answered lightly or glibly. It's the basic fundamental question which shapes every one of us into an individual human being, and pre-determines our behaviour, attitudes and beliefs.

It's fashionable these days to say proudly that one is not "religious"; or believe in God. Celebrities and influencers do it all the time on TV, radio and social media. They easily pronounce their unbelief as if it is something to be proud of. 

Also, there are many who declare they believe in God yet in reality they do not really know Him, care much for Him, or have anything to do with Him in their lives. They just pay lip service to their beliefs. God is just an insurance policy in times of need.

Consider carefully before answering the question.


Each one of us needs to confront this matter seriously. Do we really believe in a living Spirit God Who created everything, including us, and has always existed and will exist for ever.

On this fundamental question rests the whole of our Faith.

Yet many these days treat it without an afterthought and either affirm that they don't believe at all; or half-grudgingly claim to believe without knowing what they truly believe.

... ... ... And many are sleep-walking their way into hell.

Friday 7 June 2024

Here I am, Lord


Thursday 6 June 2024

The sayings of Victor M


 A wet man by the beach was not necessarily swimming.

Walking in someone else's shoes may mean you stole them.

A memory mattress may one day blackmail you.

Failure is what you see it. It may mean "Give up!"

Intelligence is knowledge and the ability to use it.

No point having an open mind if your brains fall out.

Don't tell a child,
"When you grow up you can be what you want to be."
I wanted to be a bicycle.


Don’t worry if your job’s a joke
And your successes few;
Remember that the mighty oak
Was once a nut like you!


 Say it with flowers
And chocolates too
Say it with jewellery
Or a good meal for two
Say it from the heart
Say what you think
But never be careless
And say it with ink


 You can't go wrong with solo synchronised swimming.

If your shoe lets in water, make another hole for the water to get out.

God created boring people to test our patience.

Don't pray for patience; God will keep you waiting.

Stupidity has become a virtue.

Radio was invented for ugly TV presenters.

 Being grumpy helps avoid people.

 I'm getting tired keeping up with change;
it's like saying "are we there yet?" whilst on a carousel.

 This world will never know peace until it learns to forgive.