Thursday 27 June 2024

What's behind your front door?

I was reading about a recent research done by some scientists or other. It's amazing how many people are paid to carry out research which seems pointless and leading to nowhere.

In this research they asked people what do they have immediately behind the front door of their homes.

I can't see the point in that, can you? Why doesn't someone pay me to conduct some pointless research like how quickly can certain TV programs put one to sleep?

Anyway, this research discovered that 30% of people had a mirror by the front door so they can have a final look before they go out. 15% had a small table where they put car keys and other things. 32% had an umbrella container or a place to put walking sticks, 18% had a coat hanger, and so on.

Personally, I have none of these. I have behind the front door a big butterfly, or fish, net. You know the one? A large hoop fixed to a long stick with a long conical net pocket to land a fish when you have caught him with a hook and line.

I keep that net in case there's ever a butterfly or fish calling on me at the most inappropriate time; like when I'm getting ready for a shower. Or if ever an alien from outer-space calls, like a Martian for instance. I could capture him and become famous.

So far I've had no use of the butterfly net. But a while back I found a snail on my doorstep. To save him from being stepped on and killed I picked him up and threw him in the bushes. A week later the doorbell rang and he said, "What's the idea of throwing me in the bush?"

What's behind your front door?


  1. ...there is time wasted on stupid things while serious matter are neglected.

    1. That is so true, Tom. There's so much money being spent on pointless research which leads to nowhere.

      God bless.

  2. You open my door and you get to climb up another flight of stairs and that is after you already climbed two flights. I guess that could be a bonus. :)

    1. You must be very fit to have so many stairs, Bill.

      God bless.

  3. I want to know who gets paid for these studies? What a waste of money! Love your take on this, Victor. Blessings!

    1. Normally such research is carried out by universities, or opinion poll organisations and such. The best research I took part in many years ago was in London. I was stopped in the street and asked for my opinion on a new brand of whisky they were launching on the market. After a few samples I forgot which version tasted better so I said they were all good, but I'll have another taste to make sure.

      God bless, Martha.

  4. Hello Victor: Like this post very much, sadly the government give grants for the strangest things, like how many socks stick together that are of the same fabric and color when the dryer stops, yes that is a research project for someone that the taxpayers would pay for.
    I am also curious about what is inside the front door of many homes, I have a cabinet which displays many of my hand stitched needlework items, people always stop and look at the items and comment, love the story about the butterfly net so sweet, you have a heart I can tell.
    Gods Blessings to you

    1. Yes Catherine, these days we seem to be researching the most odd and peculiar of things. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my sense of humour. Needlework must require a lot of patience as well as skill.

      God bless.

  5. We, too, have a narrow table that sits a few feet behind the door; a catch-all. That, and Tom's saxophone case -- suitable, if necessary, for whacking someone over the side of their head. I love the looks of our front door with a large etched glass insert -- but would prefer something solid for those times I want to pretend I'm not home.

    1. Yes, etched glass inserts look wonderful, I think. Ours is a solid door with a little spy-hole so you can see who's there. To pretend I'm not home I sit low behind the door and bark; because our dog is too lazy to bother when the door-bell rings.

      God bless, Mevely.

  6. The door stop. That's what's behind my front door. Nothing else.

  7. I have a half-wall divider with a ledge by the front door. We keep a "key box" there with keys to various locks in and around the house. Our alarm controls are on the wall.

    I would hope that these surveys are not taxpayer-funded.

    1. I'm not sure what these surveys hope to achieve. There's all sorts of fact gathering organisations out there. And that's a fact. Did you know that 40% of men with beards sleep with the beard outside the covers?

      God bless, Debby.

  8. 👍😊❤️
    ---Cheerful Monk

    1. Keep smiling always Cheerful Monk; and keep visiting here.

      God bless you.

  9. We have a board with hooks on it for coats. Our front door opens right into the living room. We don't ever come in that way though. We alway come in through the garage into the laundry room. There as you would expect is a washing machine.

    1. Yes, in our previous house we got in through a back door because it was easier. Guests came through the front.

      God bless, Happyone.

  10. You will often find me behind our front door smiling at our visitor(s), especially when it's family :)

    All the best Jan

    1. I smile too as I collect their entry tickets and made sure they have paid to visit me.

      God bless always, Jan.

  11. A bookshelf! Although we could use a small table for keys and such.

    1. I hope one of my books is there, Mimi.

      God bless you.



God bless you.