Wednesday 12 June 2024

I confess


Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned ... actually ... I can't think of any sins.

How long has it been since your last Confession?

A long time ... years.

And you can't think of any sins you may have committed?

Not really, Father. I'm a good person really. I go to church regularly and don't do any harm to anyone.

How about a little humility?

I don't know how to be humble. I'm OK and good and don't really sin.

Let's consider the Ten Commandments.

Well, I have not killed anyone, or stolen from a bank, or done anything bad. In fact I haven't done anything else in the Commandments.

How about the Commandment to love one's neighbour?

Oh I love all my neighbours. Those on either side and those opposite across the road. I say Hello to them every now and then. They keep to themselves and I do the same. That's how I like it. You could say I love them from afar. It's the same with most people; I love them all as long as they don't bother me.

It sounds like you tolerate people rather than care for them.

Oh, I care for them all right. I care for all people really. I just keep myself to myself and look after my family, wife and children and don't bother anyone else.

Indifference is not really caring is it?

You're trying to make me look bad, Father. I just don't like to get involved. I'm busy enough as I am working all hours. Of course I care when I see bad things on TV, but there's got to be a limit to one's ability to care. Everywhere you look things are going wrong, politics, poverty, wars, disasters, the environment and all that. I can't be responsible for all this. I care that it happens and get on with my life.

Why did you come to Confession?

My wife forced me to. She said it's either that or else.

DISCLAIMER: Article written for entertainment purposes only. Any similarities to views you may hold, or actions you may have participated in, are coincidental and in no way attributable to anyone. 


  1. ...why do people feel free to share personal information on Facebook???

    1. Because it makes them "feel" famous; especially when they have a number of "followers" or "friends" reading their posts.

      I don't do "Facebook" or such websites. I just walk the streets shouting personal information about me. So far I have two followers. They wear white coats and carry butterfly nets.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Facebook is a waste of time so I don't bother.

    1. Join me Bill, to walk the streets and shout personal information instead. Just as I told Tom (above). You'll get followers too.

      God bless.

  3. I left Facebook years ago, and have not regretted it for a moment.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Hey Martha, you can join Tom, Bill and I (see above). We can start a new trend for ex-Facebook people.

      God bless you.

  4. Is lack of self-awareness a sin or just a precursor?

    1. Thank you for your prayers

    2. What a brilliant question, Cloudia. I wish I had a good answer. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1 onwards) Jesus starts with "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

      Who are the poor in spirit one might ask. Is He talking about simple minded people who believe superficially in God and do their best in life "to be on His side"? They are not learned in theology or anything like that; just ordinary people living life as simply as they can. Can we say that they lack "self-awareness" theologically speaking? And if so, is that a sin on their part: or is it something that God is aware of and forgives them for it?

      Again, thank you for raising the issue. Praying for you.

      God bless.

  5. ❤️
    Cheerful Monk

  6. Indifference, yep. Apathy, too.
    As you say, more than a few are sleepwalking. Thank you for continuing to ask the hard questions.

    1. You make a good point, Mevely, about indifference and apathy. There are many who believe they are Christian because they are "nice" and do nothing wrong (in their eyes).

      There was a preacher on TV today who said if you see someone needing help in life and you don't help them then you're not doing what God expects of you. This got me worried - there are so many I know needing help!

      God bless you, Mevely. Thank you for joining the conversation.

  7. Helping as many as you can when and where you can, and praying for the rest, is more in line with what Jesus taught. At least it seems so to me.



God bless you.