Tuesday 25 June 2024

What shall I write about?


I make a point of posting something new here every day. This is because my most loyal readers visit here every day, and I believe I owe them the courtesy to write something interesting and to thank them for their support and encouragement.

The way I maintain my daily writings is that sometimes I write a number of posts, say ten or even more, all at once and keep them in reserve to be posted every day. As the number of posts in reserve gets depleted I hope that more inspiration comes to mind so that I can write some more. In order to encourage the brain cells, (or is it the soul?), I stop shaving until inspiration comes to mind for another post.

Today, as I tripped on my beard and fell down the stairs, I had a thought.

Why do we pray? Will it change the will of God, or budge Him in any way?

As parents, we do sometimes change our minds and give way to our children’s demands, especially when they go on and on about something that they want.

So will not also our Father in Heaven give us what we ask Him?

In Luke 18:2, Jesus tells the story of a widow who pestered a judge for so long that he eventually gave in and helped her. This parable teaches us not to be discouraged and always pray to God for our needs. 

But will our continuous prayers over and over again change God's mind? 

I believe that God listens to all prayers but some get unanswered for a variety of reasons.

Perhaps what we're asking for is not good for us. As parents we often say "No" to our children; and God in His loving way is saying "No"; or "Not now", what we are asking for is not in line with His Divine will and the timing is all wrong. God is not there to answer our every prayer like a magician. You'd be surprised how many people like to serve Him in an advisory capacity; telling Him what to do, and when and how.

God does not work to our timescale; or respond to our every whim.

He listens. He cares. And He answers appropriately to our every prayer in a loving way in line with our every need. Whether we pray for ourselves or for someone else. Because prayers are the most important gift we can give or receive from someone else.

And one more thing: Sometimes God answers our prayers by saying, "Are you kidding?"


  1. ...I think that having a daily post is important. It's good to see that you are still kicking!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting me every day, Tom.

      God bless.

  2. I've no little children -- rather, little dogs that have 'pestering' down to a fine art. And yes, I'm guilty of giving way simply to make them stop. I need to remember, immediacy isn't always in my best interests. What a sorry state I'd have been in were that the case. Like the Garth Brooks song, "I thank God for unanswered prayers."

    1. Thank you for your lovely thoughts, Mevely. Indeed, immediacy isn't always in our best interest. God can see the bigger picture and will respond when and as appropriate.

      God bless you.

  3. We should always thank God for all the prayers we lift to Him whether these are answered or not. I do NOT wish to serve my Lord in any advisory capacity. Our Father always knows best.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Yes, He knows best. Yet so many people believe they know better. That's why the world is in the state it's in.

      God bless, Martha.

  4. He will show us the way we need to go, all we have to do is listen.

  5. Thank-you Victor for the lovely post about Praying, we Pray three times a day for the ill and special intentions, I have been asking for our Lords help to heal my husband, he has not answered yet but I am patient, A Priest said once to not ask too often God has us where he wants us at all times, so being patient is a must.
    If the devil steps in that has nothing to do with where God has us it is a bad decision if people let the devil in.
    Have an amazing day.


    1. I am praying for your husband and for you right now, Catherine. Often we feel, or believe, that God has not answered our prayers. But He does listen to our prayers and will answer in His time and in His way.

      We need to be patient and trust Him that all will be well.

      God bless you and your family.

  6. thecontemplativecat here. I enjoy your posts. They always enrich me. thank you It is such a responsibility to be a mentor or guide to people, esp. adults. As a retired teacher, I always found it difficult to help some parents. they knew how to teach their child, by golly.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragements, Susan. It gladdens me when someone enjoys my posts. I much appreciate your nice comment.

      God bless you.

  7. Sometimes I'm thankful that God said NO to my prayer. He really does know what's best for us. :)

    1. Very wise words, Happyone. God knows what's best for us.

      God bless.

  8. We pray, He answers according to His will what is best for us.

  9. Prayer isn’t asking for what we think we want. It’s asking to be changed in ways we can’t imagine.
    ---Kathleen Norris

    1. That is true, Cheerful Monk. Many have missed this very point.

      God bless you.



God bless you.