Friday 14 June 2024

How was it for you?


It's amazing. You buy a product or service on the Internet and you suddenly get a lot of e-mails asking you what you thought of what you bought.

Did you like the product you bought? Was it what you expected? Were you exhilarated beyond exhilaration? Did the earth move for you? Would you recommend it to all your friends?

NO ... I would not recommend it to all my friends. One of my friends is a 94 years old lady and if I suggested this to her she'd probably report me to the police.

Why do Internet sales insist on sending those stupid e-mails? Imagine if other professions did that also. Your doctor or dentist asking you if you enjoyed the operation and would you recommend it to your friends. Depends on the operation, I suppose. Another friend of mine wanted breast enlargement. She had an operation where they removed excess fat from her rear and transplanted it in her breasts. Now whenever she stands she tips over forward.

I rarely respond to those e-mails anyway. Except once. I gave a 1* to a product. I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower and was disappointed that it did not lean to one side as expected. I put some chewing gum underneath two legs to rectify the problem.


  1. ...where did you get your sense of humor?

    1. I bought it on the Internet.

      God bless, Tom.

    2. ...I thought perhaps you had bought it years ago at the secondhand store.

    3. Is my sense of humour that bad?

  2. I find those emails a nuisance and usualy just delete them.

    1. I agree, Bill. Unless of course you are reviewing my books!

      God bless.

  3. Ha! I love how you always find something we've all thought about (but were afraid to ask). Initially I used to respond to every little thing -- until I realized I was probably 'talking' to a computer.

    PS - On the other hand, I think your books deserve reviewing. I need to do that again, sooner v. later.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and your support, Mevely. Yes please, do review my books on AMAZON as you did previously. I'm so glad you enjoy my writings.

      Another thing about those Internet purchases; having bought something, they write to me again and again suggesting I buy the same thing again. There's a limit to the number of spoon rests I need to buy. We now have more spoon rests than we have spoons in the house.

      Life is made for smiling. God bless always my friend.

  4. Even our doctors and dentists want us to leave them positive reviews on the internet. Enough, already!
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. That is new to me, Martha. Doctors and dentists asking for reviews? I've heard of authors asking for reviews of their books; but not medics asking whether one is happy with the removal of an appendix or tonsils. What if the patient is not happy? Do they put them back in again?

      God bless.

  5. I never answer those emails.

  6. 👍😊❤️
    —-Cheerful Monk

  7. Remind me not to get your friend's surgery, I don't need to tip over.



God bless you.