Sunday 27 September 2020

"Love One Another As I Have Loved You" IMPOSSIBLE


When Christ hung dying on the Cross, despite His earlier betrayal, arrest, humiliation, beatings and torture; despite suffering the most painful of death and being taunted and tormented by His enemies, He still had love in His heart and asked for forgiveness on behalf of these people.

We are asked to do the same. We are asked to forgive others just as He forgave us. When we recite the Prayer He taught us we seek His forgiveness and promise to forgive others.

He also taught us to "Love one another as I have loved you". A Commandment no less.

Yet, when we consider both of these teachings from our Lord, to love one another and to forgive whatever hurt is done to us, we cannot help but wander whether it is at all possible.

When Christ forgave on the Cross, and loved as He has loved, it was a Divine God who forgave and loved. Not a mere human like us. Can we, humans, possibly love and forgive as He?

Christ knows full well that what He asks us is impossible for us to achieve. Yet He asks all the same.

Being human we are subject to all human failings. When we are hurt we often feel resentment, ill-will and perhaps vengeance; and forgiveness might be very difficult an emotion for us when the pain is still fresh and raw. And in time, as the memories of the hurt and pains come back we may still find it hard to forgive. Or, if we find it in our hearts to forgive, as many indeed do, the memories bring back that pain once again and, at the very least, we feel hard done by.

To forgive totally, as Christ did, is not within our grasp because we are not as Divine as He.

And to love unequivocally, all those within our circle of acquaintance, never mind our enemies, and to turn the other cheek is certainly not within our powers. No matter how much we try, there will always be one person whom we do not like, who rubs us the wrong way, whom we'd rather avoid. Yet we're asked to love one another as He has loved us.


So ... what are we to do? Are we doomed to failure? Unable to forgive totally and to love without reservation?

Our response to Christ's Commandment is to try as best as we can to obey it. Through gritted teeth perhaps, we should try again and again to forgive and to love. The memories of the hurts done to us will return, but these should not stop us from forgiving again and again.

We will probably fail ... often. But this should not stop us from trying. We will never achieve the same level of forgiveness and love as Christ, but His example should urge us on to try harder.

Saints did not become Saints because they were necessarily good at all times. They were often sinners who kept on trying.

God knows our human nature. He knows our failings and weaknesses. He knows we cannot achieve the impossible.

But in His Divine love and mercy He will welcome us with open arms for eternity with Him ... just because we kept trying and never gave up.


  1. ...for over 25 years I have visited and befriended Amish people. A number of years ago a gunman killed 9 girls in an Amish school. The parents of the girls forgave the gunman, the burden of carrying hatred through life is too great. They forgave, but will never forget.

    1. Yes Tom. It is very difficult to forget. The bigger the hurt the more the memories linger on. I know. All we need do is truly hand over the situation to God. We say - I have forgiven as much as I humanly can. Please forgive on my behalf where I fall short in forgiveness.

      God bless, my friend.

  2. Very good message Victor. For me in life, I know I've forgiven when I have mercy on those people that have caused me grief, many times I will see things that happen to people and I feel sorry for them and I know it's God's grace and mercy working.

    You have such a nice blog, I've told our daughters but the two who visit my blog chase little toddlers and it's hard for them to comment but know you are mentioned in conversation!

    Have a blessed Sunday! What's the weather over there?


    1. It's so nice to see you here again Amelia, and to know your daughters read here when they can. You're very kind. Thank you.

      Forgiveness can sometimes be difficult especially when we've been hurt badly. When Jesus looks at the scars in His hands, His feet and His side; He remembers again, and forgives once more.

      The weather here is cold and grey, and at times a little damp when it rains and drizzles all day. Even when it is sunny, the sun is all wet from the rain on him.

      God bless you and yours, Amelia.

  3. Oh Victor, what a timely message, as the whole world seems to be marching in ANGRY PROTEST to all kinds of inequalities & injustices -- racial, financial, educational opportunities, & ease of obtaining good-paying jobs -- for certain segments of our modern-day societies! During this pandemic, these inequities have been high-lighted & proven to not only exist, but these disparities continue to grow and to divide us along racial lines, as well as poverty lines! MY particular problem right now, is my absolute inability to 'NOT HATE' Donald J. Trump!

    1. Pray, pray and pray some more. Pray for all that is not well in the world. Pray for those you do not like. That is what love is. Pray just as Christ did on the Cross.

      God bless.

  4. I think He knows how very difficult it is for us to Love as he Loves and yet there it is. It's what we are to do and keep stiving to do! I guess what I want to say is we have to never give up trying! Have a grand day!

    1. Indeed Cathy, we need to keep trying; to forgive, to love, and to pray for those who have hurt us.

      Wishing you well always. God bless.

  5. Yes, we must never give up trying to love our neighbors and forgive, Victor. It does seem impossible, but with Jesus, everything IS possible.

    1. That's right Martha. Never give up trying to forgive, and to ask Christ's help when we run out of forgiveness.

      God bless you and your family.

  6. We cannot love others or forgive on our own but with God all things are possible.

  7. Keep on trying as your say, it's all we can do. It is very hard to forgive never mind forget. There is so much hate in the world today, everyone for themselves, no feelings for others. This pattern has always been around but now it is more evident because of social media. You can show your hate and others will join in. Can the world survive all this, I guess we'll see. All we can do is pray and hope!

    1. Yes there is so much hate in the world these days that is made more apparent by social media. It also encourages others to join in and be "fashionable" in following/supporting certain causes. We need to pray more.

      God bless, Bill.

  8. Dearest Victor,
    Yes, we are all, but humans!
    Keeping that in mind, that none of us are saints, we can look at things quite differently and see through certain things. Forgiving is good, for your own Peace and leave the final Judging to God! We cannot judge others, what do we think we are?! Just little humans, all with shortcomings. But I do hate those that use visors of anonymity and dare to write on Social Media some sort of hateful things... May God be merciful to them, when they meet their Final Judge.
    Being honest and true is very important! That also goes for those that don't sugar-coat their opinion. We Dutch are being labeled that way and so are Germans. Our President is Scottish/German... So what?!

    1. It's true that anonymity on social media does encourage people to be hurtful towards others and encourage others to join in too. It also encourages false information and untruths to be spread widely.

      God bless you, Mariette.

  9. A Sunday hello Victor, and many thanks for a good post and a good message.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much, Jan. It's good to see you here again.

      God bless you and yours always.

  10. I'm sorry I didn't get to finish reading this earlier. What a timely message. "Through gritted teeth", indeed! Nevertheless, I'm comforted. Thank you.

    1. We should take comfort, Mevely, that the good Lord is pleased when we at least try to love one another. Not easy; but at least we try.

      God bless always my dear friend.

  11. He gives us the ability to do as He asks, that way He gets all the glory and credit.

    Corrie TenBoom, who was in a Nazi prison camp, later toured the world preaching the Gospel. One day, she saw one of the actual guards who had been there at the camp, the first time she had run into someone who had actually been there. He did not recognize her, of course, but she remembered him laughing at her sister.

    He walked up to her and said something to the effect of, Sister Corrie, it is so good to know that Jesus has washed away my sins! and put his hand out to shake hers.

    She felt anger and meanness, and begged The Lord to help her, then she felt His love spread through her body and raise her arm for her. She shook his hand and knew G-d Himself had given her love for this man when she had none at all.

    It's all about King Jesus, He gets all the glory, He makes us able to obey. We keep forgiving, keep trying to love the best we can, keep asking His help, and one day, we find, He has transformed us.

    1. Yes, this is a lovely story about Corrie TenBoom, Mimi. To feel the strength and guidance of God to help her forgive. I'll confess I have tried forgiving; but there are times, when I remember again, and I get angry once more.

      God bless, Mimi.

  12. I think if I try to do this a little bit better each day I'm pleasing God.

    1. Yes Kathy. One step at a time, each day.

      God bless.



God bless you.