Friday 19 March 2021

More Questions???


Have you ever seen the TV program "Naked and Afraid"?

It airs on the Discovery Channel. Each episode features two people (1 man; 1 woman) who meet for the first time and are given the task of surviving a stay in the wilderness naked for 21 days.

They are usually left in the jungle to fend for themselves with no one there to help them except the TV crew with their cameras, sound recording equipment, lights engineer and I wonder who else. All you see on your screen is two naked people trying to light a fire, or catch something to eat, or find a place where to survive the elements; be they rain, wind, thunder, or scorching sun.

My first question is WHY?

Why are they naked? Surely the dangers would be the same whether they were clothed or not? The only additional danger I can think of by being naked is having sunburn on one's delicate parts. Or perhaps being bitten by a mosquito, wasp, snake or scorpion in a place you would rather not be bitten at? Not that it matters where a snake or scorpion would bite you.

As the program progresses we see the couple getting hungrier, more tired, desperate and getting on each others nerves or other parts of their anatomy.

It would be ironic, I think, if after the 21 days' ordeal the couple get out of the jungle alive and relatively well, whereas the film crew have been bitten by snakes and scorpions.

But then, that's my sense of humour!


  1. And your sense of humor is second to none, Victor! I think that show is simply ridiculous, too.

    1. Exactly Martha. I don't see the point of that show.

      God bless always my friend.

  2. ...I've seen ads for it, but never seen it. And that's OK!

  3. Sometimes I wonder if the producers don't presume their viewers are that dense. Then again, yes. Why else would they choose to watch?

    1. The thing is, Mevely, in the film all the ""naughty bits" on the naked bodies are covered by pixilation. So I wonder why they bother to film the people naked. What is the motivation of the producers?

      Also, if you watch closely, after a few days in the jungle, the men's beard are well-trimmed, their hairs and the women's hairs are neat, and their teeth are clean and bright. Most unlikely in a jungle environment for 21 days!

      God bless.

  4. I have never watched this show. The name itself annoys me. I share your sense of humor. The whole concept is ridiculous. How can you be alone with 45 or 50 people??. God Bless.

    1. Exactly Nells. Ridiculous. But it seems the show is popular. See my comment to Mevely above.

      God bless you.

  5. Dearest Victor,
    Those two doing this naked and eating bugs, worms or whatever, are STUPID!
    Would never even think of doing that...
    One wonders how the crew gets by all that time; where is their food supply and sleeping comfort/safety coming from?!
    LOTS of questions but as long as they can captivate viewers and interlace it with good paying advertisements.

    1. Very good point, Mariette. What is the film crew eating and drinking whilst the two contestants are hunting for bugs to eat in the jungle? Who is supplying the food to the film crew - helicopters? Where do the film crew sleep? Are they air-lifted by helicopter to the nearest hotel in the jungle?

      You make very good points. God bless you.

  6. Never heard of the program and that's ok.

  7. Never heard of it so haven't watched it. :)

  8. TV today is just so different!!!
    In fact we very rarely have our TV on these days.

    Too much interesting reading to do on blogs :)

    All the best Jan

    1. You're right, Jan. I wonder whether it is just our TV or is it the same in other countries?

      God bless you.

  9. This is a show i've seen ads for, but never wanted to watch. It is way too unrealistic, and silly.

    1. Yes silly, and unrealistic. Although they are bare feet they never step on a thorn or hit their toes against a stone.

      God bless, Mimi.



God bless you.