Wednesday, 8 December 2021

The Immaculate Conception

Today, in the Catholic Church, is the feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Not much is known about Jesus’ childhood. The Bible records the story of His birth in Bethlehem and the early days of His life but not much more.

We are left to wonder what He was like as a baby. Crawling on the ground and then taking His first hesitant steps. I wonder what His first words were when He spoke.

One thing for sure though. He was much loved by His earthly parents, who devoted themselves to His up-bringing, until He was ready to start His work on earth as His Father willed.

Like most parents, they must have wished many good things for Him as He grew up, even though they knew who He really was and what His mission in this world was to be.

Mary, however, carried an additional burden in her heart. She knew from those early days what was to happen. Simeon in the temple had told her: “… sorrow, like a sharp sword, will break your own heart”. Luke 2:35. Joseph was there to witness it all.

Can you imagine what they went through as parents? Knowing of the torture and Crucifixion which Christ would suffer.

And Mary, endured that pain even more as she followed her Son on the way to Calvary.

Yet … despite all that. Despite knowing well ahead what was to happen, despite witnessing the Crucifixion for herself, one thing must have sustained Mary and encouraged her throughout her ordeal: the sure knowledge that Jesus was/is the Son of God and that He will rise again from the dead.

That thought alone should help us when we too go through difficult times. No matter how difficult our situation we should hold on to the fact that our Lord, the one we profess to love and follow, is the Son of God. By His death and Resurrection He has conquered evil once and for all.

And no matter what our situation may be, we can assuredly turn to Mary, and seek her help in bearing the difficulties we go through.


  1. ...interesting things to think about.

    1. Yes Tom. Today's feast is to think about these things.

      God bless.

  2. He can be trusted. ❤️

    Thanks, Victor.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    It is so soothing to us humans, knowing we all have a heavenly Mother!
    Mary indeed is one to be admired and it is not for nothing that Mary is called The Most Powerful Woman in the World:

  4. I always think when I hear the song, "Mary did You Know?" MY mind says YES, BUT knowing and actually seeing are different. She knew the loss of a MOTHER, that is for sure.
    Love from over here, heading up the road about 500 miles.
    Sherry & jack

    1. You are so right, Jack. Knowing in advance, and fearing the worst, is one thing; but then actually being there when her Son was crucified ...

      Take care on the road. Praying for your safe journey my friend.

      God bless you and yours.

  5. Mary was most certainly a woman of great faith to be able to endure what she did. May we all be more like her!
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. That is the main point, Martha. How can we have as much faith as she did? To really trust in what God was asking of her.

      God bless you and your family.

  6. I can't even bear to imagine! But, to put her own emotions aside and own that measure of faith. Wow.

    1. Great faith indeed, Mevely. If only we had a fraction of that.

      God bless.

  7. I remember saying a prayer to Mary when I was in school, St. Mary's. We asked her to pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

    1. The Hail Mary is a very popular prayer.

      God bless, Bill.

  8. Special people are Mary and Joseph. Joseph must have had great faith too!!

    1. Yes indeed, you are right Happyone. He stood by her and was a good parent for Jesus.

      God bless.

  9. As fully human, Jesus went through the same things we go through, so we can tell Him all that is in our hearts.

    1. You are right, Mimi. He knows how we feel throughout our lives.

      God bless.

  10. I think it is a shame that he got so few years to do the work he was made for.

    1. Good point, River. I think it was God's plan that the Mission Jesus had could be achieved in this short time. Without TV and social media, the message still lives to today and it gathers more believers all the time. May it continue so.

      God bless you.

  11. I've often thought - and written - about Mary and what it must have been like. How incredible that the creator of the world became a helpless baby, totally dependent on his parents. It amazes every time.

    1. It is so nice to see you visiting here, Liz. Thanx.

      I agree with what you say. Can you imagine if Jesus had suddenly appeared on earth as a fully grown man - like a Superman. Able to walk on water, change water to wine, feed the thousands, heal people and raise them from the dead? The people of the time would have been scared out of their minds with this all powerful person. Hardly the sign of humility and love.

      Instead, He came as a vulnerable baby. Born in poverty, and grew amongst them to give them time to get to know Him. Then, thirty years later, He started His Mission.

      God bless you, Liz.

  12. Our Holy Mother Mary was preserved from sin from the moment of her conception. What a beautiful thought. Jesus chose His Mother from all eternity. She said yes to God's request ..." Let it be done to me according to your word..." and she followed that through with all the pain it entailed. If we could be like her and say the same when God shows us our vocation.

    Thank you for your post

    1. Yes, you are so right, Gram. What courage and trust Mary showed to believe and to agree to what the Angel proposed. Do we have such courage, I wonder?

      God bless you always.



God bless you.