Thursday 1 August 2024

I saw them from the kitchen


This is going to be brief. You can either believe it or not.

I was in the kitchen trying to cook lobster thermidor; but I had run out of thermidor. What is it anyway?

As I was searching through the cupboard whether my wife had bought any I noticed from the corner of my eye three people looking at me through the window. They were standing in the garden looking in at me.

I tried not to panic; but I did not know how. I was inwardly at maximum panic mode. I did not know what to do. Is it OK to cook lobster without the thermidor bit?

The three men were still standing there looking at me silently. I must have cried a little because I felt tears running down my leg; and it was not because of the onions. 

I opened the fridge and discovered we did not have any lobster anyway. We never buy lobster because we cannot afford it. I found an old tin of sardines well past its "sell-by" date in the cupboard. Perhaps I'll try sardines thermidor.

It was then that I noticed that one of the men outside had an extra ear on his forehead. "What are you looking at?" he asked menacingly.

"Your ear ..." I mumbled.

"That's the final front ear!" he replied. (I always wanted to tell that joke - final frontier!)

"We are from the planet QT," he said, then added, "take me to your leader!"

"My wife is not at home!" I said instinctively.

They looked at each other and one said, "these people are like us, they let women rule the planet!"

"Stupidity is sometimes an asset in the right circumstances," said the other alien from QT.

And then they vanished. 

What did they mean? Are women usually in control of every relationship? 


  1. ...all I can say Victor, is that you are ritizier that I am. Lobster thermidor has never landing on my plate.

    1. To me, happiness is getting home and finding some cheese in the mousetrap.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I hate to break it to you, Victor, but yes, women do rule - lol!
    Blessings, my friend, and be careful of that final front ear!

    1. Yes, it is true, Martha. Women do rule in every relationship. My wife told me to say so.

      God bless always.

  3. The final front ear, very clever Victor. :)

  4. Their observation about women ruling could just be a playful take on how many people find that women often play central roles in decision-making and leadership within their own lives and relationships. Women are strong.

    1. Yes, women can/do play a central role in many situations.

      God bless, Melody.

  5. It's not meant to be either/or, but both/and.

    1. How would the world be if all leaders were women?

      God bless, Mimi.

  6. Perhaps because they're gentlemen, they always let the lady go first. (And make a face behind her back?)
    Personally, I'm happy not to have to take the helm.

    1. It's the women who make the important decisions, surely!

      God bless, Mevely.

  7. 😊❤️
    —-Cheerful Monk



God bless you.