Saturday 24 August 2024

On being reasonable

Those people who know me, including you my readers I hope, would consider me to be a reasonable person.

Some years ago I was alone at home. The family had gone out to visit friends and were expected back at about nine in the evening. It was 7:00pm and I was getting ready to go out to a business meeting.

The door bell rang. It was the baby sitter. My wife had made arrangements for a baby sitter and forgot to cancel her when plans changed to visit friends. 

I explained to the baby sitter, (a friend of my wife),  that she was not needed. She said jokingly that she had been booked for the evening and expected to be paid. I took her seriously, and did not know that she baby-sat as a favour and was not paid by my wife. I was too busy to discuss details so I said this was unfair considering she would not in fact, and in law, be undertaking her task of baby sitting in the absence of such babies or children. 

She said, still jokingly, that in law a booking is a booking and that she expected payment, regardless of the fact that she was my wife's friend since school days. I was too preoccupied with my business meeting and I was in a hurry to leave, so I invited her to come in and baby-sit an empty house. 

She laughed and came in saying that our TV is better than hers because we have more channels, and that she hoped we had left her the usual box of doughnuts in the kitchen!

I left her in the house and went to my meeting. I got back at about 8:30pm rather tired and found the house empty. I thought she'd gone home so I made myself a large cup of whisky to help me relax.

Just after nine the family got back home. My wife went upstairs and found her best friend, the baby-sitter with no babies to sit, asleep in our bed. Apparently she felt unwell to drive back home and went upstairs for a lie down.

I had some explaining to do. So did the baby-sitter who thought it was fun to elaborate and make the story more sordid than it was. And as women often do; they ganged up against me. 

So much for me being reasonable!


  1. ...elaborate is an understatement.

  2. So much for being reasonable, indeed, Victor! Somehow, you got yourself into 'another fine mess,' and managed to get yourself out of it in the end.

    1. I know she was joking, but at the time my sense of humour level was at ZERO. I was too tired to see the funny side, if ever there was one!

      God bless you, Martha.

  3. Could only happen to you. :)

  4. After that box of doughnuts, little wonder she felt unwell! What to do but pour another cup of whisky......

    1. You're probably right about the doughnuts; but I did not appreciate her sense of humour.

      God bless always, Mevely.

  5. Oh My Goodness Victor: It would be hard to explain to a spouse, but still a bit of giggles to be had.


    1. True, the giggle at my expense.

      God bless you, Catherine.

  6. That ‘s quite a story. Unfortunately not all attempts at humor works.
    —-Cheerful Monk

    1. She thought it was funny; I didn't.

      God bless, Cheerful Monk.



God bless you.