Saturday 4 March 2023

Fear Motivation


Yesterday's post seems to have resonated with a number of readers. Please read it again to refresh your memory, specifically the comments made by my loyal readers.

The point being: Do we have Faith and Trust in God because we love Him, or do we do so because we fear going to hell?

When I was at school we were taught about hell and the devil; and we were taught that unless we love God we will go to hell. To some extent, it was teaching based on fear. Many a sermon on Sundays was based on this principle. Jesus mentions hell fire many times in the Gospels. He loved the people He taught, but He was honest too. He did not hide the truth, and not warn about the devil and his determination to lead us astray and away from God's eternal love.

But then as time went by, the lesson from the pulpit changed a little, and then some more. Priests started teaching more about God's love, and mercy and forgiveness, rather than the consequences of our disobedience. 

Of course God loves us and cares for us, and wishes that we spend eternity with Him in Heaven. But He is just and fair too. If we turn our backs on Him and resent Him He will not force us into Heaven. No one is in Heaven against their will. But many are in hell because they chose to be there by their self-will and behaviour.

One could wonder whether it was this change of message from the pulpit, this change of emphasis from the consequences of sin that led to today's situation where few believe or love God. We could debate this point for ever. The fact remains that in today's churches very rarely do we hear of the existence of the devil and the consequences of sin.

The devil has as much right to be mentioned in the priests' sermons as God does. You would not expect to drive on a dangerous road without seeing warning signs of steep hills, sharp corners and other road hazards. Why have such warnings been forgotten over time to soothe a modern society?  

And so we ask: What is Faith?

Often Jesus taught to have Faith in God and to trust Him. Faith is a conscious free choice made by us as a first step. And as we take that first step, through prayer, God will strengthen that Faith.

We need to respond to God's invitation to love us. And we do so through obedience, respect and by responding to His love for us. 

Not by sitting back and relaxing complacently in our bad behaviour and sin in the hope that He will forgive us anyway. Such an attitude paves the way as we sleep-walk willingly into hell.


  1. today, politicians use fear to control people.

    1. Fear can be an effective control method.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. "Yesterday's post seems to have resonated with a number of readers."

    Somehow I missed this. I will go over and look!

  3. The lack of emphasis on Satan and sin or the complete absence of any mention whatsoever in a number of today's churches is just what Satan wants. It paves the way for his rise to power before his defeat by our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    1. Indeed, Satan's greatest trick is to make people believe he does not exist. And by their silence the Churches are helping him.

      God bless, Anonymous.

  4. I'd be interested in hearing how God's words are taught in parochial school today.

    1. Yes, I wonder too. In Olden Days we used to have a priest visit our school to teach Religious Instructions. He read the Bible and explained it to us. He was gentle and said that if we love God we would not do anything to hurt Him.

      God bless, Bill.

  5. I'm with Bill! I wonder how young Catholic children are being taught these days.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Bill has a point. I don't know if they teach Christianity as I mentioned in my response to him.

      In the UK we still have Catholic schools, but I don't know whether they teach religion as they did in my days. I still remember how that visiting priest taught us the Bible. Once a week he celebrated Mass in our school chapel and the whole school attended.

      I remember a sermon he gave once at his church about contacting the spirit world and using Ouija boards. He explained gently that there is a spirit world around us consisting of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the souls of all the dead as well as angels and devils. He said that these spirits can be contacted but it is very dangerous to do so, especially if we make contact with an evil spirit intent on leading us astray from God.

      God bless, Martha.

  6. Thank you for fleshing out yesterday's post, Victor. I enjoyed reading it very much.

  7. A very wise Baptist minister once said, "I see in my congregation many people who claim to believe, and attend church on Sunday, then live the way they want the rest of the week and expect to get to Heaven 'by the skin of their teeth.' I'm afraid there are going to be a lot of toothless Baptists in hell!"

    1. Well said, Mimi. A lot of people simply do not understand this.

      God bless.



God bless you.