Tuesday 14 March 2023



You know ... every now and then I thumb through some of my books and ask myself, "Did I really write this?" Sometimes, I don't even remember writing some of the phrases or sayings in my stories.

I was reading my first book "Visions" the other day, and a sentence jumped out of the page and hit my conscience. "This world cannot know peace until it learns to forgive".

"Visions" was written back in 2007, (re-printed in 2016), yet today, the world is still short of peace.

Wherever you look, it seems there's someone withholding forgiveness.

Everyone in this world has someone they need to forgive. That's because we have all been hurt in one way or another. Yes ... including you and me. You have been hurt, and perhaps, deep inside your heart, there is someone you still need to forgive.

What's more, we have all hurt someone in our lives. And we too need forgiveness. Perhaps we never asked. Maybe we were, or still are, too proud to ask for forgiveness. Because we believe we were in the right, and the other person was wrong. So why should we be the ones asking for forgiveness?

You see ... we all need to forgive or be forgiven. No one is immune. Not even me.

I have been hurt really badly in the past, and every day I am reminded of it. Have I truly forgiven? I don't know. I know I've tried, but the memories keep flooding back. So does my forgiveness count?

Most surely I too am in need of forgiveness. But perhaps it is now too late to ask for it. Time has moved on but certainly not the pain.

For the world to know peace it needs to learn to forgive. And this starts with each one of us. One person at a time.

Let us look deeply in our hearts and see if there's someone we need to forgive. Even if we can't do it in person, let us truly forgive them in our heart by handing them over to the Lord. Let us pray for them. Right now. You cannot possibly dislike or hate someone you pray for.

If that person has passed away, then let us not dwell on the matter any more. They have now seen and understand the situation with the help of the Lord. They know what happened which led to the need for forgiveness all round. All we need do now is pray for them.

If we need forgiveness ourselves for what we have done, and can seek it from those we have hurt, then let us do so. Whether it is granted or not.

If circumstances prevent us from seeking forgiveness from those we have hurt, then let us seek it from the Lord.

By starting, one person at a time, maybe forgiveness will slowly create peace in this world, one person at a time.


  1. ...we don't need to forget, but forgiveness is important.

  2. Hi Victor, one thing that really helps regarding 'forgiveness' is not to keep a record of wrongs. None of us are perfect, and if we endeavour to love God and love one another then in Jesus we will have peace. God bless.

    1. I agree about not keeping a record of wrongs; but sometimes past wrongs stare you in the face in defiance.

      God bless, Brenda.

    2. God doesn't put them there.

  3. Thank you for your candor, Victor. I find forgiveness to be an elusive thing -- but with encouragement such as this, I'm trying.

    1. Yes Mevely, forgiveness is very elusive. We cannot forgive like Jesus simply because we are not Jesus. Past wrongs done to us are always there as a reminder of what has been done and no matter how much one tries to forgive the hurt and bitterness is still there. It cannot be magicked away and forgotten. The best remedy is to pray for the one who has hurt you. Now that's a challenge ... isn't it?

      God bless you always my friend.

  4. "This world cannot know peace until it learns to forgive". Amazing words and so profound! And so very true. It's so very sad that we find it hard to forgive when we have the greatest example of forgiveness in our Savior. Thank you! Cathy

    1. A lot of the wars and disputes in the world date back many years to things that were done by generations ago. They cannot be undone; but they can be forgiven. Unless we forgive on an international national and personal basis; then there will be no peace in this world.

      God bless, Cathy.

  5. Forgiving one person at a time is a wonderful way to begin. It does seem like a monumental task, but we have to start somewhere. Has there ever been a peaceful world?

    1. I doubt there's ever been a peaceful time in the world. Humanity holds a grudge.

      God bless, Bill.

  6. Reading this here today really helped me to understand some things that have been going on lately in my life and in my mind. Thank you, Victor!

    1. Thank you for this, Martha. I know that sometimes forgiving is not easy; especially when it still hurts ... prayers help though, even through gritted teeth, saying to God how we feel and why it hurts ... He will listen and will console.

      God bless you.

  7. I'm an old softie and really don't find it all that hard to forgive. Not on my own but with God's help. :)

  8. Dearest Victor,
    A very noble thought IF only the most cruel and power–sick people would adhere to this. Wars and such are often based on power lust—all through history.

    1. Not just wars, but on a personal basis, each individual always wants to be right; therefore everyone else is wrong.

      God bless, Mariette.

  9. Any time a hurt comes to mind, i have to stop and pray for that person. You're right, when you are praying for the person, you can't think badly of her/him. Someday, i hope, the hurt will be gone, until them, i choose to forgive and keep praying for the person.

    1. Yes, we all have a lot of praying to do. Thank you for that thought, Mimi. God bless you.

  10. "This world cannot know peace until it learns to forgive" and it is not always easy to forgive.

    All the best Jan

    1. I agree, Jan. It is not always easy to forgive; but we should try.

      God bless you.



God bless you.