Saturday 29 June 2024

Get me there on time


When I have to go somewhere I like to get there early. Preferably 24 hours early or a week even.

Today I had to go from my city to another big city to meet a marketing executive who said she can increase my book sales. The journey consists of a taxi from home to the railway station, a train ride lasting more that an hour and another taxi ride to her office at the other end.

I was keen to create a good impression and get there on time. The night before I prepared all my business papers, records of book sales, and other documents and even got dressed and wore my best tie and slept standing up by the front door ready for the pre-booked taxi. I had phoned the executive's secretary and suggested I come early and spend the night with her; but she said it would not be ethical. That is, to spend the night with the executive and/or her secretary.

At the railway station I was annoyed whilst waiting for the train with all the advice on the loudspeakers and on the electronic boards. Advice like:

The weather is very hot today. Make sure you carry some water with you to avoid dehydration which can affect your health.

Also ensure that you wear a hat or other head covering, especially if you are light-haired (presumably meaning bald as a coot).

If you loose a shoe, do not walk with just one shoe as this may cause you to unbalance and fall; or it would wear out the sock in the shoe-less foot. To avoid this please ensure you have another pair of shoes with you.

Why can't they just bring the train along and let's get moving?

On the train I got even more irritated by a man talking loudly on his cell-phone. These things should be banned in open-spaces. This is the one-sided conversation.

Thank you for looking after Daisy for me. How is she?

Is she? Oh dear ... she does sometimes bark and growl ... she gets upset when I'm not there.  

Have you fed her? Give her another biscuit ... she's still growling?

Try singing to her ... yes, singing ... it often quietens her down ...

Try Presley songs ... You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, Cryin' all the time, You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, Cryin' all the time, Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine.

Is she still barking? Do it in a Presley voice. Yes, you can Mary. Just try ... Old Shep ... Daisy likes this one ...

I thought this idiot would go through Presley's whole repertoire just to annoy me. I had a good mind to give him a piece of my mind but I could ill afford it. Besides, he might well bite my leg.

I eventually did get to see the marketing executive on time. She asked me why are my books so generously priced? I explained that the intention was not to make money but just to cover printing costs. She thought I was an idiot. She did not say it but implied it by her demeanour. She suggested I encourage my readers to write positive reviews of my books on AMAZON.


  1.'s important for me to be on time, but you have taken it to an extreme.

    1. I thought it was a polite suggestion to offer to stay with her the night before. I would have phoned in for a pizza to share.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Writing and marketing are two different animals, aren't they? Just as long doesn't turn into a dog that bites the hand that feeds it! Oh, and Danny and I are both insistent about arriving on time all the time.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Yes, marketing can be difficult and also so expensive. I believe it is polite to arrive on time for appointments and meetings.

      God bless, Martha.

  3. I've always been a "hurry up and wait" sort; if I'm "on time", I'm late. Warnings? Yes, they can be tiresome. We're not barely into Summer and every newscast has to remind viewers to hydrate. Medical appointments? They no longer count on us to remember to put something on the calendar arrive on time. In the same week, there comes 3 texts, 2 e-mails, and a partridge in a pear tree.

    It's interesting to see how marketing's evolving with the times.

    1. You are right about medical appointments Mevely. Why do we get so many texts and phone calls reminding us of an appointment with the doctor or nurse to check if we remember things? Am I expected to come back from a holiday abroad just for an appointment with the nurse or doctor? And why does the nurse starts the session by telling me three words to remember and repeat at the end of the session? If she can't remember three simple words, she should not be a nurse.

      God bless.

  4. Arriving on time is very important so you can wait. Doctors are famous for that.

    1. True, I do wish doctors arrive on time. The other day the doctor kept me waiting for at least an hour at the golf club. He said he had an emergency. What is more important than a tournament golf game? He should have been struck off the competition.

      God bless, Bill.

  5. I hate appointments, having to remember them, so I don't mind reminders. I do my best to stay healthy so doctors leave me alone.
    ---Cheerful Monk

    1. I agree with you, Cheerful Monk. As best we can, we do our best to stay healthy.

      God bless.



God bless you.