Thursday 11 October 2018

Death Wish

Dear friends,

I have some sad news to relate as well as being in need of some advice.

An acquaintance of mine has recently died. To call him a friend would be a bit of an exaggeration. He was in his late eighties and lived a few houses down the road. We used to be nodding acquaintances. That is, whenever we met in the street, we nodded at each other and said, "Good morning, Good evening, Hello, Good bye," and such like nonsense more out of politeness, on my part, rather than really wishing him or anyone else a good anything.

You see, normally I am a shy person and I do not partake in pointless conversation with complete strangers, even though they might live a few metres away from my house. If they see fit to nod and greet me in the street, I reciprocate and hope it never happens again.

Anyway, this fellow of whom I speak, died a few weeks ago and I did not know anything about it. I'll admit I had not seen him for some time and had assumed that he moved to another town where he was nodding greetings to someone else.

The first I heard of his demise was when I received a letter from a local firm of solicitors.  

I went to their offices as invited and sat there solemnly whilst an elderly dust covered lawyer read this deceased acquaintance's last will and testament.

To get straight to the point, this deceased octogenarian, with no doubt a pickled brain, did not have much to his name whilst alive, but what he had, he left it all to me.

Namely: His prized collection of Madagascar hissing cockroaches.

At first, I did not know what a Madagascar hissing cockroach was. The aged solicitor explained and said that the collection consisted of some thirty or so wonderful specimens.

In my naivety, I thought that I could take possession of these carcasses and then donate them to the local science museum, or some other entomological association. But when they arrived in their glass tank I became the proud owner of thirty-seven live hissing revolting creatures all running around their glass enclosure wondering who I am.

I will not describe the scene in our household when these uninvited guests arrived. Suffice it to say that relationships have been strained to breaking point. The delivery man was not interested in my dilemma. All he wanted was my signature and then he fled never to be seen again.

The tank was deposited in our entrance hall, on a table, where it still rests to this day. With their arrival was a note on how and when to feed them. Apparently, they eat fresh vegetables and dry dog food pellets.

And that's where I need your advice my friends. How can I get rid of thirty-seven live, uninvited, unwanted, unwelcome, bequeathed Madagascar hissing cockroaches?

Do you want any?


  1. Replies
    1. Hiss ... Hiss... Hiss ... That's all they do all day.

      God bless, Christine.

  2. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass.

    1. Are you sure Kathy? It's get one and have one free.

      God bless.

  3. No, but thank you for your kind offer.

    1. Why not, Chris? They are big, and brown, and friendly , and ...

      God bless.

  4. None for me, thank you very much, Victor. :) Good luck unloading them on someone else!

    1. I tried giving them to our local restaurant as a display. They turned me down. Don't know why?

      God bless you, Martha.

  5. Florida has any number of bugs that we have to deal with. I'm afraid you are stuck with your new pets!!

    1. I tried selling them to our pet shop. They wanted to do an exchange for a tank full of chirping crickets.

      God bless you, Terri.

  6. Donate them to a school and the kids can learn more about them.

  7. Matagascar or not … might I suggest Agent Orange? :)

    1. They are so lovely ... I think! Descendants from the two Noah had on his Ark.

      God bless you, Mevely.

  8. None for me thanks anyway. I'd let them go in woods and let them fend for themselves. I'm sure they would make a good meal for some birds.

    1. What a great idea, Happyone. Set them free and let nature take its course.

      God bless.



God bless you.