Thursday, 18 October 2018
Waiting ... Waiting ... Nothing !!!
Many of us often pray. Sometimes, our prayers are prayers of thanks to the Lord, but, if we're honest, more often than not we pray because we're asking God for something. We may be asking God to help us find a job, get a promotion at work, better health, a good and happy marriage or whatever else we consider to be our need, or indeed our entitlement. Yes, I repeat ... our entitlement. Because many of us believe we're entitled to things just because we consider ourselves to be good.
Life really isn't like that.
Many of us pray for something and in our heart we are really saying: "Come on God! You know I love you. I go to Church every now and then, and deep inside I am really good. Why don't you let me have ... (whatever we want at the time)". Sometimes we pray to God for someone else; and yet again He seems to be taking His time before answering.
As every parent knows, when children go on and on pestering for something or other eventually, because we love them, we may well give way and answer their demands.
In fact, Jesus reminds us of this when He mentions the widow who kept pestering the judge day in day out until eventually he gave way and gave her what she wanted. (Luke Chapter 18). In this parable Jesus teaches us not to be discouraged and to continue praying to God our Father for our needs.
What Jesus does not tell us, is for how long should we continue to pray and to ask before giving it all up as a lost cause. God is either not listening or He is too busy with someone else's demands.
So what happens when we pray and wait, and wait and nothing happens?
We pray for days, months, sometimes for years for something to happen to improve our lot and God does not seem to listen or answer. We don't know why. As far as we're concerned He is not answering; and to be quite honest, we are running out of patience.
What then? When we wait and wait and nothing happens?
Is it OK to get angry with God? To stamp our foot on the ground like a spoilt child and go into tantrums throwing our toys out of the pram in protest?
I believe it is OK to be angry with God. It will not get us very far; but it is still OK.
God can take our anger. He did after all take all our anger when hanging there on the Cross. So a bit of stamping on the ground won't hurt Him that much.
But like any loving parent He will consider our demands, and if it is good for us, He will in His time and in His way respond.
Remember that God can see not only our past but our future too, and sometimes what we're asking for is not exactly what we should have. What is good for us in the long run.
So what should we really do when our prayers are seemingly un-answered?
From experience, I believe we should continue praying and have patience. And then some more patience. We really need to trust God that He knows best. Even if trust itself is stretched to the point of disbelief, we should continue to trust Him. Through gritted teeth even. Continue to trust Him just as a child trust his parents without questioning.
Difficult? Sure it is. But not impossible. I have known people whose life and whose lot has changed from bad to worse over and again. But they never gave up. They continued to trust Him.
And that's the road to Sainthood.
Saints are sinners like you and me; but they never gave up trusting Him.

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Keep pounding on that door, believing if it is for our GOOD, He will answer. Interesting we both posted on prayer today!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, My Friend!
Yes indeed, Lulu, we should keep asking and hopefully ... ... ...
DeleteThat's the second time within a week we both seem to be thinking alike. What's going on here?
God bless you.
There have been occasions where I have thanked God for NOT giving me what I had asked for. Great post, Victor!
ReplyDeleteThat's true, Chris. With hindsight, I often realised why things turned out the way they did rather than what I prayed for.
DeleteGod bless you, friend.
Amen, and amen, again, Victor! Wow, did your post today dovetail with Lulu's - coincidence? I think not! What's that about great minds thinking alike?
ReplyDeleteYes, we must pray without ceasing, never giving up, always trusting that God hears and will act all in His good time.
Thank you, Martha, for your kind comments. I'm not sure I have a great mind; but I sometimes can hear the hamsters playing on their wheel in my brain.
DeleteThat's the second coincidence this week with Lulu. The first one was in response to your e-mail.
God bless you, Martha.
Trust the process and if it's meant to be it will come to you. Everything takes time and so does having your prayers answered. It may not be exactly how you thought it would unfold but it works if it is meant to be.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your evening, Victor
Yes, Bill, prayers are often answered as we do not expect.
DeleteHave a wonderful evening my friend.
Were you in our Bible study this morning? This is exactly what our session was about. Prayer. Being angry with God. How to pray. What to pray for... and that we need to accept how God answers! Where were you hiding?
ReplyDeleteI have been told I have big ears, Terri.
DeletePrayers can sometimes seem frustrating when we feel that there's no one listening. But the fact that we keep praying shows that we have faith. We believe we're being heard. Otherwise, we would just stop praying.
God bless you.
I pray each morning when I am walking. First I always thank God for my many blessings. Some times I've prayed for something and I'm glad I didn't get what I prayed for because God had something better in store for me. We can only see one side while God sees the whole picture. We must learn to just trust Him. : )
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
That's the main thing, Happyone, and perhaps the most difficult - we have to learn to trust Him. Difficult as it might be.
DeleteGod bless you.
Thanks for today's inspiring words Victor.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kindness, Christine.
DeleteGod bless.
Another thought-provoking post, Victor! I'll most likely never quit saying, "Please" but I'm trying to significantly increase my daily "Thank you's."
ReplyDeleteThat's one thing we forget, Mevely; to say thank you for the many things God does for us without us even knowing about it.
DeleteGod bless you my friend.
Interesting to read your post and the comments too.
ReplyDeleteI have sometimes found that prayers are not always answered, and sometimes not as we would expect them to be, however, more often than not it works out for the best.
Wishing you a good weekend ahead.
All the best Jan
Indeed you are right, Jan. Sometimes prayers are not answered, but I believe they are listened to. As a parent, sometimes it is not right to give a child what he asks, or it is not the right time to give him what he asks for. I believe it is the same with God. There are times when what we ask is not necessarily what we should have. Sometimes, as you say, prayers are answered not as we expect.
DeleteGod bless you and yours.
Everything happens in God's time. Things go much better when we remember that.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, Kathy.
DeleteGod bless you.