Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Thank God For Experts

What fortunate times we live in these days. In Olden Tymes life was black and white. Something either was or it wasn't. There was no 57 varieties of grey, (or is it 50?). Life was not so multi-coloured as it is now.

Today, there are many aspects to every situation; and more besides you have not even thought of.

If there is a political story breaking on the news, we are fortunate enough to have an expert on the subject on TV to explain it all and tell us how it could be resolved.

If there's a medical epidemic somewhere or other that spells gloom and doom for us all, there's an expert to explain how it could be controlled or averted. And why it happened in the first place.

If there's an economic crisis with banks in difficulties and businesses closing down, there's an expert explaining the whys and wherefores and the whos to blame for it.

If the weather is too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry, an expert will explain that it is all your fault for not re-cycling that plastic bottle or plastic bag which you should have eaten instead of throwing away.

There are experts everywhere on every subject these days. One can't break wind without an expert explaining how it contributes to climate change.

Did you know that according to Chaos Theory, (created by an expert no doubt), the butterfly effect is an assumption that if a butterfly somewhere far away flutters its wings then the air turbulence it creates, no matter how small, will move a little more air, and that little air will in turn move more air, and more and more that eventually, several weeks later, a hurricane will develop somewhere else far away. Can you imagine that? A flap of a butterfly’s wings creates a hurricane weeks later?

Armed with this information from an expert on TV, I know kill every butterfly in sight. Imagine how many hurricanes and tsunamis I have prevented single-handedly.

Experts are everywhere on every subject you can think of. Especially with the Internet so easily at hand. You can now self-diagnose, probably wrongly, on every ailment you may or may not have.

If you have a pimple on your backside just Google it and an expert on the subject will tell you all about it.

The other day I read an article by an expert on how to weld metal plates together to make a ship. It was quite riveting I tell you.

I read another article by another expert explaining that at the time of Jane Austen all the ladies wore those wide and long flowing dresses to cover their bow legs. I did not know that. Did you? Well, now you know! In fact, Shakespeare wrote about it when he said, "What manner of a man is this, who walks in parenthesis?" 

So there you have it. There are experts everywhere on every subject you can think of.

Which leads me to ask, "With all these experts why is the world in such a terrible state?"

Maybe I need an expert to explain it to me.


  1. Collateral damage, those butterflies? No doubt it's a hard job, but someone has to do it. (JK!)
    Too many experts these days, too few listeners.

    1. Exactly Mevely. Too many experts these days. On global warming, on weather getting colder, on politics, economics and every thing else. TV is full of experts here in the UK. Also, the other problem is peoples attitudes. It seems to be: "I am right. Therefore everyone else is wrong!" There is no room for discussion or disagreement. If you don't agree with their views your a heretic".

      God bless you, Mevely.

  2. Where would we be without them:) You've made a great case for staying away from the TV, Victor.

    1. I agree Chris. The only good thing on TV these days is the dust on the screen. (When I said that my wife got angry).

      Got bless you.

  3. And are the "experts" actually expert at all? I often wonder that, Victor, when listening to some TV or radio commentator. What are their credentials? Who died and put them in charge? Yes, I'm skeptical, but maybe that's wise. Because, as you said, if we have so many experts, why is the world a mess?

    1. Very good point, Martha. Often on British TV, they are described as "Political Commentator", "Public Relations Consultant", "TV Broadcaster" and "Writer".

      What do these titles mean? I have written a book or two; does that entitle me to go on TV and talk utter nonsense? ("You do already!" "Who said that?").

      The other day a woman expert was introduced on TV as "Life-style Advisor". Well, I am a life-style advisor too. I advised her to go boil her head!

      God bless you, Martha. Keep smiling. (That's a life-style advice from me).

  4. Where would we be without these experts? I tell you, life is better now that the experts are here to help us.

    1. Yes indeed. I am now no longer confused about anything any more.

      God bless, Susan.

  5. People don't like experts telling them what they think. Of course, the people say they know more than some two-bit expert. What's wrong with the world, people don't listen or hear. They think they have the answers and of course they haven't a clue, too involved with their egos.

    1. There are too many egos these days, Bill. That's the real problem.

      God bless.

  6. I wonder what certifies one as an expert. What certification do they have?

    1. Actually Cathy, you can now print your own certificate on a good laser printer. How else do you think I became an expert?

      God bless you.

  7. Maybe i went into the wrong business, being a janitor, maybe i needed to become an expert.

    1. That's right, Mimi. Become an expert. Print your own certificate like I have done. I am now an expert on the Life and Times of Victor Moubarak.

      God bless you.

  8. Too many experts and some saying the exact opposite of each other. I think we all could do with a good dose of common sense! : )

    1. Common sense? What's that? It is not as common as we would think.

      God bless you, Happyone.

  9. Thank God that He is our guide and He gives us wisdom and discernment when we ask. Everyone else surely pales in comparison. don't they ...

  10. If you stomped on those butterflies, did you start some earthquakes?

  11. "With all these experts why is the world in such a terrible state?"

    Now that is a very good question Victor.

    The worrying thing is the world seems to be getting itself into a worse state almost daily!

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes Jan, it is worrying. Not only is the world getting worse but there is a lot of miss-information too. It's like a Tower of Babel. Too many people talking and no one listening.

      God bless.



God bless you.