Monday 15 April 2024

Bitten by bugs


Like many people, I am not immune from worries, concerns, doubts and some fears as to what may happen next.

The world is full of conflict at present. Global conflict amongst many peoples, conflict closer to home in one's own country, town or city, or even in one's family.

How many people have had a disagreement or serious falling out with another member of the family and as a result both vowed not to speak or see each other again. In doing so, not only have they built a great chasm between them preventing forgiveness and reconciliation, but they have also denied a future generation, their own children, from growing up knowing their cousins, uncles, aunts and other members of their families.

By taking entrenched positions that they are right, and the other person is wrong, they have sentenced their own offspring to a different life of not knowing their own extended family; and they have denied the older generation the joy and pleasure of seeing grand-children, nephews and nieces growing up.

What chance has the world to know peace if we can't keep the peace amongst our own families.

When conflict is great in the world we should recognise it for what it is. The continuous challenge of the devil against the Kingdom of God. It is by sowing conflict, fears and doubts that he surely draws us away from the path to eternal Heaven.

We make Satan's work easy for him by maintaining our point of view that we were right in our  disagreements with others. We do this without analysing how important the matter is compared to an eternity in hell.

Truly, the world will never know peace until it learns to forgive.

If we are to dispel our worries, fears and doubts about the future, let us start by making peace with God and each other.


  1. ...I try to have worries and concerns about things that I have control of. Since that is a very small group of things, I don't worry all that much.

  2. That was an important message, thanks for sharing!

    There's a person I blocked from my phone, and have refused to communicate with anymore, due to his negative words of poison he seemed to enjoy planting in my head. It was always about, the what ifs. He would continually be telling my wife and I, what will you do, if this was to happen. Some people will never change, I believe he's one of them.

    There is some poison one has to stay away from, for their own wellbeing.

    1. You are right, Lon. There are some people we have to avoid. It is our responsibility and duty to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the harm others can do to us.

      I receive many insults because of my Christian writings.

      God bless.

  3. Thank-you for an amazing post Victor: It is a problem in many families, I have a brother that does not want to be part of the family sad so very sad, I still love him with all my heart, if people took just 5 seconds to be kind the world would not be is such turmoil.

    Happy Spring

    1. Pray for your brother, Catherine. I am praying for him right now, and for you and your whole family.

      God bless you all.

  4. You may not like everyone in your family, but you can certainly love them as Jesus has commanded us. And under no circumstances should we divide and alienate members in our group of relatives. Come to think of it, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ when He becomes Lord of our lives. May we live accordingly!
    Thanks for this inspiration today, Victor! Blessings!

    1. There are times, Martha, when families do break up and siblings do not talk to each other, or parents break up with their children. Let us pray for many such cases.

      God bless you and yours.

  5. Great advice! Until recently, I never realized the depth of animosity my granddaughters have for one another. In fact, the younger (Chloe) is terrified her sister will show up at her wedding later this year -- we're all sworn to silence. I wonder if either girl realizes how badly they're hurting their parents. I'd like to send this post to Sarah; but unfortunately, for reasons unknown to anyone but herself, she's also estranged herself from me.

    1. I am so very sorry to hear of your sad story about your granddaughters, Mevely. I am praying for them and for this situation right now. And also for their parents. Please, if you can, send them a message of reconciliation; through another relative if not directly from you. Let them know that, no matter the origin of their disagreement, it really is not that important in the sum of things. It really rarely is that important to break up a relationship permanently. Especially since it is causing so much hurt to many.

      God bless you. Your all in my prayers.

  6. Great post Victor with an important message.
    I do like your words ...
    'Truly, the world will never know peace until it learns to forgive.'

    Wishing you a peaceful and as stress free week ahead as possible.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan. Life can often be very difficult, but we need to have hope and faith to go on.

      Best wishes to you and yours. God bless.

  7. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about a family member who won't talk to you except pray.

    1. Yes, and I join you in prayers, Happyone.

      God bless always.

  8. So Beautifully said.

    On a spiritual retreat that I attended... We were told to think about this. If we were only allowed to speak just ONE word...what would my word be.
    The first word I thought about was the word Peace!
    What a wonderful world this would be if this was PEACE between family members. Peace between neighbors, Peace between countries... So I pray for PEACE (Love, and Understanding.

    1. Thank you for visiting us here Jill. Much appreciated. Please call again soon and often; and invite your friends.

      Indeed, peace starts with us, as individuals. Are we at peace with God? If not, how can we possibly be at peace with ourselves and with others?

      I join you in prayers for peace. God bless you.

  9. thecontemplativecat here. I have a sister who refused to talk with me for a year. I had come to visit Mom after having bronchitis the month before. She has COPD and I understand her concerns, but i was to. It was resolved, but it damaged our relationship.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about the disagreement you had with your sister and Mom, Susan. I can understand that issues such as these can cause concerns all round. The important thing is that the issue was resolved; amicably I hope.

      I pray for good health to you all and God bless.

  10. Brilliant points. I know people who have declared war on family members, and it always causes more heartache and hurt and it just doesn't stop.

    1. Yes, more heartache and pain for the next generation too.

      God bless, Mimi.

  11. This is a lovely post Victor, I agree with all you have said here. If we have hatred in our minds for someone it is us who will suffer, not the one we are hating. What we need in our minds are peace and love, and we can achieve this by praying for those who despitefully use us, ornate us. God bless.

  12. Should have written 'or hate us'.

    1. It saddens me, Brenda, how much disagreement, and even hatred, there is in the world today. Between people, families, neighbours and nations. People are angry. There's too much anger these days; more than ever before.

      God bless you and your family.



God bless you.