Sunday 14 April 2024



Scars are a reminder to forgive again. 

Look people, we all have scars. We may try hiding them with a piece of Elastoplast plaster, or with mascara make-up paint that hide blemishes on our skin, or by wearing long sleeved shirts and blouses; but the scars are still there and will always remain there.

Especially those scars on our minds that remind us of hurts done to us in the past and the pain keeps re-ocurring with every reminder. They will also always be there. We may hide them with different camouflage, like humour, or shrugging of the shoulder and pretending all is well, or by convincing ourselves and others that we have moved on and its all behind us. 

But who are we kidding? The scars are still there and if we're not careful they'll affect our life, our progress and our future.

We must deal with our scars.

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you might have life--life in all its fullness." John 10:10  

He did not say that we should restrain life with scars, regrets and self-admonition.

When we let our scars hold us back we are doing Christ a disservice and insulting the great sacrifice He endured for us on the Cross.

He has scars too on His hands, feet and side. When He sees them He asks His Father to forgive once again.

We too, should use our scars as an opportunity to forgive once again and move on in God's grace and love.


  1. ...forgiveness can be difficult, but necessary.

  2. How this hits home! From the first paragraph, I felt you'd read my Life's Story.
    Every scar tells a story -- and I've many, both physical and those nestled in my mind. Thank you for writing this.

    1. I am praying for you, Mevely. We all have scars, some deeper than others and often still hurt. They are a reminder of our past and what was done to us; but also a reminder of the scars Jesus received in His Crucifixion and still receives now when many deny Him. Let our scars be prayers to God in Heaven.

      God bless you my friend.

  3. Amen, Victor! Your wise words here remind me that we all have scars in life or have left scars on others we have known. All are painful and stop our progress as Christians unless we stop, see the scars that Jesus took for us, repent, and ask for His forgiveness. He understands like no other.

    1. Good point, Martha. Over the years we must have left scars on other people. Perhaps not realising so.

      God bless.

  4. There are some scars I find hard to forgive, especially the ones that have been placed way down deep inside me!

    1. It's nice to see you here Lon. Thank you. Call again soon and often.

      Yes, some of our scars are deep down and have not healed, and they still hurt. St Paul said he had a thorn in the side that would not go away. We don't know whether it was a physical or emotional pain. But one thing's for sure; God knows it's there and He hurts with us every time we grieve.

      God bless you.

  5. Good message! I find that it is sometimes a daily process. No-one goes through life without some scars, some more painful than others.

    1. So happy to see you here again Irish Cherokee. Thank you.

      Indeed, forgiveness is a daily process. I suggest we pray for those who have hurt us. Ask God to bless them and forgive them. I can't possibly hate someone I am praying for.

      God bless always.

  6. You're right, a scar can be a catalyst to pray for the person who caused it and forgive.

  7. hello ,here from Sandi's place
    i found your place great with deep message .
    i agree that faith is other side of the coin ,faith without action accordingly is meaningless as said by God ! and as wee realize if our words don't match to what we do .this is sad

    1. Nice to see you here Bailie. Call again soon.

      Faith should be with action to be like Jesus. God bless.



God bless you.