Monday 8 November 2021

A Good Read About You


As an author of the odd book or two, I have often wondered ... what if I am not real? What if I am a character in my own books, or a character in someone else's book? A book which is read by a school of fish?

What if this book were to win the Lobster Award? What would that be like? Would a lobster present the Award?

And what if in this book, within which I am a character, I have to play tennis at Wimbledon, or the US Tennis Open championship against an octopus? He would surely win because he has eight rackets against my one!

And being a character in a book I have no control on what I say or do; or who I meet, and who else is in the book. It's up to the author's imagination and writing skills. And indeed it is in keeping with the period of time he is writing the book in which I feature as a character. He could be writing in Chaucer's time, or Shakespeare's, or at a time so old that the letters on his type-writer are in Latin.

As a character in a book I could meet other characters; like Vaughn Veneer the Second, for instance. Vaughn could be married to twice-married Henrietta Knobbly-Knees and he could have a step-son called Ivor Ladder.

Vaughn could be an inept lazy rich person who inherited a fortune from his father a trader in second-hand shoes who started at the bottom and worked his way down. Vaughn is so lazy that if he fainted he would require help to fall to the ground. His staff would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity.

In this imaginary book, Vaughn once said to me that he's so laid back and lazy that he would rather have a quiet meal in a restaurant with his wife than make love to her. The last time he made love to her they were thrown out of the restaurant.

Once Vaughn had to make an after-dinner speech to his staff. His colleagues encouraged him to tell a few jokes about sex and even offered to write the speech for him.

On the evening in question, he delivered the speech as written by his colleagues. 

When he went home, his wife asked him what he spoke about. He mumbled, "Oh ... nothing much ... boating and sailing ... that sort of thing!"

A few days later I met his wife at the supermarket. In order to make conversation I said that the speech was well received the other night.

She said, "That's strange, considering he only tried it twice. The first time he was sea-sick and the second time his hat blew off!"

Don't blame me if this joke is a little risqué. I'm only a character in this book, remember?

Have you ever wondered if you are a character in someone's book, being read by a giraffe, or a bookworm maybe? 


  1. ...Victor, you are a character!

    1. I may be a character; but in which book?

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I've never thought about being in a book, but I HAVE pondered being a cameo actor character in a movie.

    1. That would be nice also, Kathy. A walk-in part in a famous movie.

      God bless.

  3. "Require help to fall to the ground." Hahahaha!
    Funny story-lines aside, I like to think we're all characters in God's Book of Life. ('Just haven't decided if mine's a comedy or a tragedy.)

    1. Hopefully, our role in God's Book of Life would have a happy ending. Even if our life's been a comedy.

      God bless you, Mevely.

  4. You're quite the character in the book of life, Victor. :-)

  5. I sure like what Myra offered here, Victor. Aren't we all characters in God's ongoing story? Did enjoy the laughs today, my friend.

    1. Indeed we are characters all created by God. What a story to tell others.

      God bless you, Martha.

  6. No I can honestly say I never thought I was a character in a book. :) Like what others said about being a character in God's book.

    1. We are all characters, I guess.

      God bless, Happyone.

  7. I agree with Burke! However I have said it before, You are certifiable. But I did try to picture the Octopus and 8 rackets.....
    Sherry says I am a character! Just sayin...
    Sherry & Jack overnighting in Georgia (USA)

    1. That octopus was really fast with 8 rackets. Each one of us is a different character, Jack ... all interesting.

      All the best from us here to you. God bless you and Sherry always.

  8. But you are in a book. Several books actually. We all are. Every book ever written that contains the phrase "all mankind" include you. And me. And everyone else. We just aren't known by our names, since that would lead to too many extra pages.

    1. That's an interesting thought, River. You are right I suppose.

      God bless.

  9. Dearest Victor,
    Your book about Murder In The Monastery, that I read yesterday while no Internet, was far better than the above!!!
    Kudos to you and when I'm all caught up on line, you get a review...

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Murder in the Monastery, Mariette. Thank you so much for your kind reviews on AMAZON. I appreciate your support.

      God bless always.

    2. Just left you a review, hope it goes through... We biked some 24 km and now there is tea with rice cake and mixed, unsalted nuts.



God bless you.