Monday 15 November 2021

No Politics ...


This is not a political Blog. It is a Christian Blog with a bit of humour every now and then.

I rarely/never discuss politics here or on any Blogs I do visit. 

I remember once being approached by a politician in the street. He asked me, "Do you believe in free speech?"

I said, "Yes, of course!"

He then asked if he could borrow my cell-phone to make a call.

There is a trend these days where certain subjects or topics, however general in nature, and should be no more than differences in opinion, suddenly take on a political flavour. Everyone becomes an expert. People take sides and are soon entrenched in their views. Before you know it you have doctrines and dogmas pronounced by all and sundry to further their argument.

At a funeral I attended recently in a church for an individual who was a devout Christian, a member of his family approached the lectern to deliver a few words, and said, "I thank the Universe for giving us (name) and the life he led!"

Also, even more recently, reading one of the many Blogs I visit, someone commented, "I pray to the Universe that you will get better soon."

Now I don't know whether this is yet another new modern trend which has escaped my notice, but thanking or praying to the Universe is a new one on me.

As I recall from my science lessons, the Universe is a term used to describe "all existing matter and space considered as a whole". 

So basically it is a collection planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time if you wish to include it and all. And also my fridge and the cats that visit our garden and the deposits they leave behind. They are all part of the Universe.

Additionally, I seem to recall from my youth a local cinema called The Universe.

So I ask myself, what is the level of intelligence required to thank the Universe for the existence of that dear departed person whom I knew and loved so much? Or to pray to the Universe for someone's healing? What has the Universe, or an old cinema, to do with it?

Is it perhaps that these individuals are so sure that God does not exist that they seek solace in addressing something they consider greater than themselves?

Why not thank and pray to a tree instead? That's bigger and mightier than them. Or an amoeba. It is certainly more intelligent.

It seems to me there's a modern fashion which is to go out of your way and publicly deny the existence of one's Creator as a living Deity.

Personally, I think God loves stupid people, seeing He created so many of them.

And I thank Him for it.


  1. ...politics is a big part of life and a HUGE part of my life.

  2. Dearest Victor,
    Those people are mentally LOST and have been quite successfully been brainwashed into using such stupid language. Colleges and universities are a major breeding ground for anti-belief in God!
    So, several people think they act 'cool' by adopting such language! No, they make a big fool out of themself.
    God must be very patient as he almost gets a daily headache by watching his lost sheep...

    1. Yes, you are so right, Mariette. A new way of thinking no doubt encouraged in schools, colleges and such like. TV also and social media.

      They'll be handing out University Degrees in Stupidity next.

      God must be so sad at watching all this.

      God bless.

  3. I must say the graphic is a classic, love it. And yes God loves us all, even those who are obviously stupid, in which class I fall into every once in awhile, BUT I do draw the line concerning to whom I pray. It never occurred to ask the Universe for salvation or for my next meal. ;-)
    Sherry & jack still digging....

    1. I must admit I was very surprised when I heard this at the funeral of a dear man. It upset me. Not only was it an insult to God to "thank the Universe" in God's church; it was also an insult to the deceased who was a well-known devout Christian.

      I put it down to sheer ignorance on the part of the person who said such a stupid thing.

      God bless you, Jack and Sherry. Take care.

  4. Praying to God the Father, in Jesus' name, by the Spirit's grace.

    There's no place else I'd rather be ...

  5. I know that people who are recovering in Twelve Step programs need to rely on a Higher Power, which they may or may not call God.

    1. Do they accept this Higher Power as an omnipotent living loving God? Or do they pray to Saturn or Mars or some other planet?

      God bless, Kathy.

  6. Having attended a Unity church for several years, I fell into the habit of saying,'the Universe' -- but never in place of God. For instance, "Oh, don't put that (thought) out in the Universe!" - spoken in jest.

    1. Yes, I understand what you mean, Mevely. In the case I mention, the individual was actually thanking the Universe for the existence of the deceased. It was almost meant to accentuate the fact that there is no God as such - we are all a product of the Universe. Part of the Big Bang, or whatever it is they believe started it all.

      The world is breeding a generation of amoeba brains!

      God bless you, Mevely.

    2. Of course there was a Big Bang, when God clapped his hands at the thought of creating something new.

  7. That sounds bizarre, I never heard of that. I wonder what makes people think that way.

    1. Bill, the world is full of bizarre people. It is a new way of thinking and it is very contagious. If repeated often enough, especially on social media, people begin to believe it in order to become trendy.

      There is no God - we are all a product of the Universe. (Whatever that is).

      It's very sad and dangerous thinking.

      God bless you, my friend.

  8. Good post. It may be that various forms of pantheism are becoming more popular.

    1. Sadly, you may be right. The notion that there is no God is becoming ever more popular.

      No wonder the world is in such a state.

      God bless.

  9. Maybe it is more comfortable to think of God in these terms, distant, all powerful, yet giving. If He is personal and close, He may have something to say to us.

    1. At the end of the day, every person needs to decide for themselves: Is there a living omnipotent God, or not?

      Distance has nothing to do with it; but if such exists, it is us, on an individual basis, who distance ourselves from Him.

      God bless, Sandi.

  10. That's a new one for me - praying to the universe instead of the God who created the universe!!

    1. Yes, it was new to me too when I first witnessed it at the funeral; and now more recently on social media.

      God bless, Happyone.

  11. Since God created the universe, why are people mixing the two up? Maybe people feel vulnerable saying "God",

    1. Not so much a question of vulnerability; but an act of defiance to pronounce publicly that God does not exist.

      God bless you, Susan.

  12. Your last lines were perfect. People, i believe, would rather pray to an impersonal Universe than a personal G-d because the Universe doesn't require them to be holy, change wrong behavior, or do anything they don't want to do.

  13. perhaps because God is everywhere at once, they consider him to be universal?

    1. Mostly, people who pray/thank the Universe do not believe in God anyway.

      God bless, River.



God bless you.