Tuesday 16 November 2021

Various facts and other things


Amazing the things you learn every day. I was reading a book recently entitled "100 Things You Did Not Know And It Did Not Matter Anyway".

It is full of useless facts that most probably do not apply to you, or if they did, you would be panicking about them at the time to bother to remember the remedy or action required to deal with the situation.

For example:

Did you know that if you are stung by a jellyfish in the foot or leg the best remedy is to wee on it? I'll admit, it is not always possible to run to the nearest toilet and put your foot in the urinal or toilet bowl; but apparently it is the best remedy. The alternative, it said in the book, is to get someone to stand next to you and wee on your leg. It should be a human of either sex, but not a dog.

Also, did you know that if you are bitten by a shark the best remedy is to wee on it? The bite, not the shark. It takes all the sting away from it.

And if you are bitten by a snake or a scorpion, you pour tomato ketchup in the wound to simulate blood and get someone to suck the poison out just like they do in films. 

Another solution is to ring for an ambulance if you can get a good reception on your cell-phone in the middle of a desert or forest. 

Also, did you know you are more likely to be injured or killed by an attacking hippopotamus than being bitten by a shark. That's because there are no sharks in the jungle. Unless you took one in your suitcase.

Did you know that Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats? They have to fall backwards. If they fell forwards, they'd still be in the boat.

Another important fact, did you know that the most famous phrase in French is "La plume de ma tante"? It is in all the books that teach French. If you're ever in France and want to ask for directions just say it and they'll understand you.

Learning French is useful. One year I went to France on holiday and saw an old lady in  Montmartre in Paris sitting on the side-walk knitting. She had a jar of marmalade beside her. She looked at me and said, “Voulez vous crochet avec moi? Ce soir!”

And another thing, did you know that snails remember more than elephants? They say elephants never forget. That is not true. I have never received a birthday card from an elephant.

Snails are different. I once found a snail on my doorstep. In order to save him from being trodden on and killed I picked him up and threw him in a bush. A week later he returned and rang my door bell. When I opened he said, "What's the big idea throwing me in a bush?" 

 Did you know that if a snail climbed up your leg it would take three days before you're surprised?

Did you also know that in some Northern European countries where it is very cold people enjoy a swim in the sea followed by a hot sauna? They sit naked together, men and women, in wooden cabins with a hot fire burning and steam everywhere discussing politics. It is their way of airing their differences.

Another interesting fact, tortoises can be dangerous and can kill people. The ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus was killed by a tortoise. It was dropped by an eagle which feeds on tortoises. The eagle had mistaken the man's bald head for a rock suitable for shattering the shell of the reptile. Ironically, Aeschylus had been staying outdoors to avoid a prophecy that he would be killed by a falling object.

Did you know that flamingoes stand on one leg because if they were to lift it up they would fall? Also, in some zoos they put mirrors in the flamingoes' enclosure. This is because flamingoes do not breed unless there's a certain number in the flock. The mirrors make them think there's more of them than there really is so they get together and breed.

Also, fish do not yawn because water would get into their lungs. 

When Edison invented the light bulb a little lit candle appeared above his head because light bulbs did not exist until then.

Scientists have discovered that it is too dangerous to read between the lines, especially if you are standing in a railway station at the time.

Do you realise that if you had a small bird in a cage and as you happen to weigh the cage if the bird jumped up from its perch then its weight would not register on the scale? Also, if you were to weigh the cage under water the small bird would drown?


  1. ...NOPE, these are things that never hit my radar screen.

    1. You never know ... one day they might.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I think this is a book of bad advice! 😂

    1. Generally advice in case you go on a quiz shows
      on TV and they ask these questions.

      God bless, Sandi.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    Some very silly things...
    And why would you ask for your aunts pen in French?
    Crocheting is by far not the same as knitting...

    1. Because my aunt is French, if I ask in another language she would not get a pen.

      The old lady in Monmartre did not know the French word "tricot"; she thought it is pronounced "crochet"; like in the song.

      God bless, Mariette.

  4. I have never given these a thought but I guess that's ok. :-)

    1. Knowledge is not important until it is needed. I'll remember that next time I meet a shark and a hippo in the forest, or in my local park.

      God bless, Bill.

  5. So many interesting facts that I'v never even given a thought too. :)

    1. I do a lot of research to help my readers with interesting facts, Happyone.

      God bless always.

  6. The best image was of Edison and the lit candle over his head. Wish I had thought of that!

    1. So glad you liked it, JoeH. It's good to see you visiting here again. Thanx.

      God bless.

  7. No, can't say that I did! Clever first-aid tips - perhaps I should see about having this minimized and laminated 'in case of emergency.'

    1. I'm pleased you found my information useful, Mevely. It's very handy to have each item printed and laminated for easy use when needed. I think I'll do just that.

      God bless you and yours.

  8. "My aunt's feather" WHAT? Yeah I had one year French, but still had to look it up! LOL Okay I like them all, fun read. Some of it methinks is not true, just saying about the snail and bush thing.
    Liked the Elephant's memory.
    Take care and try to be good.
    Sherry & jack finally dug out of the sand.

    1. So happy you enjoyed today's offering, Jack. The snail story is true. It was told to me by a tortoise I met in the park.

      Time to relax from digging in the sand. Wishing you well.

      God bless, Jack and Sherry.

  9. If you get stung by a jellyfish, i suggest using vinegar instead. It works better, and because it's in a jar or bottle it's easier to pour it on the sting than your own wee.

    1. Never knew about the vinegar, Mimi. Is it just vinegar or do I have to use the salad as well?

      God bless.

  10. I'm not sure if I learned anything here or not. I'll say Not because I will forget it all in just a few minutes.

    1. Some of these facts can be very useful at parties to amaze friends and gain new ones.

      God bless, River.



God bless you.