Wednesday 22 February 2023

The Wisdom Tree


I sat in the garden admiring the wisdom tree ... and I wondered ...

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to see it, does it remain upright?

What is the difference between a wood and a forest? What is the limit of trees beyond which a wood becomes a forest? 50? 100? Or more?

And what is a jungle? Is it bigger or smaller than a forest?

And if Tarzan lived in the jungle, how come he is always clean-shaven?

What time do you have to get up in the morning to go to the forest before the trees get there?

At this point in my wondering, a bird flew by and rested on the wisdom tree. 

For some reason this made me think of humming birds. Why do they hum, I wondered. Is it because they do not know the words to the songs? 

Did you know that there are as many as 361 species of humming birds? That's enough to make a choir. Can you imagine? A church choir of humming birds not knowing the lyrics and humming instead. I bet they'd sound better than some choirs I've heard! 

I think I'll suffer in silence ... just like God does I suppose.

Years ago there was a song by The Tremeloes which said: Silence is golden, but my eyes can see.

I'm not sure that's always true is it? What if someone is about to sit on a cactus ... or worse ... on a pizza.

The song was about knowing that someone was cheating on a partner. Do you talk or not? What would you do?

Yes ... what would you do? If you knew, not suspected, but knew ... would you tell your friend? Or would you tell a relative that they are being cheated?

I asked the wisdom tree. It did not reply. And the bird flew away.


  1. How very quantumly physical of you, Victor.
    Can choose your own reality? You can choose what questions you ask, but the answers are given by the world. And even in a relational world, when two observers communicate, their realities are entangled. In this way a shared reality can emerge.
    Which means that if we both witness the same tree falling and you say you can't see it, you might just have your eyes closed.
    If a butterfly flaps its wings in London will it cause a tornado in Toronto? The "butterfly effect," is the concept that small events can have large, widespread consequences.
    Then there's Schrödinger's cat.
    Oh, my! So much food for thought.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      Thank you for your comment. I have tried but never quite understood quantum physics and other realities/parallel universe. I've enough trouble understanding my wife, or any woman for that matter, so what chance have I to understand quantum physics.

      I remember studying the Chaos Theory butterfly effect at school many years ago. In fact I did witness it in reality and wrote about it four years ago here:

      Also, about parallel universe and SpaceTime here:

      As for Schrödinger's cat, I wrote about MY cat here:

      And I am still no wiser.

      God bless.

  2. ...tree are wiser than some people.

    1. That is true. They know when to shed their leaves in autumn so we have time to collect and burn them before winter sets in.

      God bless, Tom.

  3. Nice and love the photo -christine

  4. Great questions, Victor! I love the thought of a hummingbird choir ... but now I've the Tremeloes playing in my head. (Back when music was music, but I digress.)

    PS - I know about tree bark -- just wish it would talk.

    1. Yes, music was really different in them days. Now it is all noise. Also, modern singers' dress sense has changed.

      God bless, Mevely.

  5. Now I am humming!!! Thanks dude.

    But we still love you!
    Sherry & jack smiling a little bit at the time...

    1. It is good to hum and smile.

      God bless you and Sherry. Praying for you.

  6. Good question about Tarzan. Clean shaven all the time. :)

    1. I never understood that. Perhaps he had an electric shaver.

      God bless, Bill.

  7. Tough questions to answer, even if you are a Wisdom Tree.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. I agree, especially the last question.

      God bless, Martha.

  8. Dearest Victor,
    Way behind with blogs as I spent 5 hours in the local ER yesterday as a woman T–boned me while I was on my bike.
    Pieter was riding behind me and saw me fly... Now I'm home with two legs fractured, one knee cap and the other leg its Proxima fibula. Hurting like hell as does my right shoulder and also my breast bone... Tomorrow I see my orthopedic surgeon in the next city. A Church friend will drive us there as Pieter no longer can manage Interstate and heavy city traffic.
    Yeah, what is wisdom...

    1. Oh Mariette; I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I am praying for you right now. I am shocked. Please rest as much as you can and I hope dearly that you recuperate fully very quickly.

      Best and sincerest wishes. Praying for you and Pieter.

      God bless.

  9. A beautiful picture of the tree.

  10. It's wise to tell, but only if you have proof.

    There's a website which specializes in answering questions about "what is the difference between..." and i'm going to go see if it has anything on the difference between a wood, a forest, and a jungle.

    1. What is the difference between a pan and a pot, Mimi?

      Good point about the telling!

      God bless.



God bless you.