Sunday, 16 March 2025

Heads I win, Tails you lose.


It's amazing how many people claim that they are not "spiritual" and they don't believe in God or Christianity in general, yet they hope to go to Heaven. Without even having a concept of what Heaven is and what they would do if they get there. 

Most people think it is a nice place like somewhere they have experienced here on earth only better; with Angels and Saints and whatever else they imagine or may have been taught or read about at some time or other.

For avoidance of doubt, going to Heaven is not a question of luck. It is not a lottery. It is not the result of tossing a coin to see whether it lands heads or tails. 

God does not play games with us.

Whether we go to Heaven or not starts right here on earth in this lifetime. We lay down the foundation, the ground work, and the path to our eventual eternal destiny. 

No one goes to hell by mistake or through bad luck; and no one goes to Heaven against their will.

One cannot claim not to believe in God yet hope to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. To those who do not believe in Him, God provides plenty of opportunities in their lifetimes to think about and reconsider their options. No one will get a surprise when it is their turn to meet their Creator God.

Yet there is a belief in today's secular world that all that is required of us is to be generally good to enter Heaven.

True, God's invitation is to everyone. But we have to respond to His invitation. It is not an automatic entry pass to Paradise.

To get to Heaven we must believe in God, honour and love Him, and obey Him.

A life without a strong foundation and belief in God cannot expect to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

Meanwhile, many are sleep-walking their way into hell.


  1. NOTE: The link to has now been restored and emails reach my desk once again; should any of my readers wish to write to me direct. Apologies for any inconvenience caused during breakdown. God bless.

  2. ...due to attitude, some are always losers.

  3. Embrace righteousness- live victoriously, live expectedly. Always rejoicing in His victory and sovereignty as our eternal God.

  4. This is a wonderful read for anyone who has questions about whether or not they will go to heaven. So glad to hear that your personal email is once again up and running, Victor. That's great news! Blessings!

    1. There are so many people "wishing" to go to Heaven but don't know what it is and how to get there. (The subject of my next book).

      My techie told me that for some reasons emails sent to me were being held at the server end - possibly for upgrade works at the server. Suddenly I had over 100 e-mails appearing all at once! Like opening a flood gate ...

      God bless you, Martha.

  5. I agree with Martha; yours is a worthy read! Let no-one become complacent; (but) instead, be the kind of person God appreciates.

    1. So right, Mevely. " ... be the kind of person God appreciates." I hope He appreciates me. I'm doing my best you know!

      God bless you always.

  6. A great reminder, Victor.

  7. God does not play games with us. - You are absolutely right. And for me - trying to get that across to some people these days - is hard.



God bless you.