Saturday, 22 March 2025

The doctrines of falsehood


There seems to be a lot of new thinking amongst Christians about God and the modern world in the 21st Century. A lot of this thinking is muddled somehow and almost re-invents Christianity rather than adhering to what is Biblical and taught by Christ.

There is this belief that God is good, and kind, and loving and ever so merciful. That bit at least is true. Jesus taught this and His behaviour towards everyone He met seems to portray these qualities. 

However, this belief in God's loving nature seems to extend to the notion that such a God would not send anyone to hell for eternity. That bit is also, technically, true. 

God does not send anyone to hell. People decide to go there by their behaviour and the way they live. But this is not what is taught in modern thinking. The new version is that God loves us so much that He would not let anyone go to hell. He loves us so much that we would all be forgiven. His forgiving nature is such that He would even forgive the devil.

This type of teaching is nonsense and very dangerous. Whilst God is loving and forgiving He is no push-over. He is just and fair towards us and if some people stand against Him in defiance and enmity all their lives He would not invite them to Heaven. No one goes to Heaven against their will. 

If some souls are in hell it is because they chose to be there and continue their defiance. They are unable to seek forgiveness such is their belief and nature. 

I heard someone say that if God sends people to hell for eternity then this is not "my God" Whom I believe Him to be. What an arrogant thing to say. There is no such thing as "my God". There is only one God Who has always been and will always be. He is for everyone the same as He always was and will be. He is not a commodity to be chosen and moulded by us according to our wishes and what we would like Him to be. We either accept this or we don't. Sadly, many modern Christians are obfuscating the religion they profess by modernising it to their convenience.

When He gave us His Commandments He meant them to be taken literally. Not interpreted to suit our own selfish needs. What was wrong centuries ago is still wrong today and always will be.

Christianity seems to be in retreat. This not just because of the advance of secular thinking and the modern way of life; it is also because the very people who say they are Christians are diluting their very fundamental doctrines and leading themselves and their followers sleep-walking into the very hell which they deny exists.  


  1. thanks!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, everyone has the right to think and believe what they want; however wrong!

      God bless, Tom.

  3. Amen, Victor! God never chooses hell for us, we do. Blessings!

    1. People are more in control of their eventual destiny than they realise.

      God bless, Martha.

  4. 💯 agreement and it needs to be said. As I study Revelation, our Merciful God gives opportunity; one after the other and still, there are those who refuse to turn from their rebellion and obey His Son.

    1. We seem to be in an age of rebellion and obstinacy, Debby. Yes, God gives us opportunities to change our ways.

      God bless.

  5. Love and kindness always. ❤️

  6. A relationship with God is a two way street, he expects certain things from you and if you don't want to reciprocate then you pay the price.

    1. Very well said, Bill. Thank you so much.

      God bless you.

  7. Querido amigo, me encanto leerte
    Que este día esté lleno de amor, risas y momentos inolvidables
    Que tengas un día lleno de energía y motivación para hacer todo lo que te propongas
    Que este nuevo día sea el comienzo de grandes cosas en tu vida
    que la felicidad sea tu destino y la sonrisa tu mejor compañía

    Abrazos y te dejo besitos, bendiciones. se feliz querido amigo.

    1. TRANSLATION: Dear friend, I loved reading your message.
      May this day be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments.
      May you have a day full of energy and motivation to do everything you set out to do.
      May this new day be the beginning of great things in your life.
      May happiness be your destiny and a smile your best companion.

      Hugs and kisses, blessings. Be happy, dear friend.

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Liz. It is nice to see you visiting here. God bless you always.

  8. I agree with you - today somehow it seems like they are making Christianity all about God loves you - you just have to love him back - and it's all okay. But there is much more to it than that. We have to follow Jesus and not the world.

    1. I feel that Christianity is being watered down and re-interpreted so that people can do their own thing and justify it. God is not a fool. And many will get an unpleasant surprise when they meet Him face to face one day.

      God bless you, Sandie.

  9. Another great post Victor!!!

  10. Diluting doctrines, yes! Please don't stop telling it "like it is." I pray those sleepwalkers wake up before it's too late.

    1. It saddens me that even in churches the Christian message is diluted and falsely preached. Some clerics don't believe in the Resurrection and say it was symbolism for rising to a better life.

      God bless you, and your family Mevely.

  11. I am afraid way too many people are in for a surprise someday. May we stay true to orthodoxy and orthopraxy.

    1. Amen, Mimi. Amen. Thank you so much and God bless you.

  12. Wonderful post Victor: Sadly many and way too many have chosen the path going to hell, I hope and pray daily that more people are converted to believe in God and his amazing way of loving us, what he gave up for us is such a beautiful and loving way to show how much he really loves us.
    At book club on Friday another book reader in club was making fun of us who Worship an amazing God, I silently Prayed for her soul and her meanness.
    So many people are Creasters they go to Church on Christmas and Easter and not the rest of the year thinking this will help them get to Heaven.
    I Pray for them often.
    Have an amazing week.


    1. You are indeed right to pray silently for that lady in the book club. There are many people who wish to go to Heaven but don't know why or what they will do there. They think by just being good is enough to enter Heaven. This is the subject of my next book "FOLLOW THE WAY" in which I discuss this topic more fully. Publication soon.

      God bless, Catherine.



God bless you.