In Hebrews Chapter 11 we read: To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.
Or put another way to have faith is to believe when your common sense tells you not to.
These days we hear a lot about faith. In a noisy world with too many voices and perhaps few listening, everyone seems to have faith in something or someone. It could be faith in one's own ability, faith in a close relationship such as a spouse or a friend, faith in money, power, possessions, or faith in other beliefs like the universe and the stars and planets controlling our destiny.
It isn't the strength of our faith that matters, but the object of our faith.
In the book of Kings (Chapter 18 onwards) we read that whilst Elijah worshipped God, Ahab and his followers worshipped the false god Baal.
So Ahab summoned all the Israelites and the prophets of Baal to meet at Mount Carmel. Elijah suggested that Baal's followers as well as he would offer a sacrifice to their respective God. He said, "let the prophets of Baal pray to their god, and I will pray to the LORD, and the one who answers by sending fire--he is God."
The prophets of Baal took the bull that was brought to them, prepared it, and prayed to Baal until noon. They shouted, "Answer us, Baal!" and kept dancing around the altar they had built. But no answer came.
At the hour of the afternoon sacrifice the prophet Elijah approached the altar and prayed, "O LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, prove now that you are the God of Israel and that I am your servant and have done all this at your command. Answer me, LORD, answer me, so that this people will know that you, the LORD, are God and that you are bringing them back to yourself."
The LORD sent fire down, and it burned up the sacrifice, the wood, and
the stones, scorched the earth and dried up the water in the trench.
When the people saw this, they threw themselves on the ground and exclaimed, "The LORD is God; the LORD alone is God!"
So, how does this relate to us many years later? Do we really need fire from Heaven to make us believe in the one true living Creator God? Or is our faith, as little as it may be, enough to make us believe without proof or understanding?
"I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me." John 14:6
...hope is important in hopeless times.
ReplyDeleteI would say Faith is more important.
DeleteGod bless, Tom.
May we never lose faith and trust in our one true God, and be molded more and more in the image of Jesus each day. Blessings always, Victor!
ReplyDeleteAmen Martha; well said. God bless you and yours.
Delete“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
ReplyDeleteI agree, Debby. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
DeleteLove and kindness always. ❤️
ReplyDeleteGod bless, CM.
DeleteFaith , I pray for more.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, we need more Faith in the world. God bless, K.
DeleteI don't know how people can live without faith. If you don't have faith, you have nothing.
ReplyDeleteTrue; but some people are too stubborn to believe. God bless, Bill.
DeleteI really love this topic. Having faith even when you don't feel it. To just know GOD IS THERE!
ReplyDeleteIt is so comfortable and peaceful to KNOW that God is there to help us when we need Him.
DeleteGod bless, Sandie.
A thought-provoking reflection on the nature of faith and the importance of its object. It’s a reminder that true faith doesn’t always require visible proof but trust in something greater.
ReplyDeleteAmen Melody. Faith is believing when one's common sense tells you not to.
DeleteGod bless.
We really do need more Faith in our world.
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jan
So sad the way the world is today. Let us pray for a positive change.
DeleteGod bless, Jan.
I have Faith (that) He is my rock and my redeemer. I think to question His existence is to dilute the truth.
ReplyDelete"I think to question His existence is to dilute the truth." This is so true, Mevely. God bless you.
DeleteYes, I have faith in Him alone. Everything else will fail or fall at some time, but our Sovereign Lord will not.
ReplyDeleteAmen. God bless you and yours, Mimi.