Friday 15 October 2021

The Journey


Let me take you on a journey back into the past which you will find both terrifying and at times somewhat unbelievable. In fact, I would not believe it myself if it had not happened to me.

It happened in Wales, out in the countryside. I was travelling by car from one place to another, as you do. It was winter. It was snowing as it happens. Now, not many people know that, but sometimes in Wales it snows. This was one of those times.

Snow laid everywhere and covered everything. It was getting thicker and thicker to the point where it was difficult to drive. I could not see the road ahead, nor the road behind for that matter. The windscreen wipers grew tired of moving to and fro and losing the battle against the snow. Eventually they gave up and I could drive no further or farther either.

I stopped and tried to get out the car. The door was frozen solid. I pushed hard and finally it opened. I got out but did not know which way to go. Should I walk on forwards, or return whence I came which I knew was a frozen wilderness anyway.

I walked a few steps forward and fell into a frozen pool of water. Must have been a pond, probably frozen at the top and totally covered with snow. The sudden shock and extreme drop in temperature nearly killed me. Somehow, don't ask me how, I managed to crawl out before I lost consciousness and saying goodbye to this world. The whole of my life flashed before me but I was too busy saving myself to see it.

I stood there totally soaked, freezing and my teeth chattering of the cold. I had goosebumps all over and they had goosebumps too. I was so afraid that my knees started shaking. I had butterflies in my stomach and their knees were shaking too.

I stumbled a few steps forwards, no more than a hundred yards or so, and to my surprise, delight and amazement, not necessarily in that order, I saw an inn not too far away.

I hurried as quickly as my legs could carry me and knocked loudly at the door. The inn-keeper opened the door but would not let me in because I was not wearing a tie. I had a scarf wrapped round my neck. I took it off and tied it like a tie and he let me in.

I sat by the fire to warm me up. His wife gave me a bowl of soup. She said it was Cock-a-leekie soup and it contained chicken, bacon, carrots, celery, leeks and prunes. I was too cold and the soup was too hot for me to taste any of those ingredients.

The inn-keeper stood at the bar with his silhouette lightly lit by the flames of the candles behind him. His wife explained that the electricity had been cut-off because of the snow-storm.

That's when I noticed that the inn-keeper had a very big nose. Big, and round and bulbous. It was so heavy that his head would tip forwards when he was tired and closed his eyes. His wife had shoved a broomstick down his back and tied his forehead to the stick with a bandana to stop him leaning his head forwards.

When I finished the soup, she suggested I have a warm bath and get changed into new dry clothes. Her husband refused point-blank to loan me any of his clothes. So I had to make do with wearing one of her nightdresses instead. She gave me the choice between the pink one or the pale pastel green. Unbeknown to her husband, she gave me some of his underwear to wear under the dress because hers would not fit.

I went to the bathroom, and after a long hot bath I was as good as new albeit I looked a little feminine. And that's when my troubles started. As if being stranded in the snow, falling in a freezing pond, stumbling to the inn totally drenched and freezing, and now wearing women's clothing was not enough. More troubles were in store for me.

The bathroom door would not open. It was totally stuck. I pulled and I pushed and I knocked and I shouted for help and I screamed and I kicked the door and I screamed for help some more and it was all to no avail. I was stuck and imprisoned in that bathroom and there was no one to help me get out.

All this happened some twenty years ago. In fact, I am still stuck in that bathroom now. Fortunately, I have my laptop computer to write and tell you all about it.


  1. ...Cock-a-leekie soup sound unusual. By the way I just some episodes of the BBC "Indian Doctor" set in Wales.

    1. The Indian Doctor was a successful series here in the UK. The people mostly speak in a Welsh accent; and some actually speak in Welsh.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Victor, have you considered seeing a psychiatrist? Ha ha...🤣 I really enjoyed this one.

    This is a GREAT line:

    "I had goosebumps all over and they had goosebumps too."

    1. Glad you enjoyed my humour Sandi. I did go and see a psychiatrist because my moth kept visiting him. Apparently, the moth had some pains in the knee. The psychiatrist explained that it is not his line of work. The moth replied, "I know, I just came in because your lights were on!"

      God bless.

    2. 🤣 HAHAHHA! I read that to my kids. I am cracking up. They smiled politely.

    3. It's so good to laugh, Sandi. I laughed too when I wrote that comment!!! That's one mixed up moth, I thought.

      God bless you and your family.

  3. I enjoyed this so much! Hard to choose a favorite phrase, but Sandi's was close. Those butterflies, too! I can totally visualize that scene with the broomstick -- but I'm left wondering, did you choose the pink or pale green?

    1. I chose the pink because it was made of satin. It reminded me of the song, "Nights in white satin" by the Moody Blues.

      God bless you, Mevely. Keep smiling.

  4. I cracked up with Myra above, with the innkeeper. BUT this only enforces my thinking, you are really crazy. But I must be too because we enjoy your tales, the good the bad and the ugly.
    Love from over here in NC (USA), where we seldom get snow, but we do. Then we head to Florida, they call us 'Snow birds' over here.
    Sherry & jack (Snowbirds & OLD love birds.)

    1. I'm so happy I made you smile Jack and Sherry. I remember years ago having to travel in a Mini in a snow storm. The car was sliding all over the road on our way to Scotland. It was treacherous but we had no choice. We had to go on as we were the only ones on the road. If we stopped the car would have easily been totally covered with us in it.

      Keep warm and happy. With love from over here. God bless.

  5. Dearest Victor,
    You no doubt felt quite miserable while having butterflies in your stomach with shaking knees...
    A warm bath and dry and clean clothes are a God sent in such a situation but good grief, a bathroom door that gets stuck is a nightmare.

  6. You know you are definitely cold when the goosebumps had some of their own.

  7. Another hilarious adventure, Victor!

  8. Another entertaining and very funny post. Thanks for sharing your gift of storytelling. Blessings.

    1. I'm so happy you enjoy visiting here and reading my stories, Nells. Thanx.

      God bless always.

  9. This sounds like some of the weird dreams I have in the pre-dawn hours, after I have stumbled to the bathroom half asleep, then when I get back into the warm bed I am instantly asleep again and the weird dreams begin.

    1. This was no dream, River. I'm still locked in that bathroom trying to get out.

      God bless.

  10. It's always fun to read your stories. If you can come up with great ideas like this, maybe you ought to stay locked in that bathroom.

    1. Thanx Mimi. Ideas seem to come at any time anywhere. As long as I have pen and paper to write them down quickly.

      God bless always.



God bless you.