Saturday 10 December 2022

Sharing Knowledge


This Blog exists to inform, entertain and educate. Every so often I spend a lot of time in research to bring you authentic and truthful facts that you may find interesting and which you could use at parties, such as Christmas, to brighten a conversation, enlighten friends and family, and to become popular and gain friends.

This is such an occasion. So if you are seated comfortably here are some facts:

Did you know that the whale is the largest mammal? It is so big that apparently one exhalation of its breath can inflate 1250 party balloons. So it would make a welcome guest at your Christmas party preparations. It can also blow out over 4000 candles on a cake. Unfortunately this has never been tested because the candles would not stay alight under water.

Like all mammals, the whale actually breaks wind; which is very fortunate that its size makes it too large to fit in an elevator. I think breaking wind in an elevator is so wrong on many levels.

Also, when the whale breaks wind it lets out so much gas that it propels it two miles from where it currently is. Imagine two whales sitting on the sofa watching TV and discussing the latest soap opera and suddenly one of them is two miles away. 

Speaking of TV. It was invented by John Logie Baird and was demonstrated on 26 January 1926. Unfortunately there was nothing to see on it because they had not yet invented the remote control.

Inventions are great things don't you think? They revolutionised the world. They say that inventing the wheel was the greatest invention of mankind. I disagree. Inventing the second wheel was the greatest invention because then you had a bicycle.

The second greatest invention, (or is it third after the second wheel?) ... stop interrupting!

The third greatest invention is the whoopee (or whoopie) cushion. It is such a wonderful subject of hilarity; especially at funerals. Place a few of them on the pews in church and you'll have them laughing down the aisles. Also suitable for weddings, political events and similar serious functions.

The whoopee cushion has reportedly been used since ancient times. Roman Emperor Elagabalus was said to enjoy practical jokes at his dinner parties and often placed whoopee cushions under the chairs of his more pompous guests.

Elagabalus was quite a card when it came to a sense of humour. He had great Roman feasts and made his guests eat live parrots, camels feet and flamingo brain. Also, during the Roman feast he would let lions free and see how the guests reacted in panic. (The lions were most probably drugged and had teeth and claws removed - but the guests did not know that). He also served fruits made of rock covered in wax to make them look authentic and enjoyed it when his guests bit into the fruit.

So there you have it. Some facts and knowledge for you to enjoy and share at your next Christmas party. Keep dancing ... ... ...


  1. ...what, you don't like unicycles?

    1. The unicycle was invented after they invented the steering wheel. Then they invented the car.

      One wheel first, then two wheels, then bicycle, then steering wheel, then unicycle and finally the car.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Thanks for the education my friend. I seldom rode an elevator, but now it will be never, just in case one of 'em whales tried to fit in.
    Smiles.. Love from over here..Sherry & jack the anon gypsies...

    1. I am too frightened of elevators in case they go sideways rather than up and down.

      God bless, Jack and Sherry.

  3. I try not to ride in elevators, find them confining. :)

    1. I agree, Bill. I often count how many people are in the elevator already.

      God bless.

  4. I am also glad that whales don't have a use for elevators, oopsie!

    1. It would be difficult getting two of them in an elevator.

      God bless, Brian.

  5. "wrong on so many levels" ... lololol! Since I don't eat fruit, I'm feeling relieved all my teeth are still intact.

  6. Thank you for these interesting facts. :)

    1. Hope you find them useful in party conversations.

      God bless, Happyone.

  7. I'm with Myra, Victor, but I laughed anyway. :)

    1. It's so good to laugh. Especially when it is cold like today.

      God bless, Martha.

  8. And here i was always told Philo T. Farnsworth invented the TV. Anyway, thanks for the fun information!

  9. John Logie Baird demonstrated the world's first live working television system on 26 January 1926. He went on to invent the first publicly demonstrated colour television system and the first viable purely electronic colour television picture tube.

    God bless, Mimi.



God bless you.