Wednesday 10 May 2023

Global mass shortage


Look folks ... far be it for me to start rumours and cause panic buying all over the world and distress everywhere. But I think it is my duty to let you know that we are heading for another mass shortage throughout the world.

We've had toilet paper shortage, and panic buying. Computer components shortage. Fruit and vegetables, flour, eggs, milk and other food shortages.

Well ... now prepare for a much worse situation.  

There is going to be a mass shortage of common sense throughout the world. In some places it has happened already.

You will notice early signs of this shortage in peoples' behaviour. They will do things, or say things, that any normal "head-screwed-on-properly person" would never do. You'll ask yourself why did they do this? And that's when you'll realise that they have lost any modicum of common sense which they once may have possessed.

Time was when thinking was the norm. You did not need high education and reams of certificates and diplomas to prove you could think. Thinking was a natural occurrence which developed through experience as you grew up. You observed, you remembered, you learnt and you thought things through.

But times have changed. We are now in a modern era and thinking is no longer required or widely practised. 

"Don't think do" is the new lifestyle motto.

Hence the shortage of common sense and the increase in number of fatheads around. Some people are losing a bit of their brain every time they go to the toilet.

And it is not just individuals; you will notice this lack of common sense in businesses, organisations, corporations and any sphere of life.

Don't say you have not been warned. There will be ... and there is already ... a global shortage of common sense. 

Stock up on common sense now and don't get caught short. 

The only way to overcome this, (hopefully temporary), shortage is to ...


  1. ...a mass shortage of common sense throughout the world is nothing new.

    1. It seems there's more of it now.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. So true. God help us.

    I think the problem now is not lack of food or products or things like that, but Spiritual hunger. People are starving for God, but turning to other things. It's like eating a Snickers bar instead of a steak dinner that is right there in front of you.

    Victor, do you believe in the End Times, the End of the Age, and Jesus' return? Of course you believe in His return at some point. It is biblical. But what I mean is do Catholics, you in particular, think the time is now or soon?

    1. Yes, I agree that there is spiritual hunger. The problem though is also obstinacy. People do not want to listen or to learn. They already know it all. Have you ever met an atheist who has doubts about his beliefs? He is sure God does not exist. And he, (they), compound the problem by encouraging others to believe the same. Secularism is advancing and Christianity is in retreat. No wonder the young are so confused. (See my recent post "Suicidal").

      As for Jesus' return. Catholics recite in the Credo that Jesus "ascended into Heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end."

      Yes, I believe He will return; although I am not sure when this will be. I would not want to say the time is now or soon. Indeed there are many signs in the world as predicted in the Bible; but I honestly believe it is not for us to work out or predict the "when". To do so would make us guess God's will and "second guess" His plans for us and the world. This is not too far off Adam and Eve's sin when they wanted to be like God.

      In summary, yes I believe Christ will return, but I would not wish to predict when because our very end, (ours individually), is here and now. We make our own Heaven or hell by the way we live.

      God bless, Sandi. Thank you for an interesting discussion.

    2. Well said. Thank you, Victor.

  3. Sadly, I think you're right.

  4. Amazing how you caught that. You know something? It takes some common sense to notice that. LOL
    Thank you my friend, I never realized that was happening in the UK. I thought we had the market on that!
    Love sent your way, with thanks.
    Sherry & jack

    1. Jack, if stupidity was a commodity we would have a good export business. The stupidity I see in people around me makes me wonder: why do they do that? why did they not think? Not just people, businesses too.

      A simple example: I want a building job done (pity you can't do it for me). I advertised on a business website. A builder contacted me and said he'll call on a given date to see the site and give me a quote. He did not turn up, or phone to apologise and fix a new date. That is a good advert for his firm!!! Then they wonder why so many businesses fail within a short time of starting.

      God bless.

  5. People don't want to think for themselves these days. They want everything now, thinking takes too much time when it comes to common sense. People will believe what they want and it seems it's more lies. It's easier to follow than to think for yourself. The world is definitely in a sad place and I don't know if it will ever recover.

    1. You are right, Bill. People do not want to think for themselves and are too ready to believe any lies they read on social media or TV. Advertising thrives on it.

      The world is getting worse and people are following like sheep.

      God bless you.

  6. Yes, yes, yessssss! Our children are taught, not at their mother's knee, but what's peddled on social media and television commercials (Nike: "Just DO it"). Worse, few (including our courts) are holding them accountable for their actions. Praying every day for our world.

    1. People these days have forgotten about personal responsibility. It is everyone else's fault except them. The other day there was an overweight youngster on TV blaming her parents for feeding her too much.

      God bless, Mevely. Praying with you.

  7. The lack of common sense in our country today is astounding and disheartening, Victor. I think so many are lost because they DON'T think and they are also starved for God, the only One who can give life true meaning.

    1. Yes, I believe lack of common sense is somehow linked to lack of faith, lack of belief, lack of an anchor on which to hold firm. People seem to be drifting in a sea of secularism and materialistic pressures. I've noticed that generally people are not really happy. Not contented. They are always aspiring and hoping for something else on which to base their lives.

      God bless, Martha.

  8. Yes, there certainly is a lack of common sense these days.

  9. The problem, as Will Rogers said, is common sense isn't all that common.

  10. "Reading harms stupidity."
    If we put this up as a poster at motorway service stations and train stations... in the supermarket, next to the fuel gauge, above the ATMs... at bus stops and beauty salons.
    There should be something to do about it!

  11. ...Thinking harms stupidity...

    1. Yes Barwitzki, thinking harms/stops stupidity. But people are too lazy to think ... and read. Look at how many emojies they've invented instead of words.

      God bless you.

  12. Very good post ...
    It is so sad and concerning that there certainly seems to be a lack of common sense these days, thinking is not encouraged.

    All the best Jan

    1. It is like an epidemic of stupidity out there.

      God bless, Jan.



God bless you.