Tuesday 26 December 2023

How was you Christmas?


So, how was your Christmas? Quiet? Peaceful? Blessed? With family and friends? Or like mine?

We were due to go to friends for lunch. They live quite some miles away. I was due to make an entrance as Father Christmas and bring some toys for their children and a number of other under-privileged children in the area. They hold these events every year.

An hour or so before the event they ring in a panic. Their microwave oven has broken down. They need at least four microwaves to prepare various dishes for about thirty kids and parents. Mostly to warm dishes. They use the main oven to cook.

I was already dressed as Santa. I take our microwave from the kitchen .... Damn ... Who's the idiot who left half a bowl of soup in there? Soup everywhere. I clean the microwave. Place it in the car and drive to my friend Paul; meanwhile my family ring him asking him to have his microwave ready for collection.

I get to Paul, take the microwave from his wife and explain what's happened and leave. Meanwhile the family has phoned Jackie. I go to her and collect her microwave. And drive on to Susan, who also has kindly loaned us her microwave. They're going out for Christmas meal and don't need their oven; besides, she can't cook anyway.

I drive off at speed to our hosts with four microwave ovens in the boot. Blue lights flashing behind me. I stop. The policeman asked me, "In a hurry, Santa? What's happened to your reindeer and sleigh?" 

I tried to explain the emergency. He does not believe me and thinks I'm a burglar with a penchant for microwaves. Also with a car load of toys on the back seats. He asks me to follow him to the police station.    

I am put in a cell until they find a lawyer to represent me whilst I am to be interviewed. Meantime our hosts are waiting for the microwaves and my family is waiting for me to get back home and pick them up and go to our hosts. They get tired of waiting and go there by taxi.

I'm allowed one phone call. I phone home. No one there to answer the phone. The police get more suspicious. A man dressed as Santa, no proof of identity, with four microwave ovens and possibly a stolen car too. 

I wait until the lawyer arrives. He phones my hosts and clears the matter up. The police let me go.  

So, how was your Christmas? Quiet? Peaceful? Blessed? With family and friends? Or like mine?


  1. ...our was great with the entire family in attendance.

    1. Can I borrow your microwave oven, Tom? We have another party for New Year's eve.

      God bless.

  2. Replies
    1. It's good to sit back and enjoy Christmas. God bless, Bill.

  3. Our day was lovely, peaceful time spent with David and Liz.

    1. It's good to spend time with the family, and microwave ovens.

      God bless, Happyone.

  4. Hmmm, drumming my fingers on the table here. Did it really go like this? I don't know you well but I do know you have a fantastic imagination. However it went for you, there is no doubt you got through it and still have your marvelous sense of humor. BTW, my Christmas was much quieter than your story, and I'm okay with that. Blessings to you.

    1. It's true, Barbara. I have a turkey leg hanging from the car's rear view mirror as a souvenir of the event.

      Wishing you all the best always. God bless.

  5. I can honestly imagine this happening! Our little family observance pales in comparison!

    1. Thank you for believing me, Mevely. I sometimes have difficulties doing so myself.

      God bless always my friend.

  6. Your Christmas adventure as Santa definitely took an unexpected turn! It sounds like a plot from a holiday comedy movie. Despite the unexpected detours, it's good to hear that everything got sorted out, and you were able to bring the microwaves to your hosts. The blue lights flashing behind Santa's sleigh is an amusing image, and I hope the rest of your holiday season was filled with more laughter and fewer surprises!

    1. Hello Melody,

      How nice it is to see you visiting me here. Thank you. Please call again soon and often. Make it your New Year's resolution and invite your friends here too.

      Indeed, humour is good for us all as it sustains us when things get a bit difficult.

      God bless you always.

  7. That's a Christmas you won't soon forget, Victor!
    Happy New Year!

    1. That's true, Martha. I'll never look a microwave oven in the eye again without thinking of this.

      God bless you and yours.

  8. Ours was so peaceful compared to what I've just read :)

    Happy Boxing Day Victor.

    All the best Jan

    1. Life is peaceful without microwave ovens, Jan. Are they any good at cooking? I find dough gets a bit elasticy.

      Best wishes always. God bless.

  9. Well, this sounds like quite a "story"...whether true or not...somehow I can just see this whole scenario taking place...are you related to the Pink Panther or something? LOL. (do you know who that is? Good for you if you do...I'm still not too sure about him either). Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful day and that your friends all survived the delivery of the microwaves in rare style. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Oh yes, I remember the Pink Panther. It was a lovely cartoon. Also, I remember the films with Peter Sellers as Inspector Jacques Clouseau.

      I'm not sure which one reminds you of me. I do speak in French and can put on a good French accent when speaking in English. I often answer the phone in a French accent: "Allo ... c'est moi ici ... do you like to buy zee baguette or the brioche? It is delicieux today in zee French Bakeree!"

      God bless you always, Pamela. Best wishes.

  10. Adventure seems to follow you everywhere!

  11. My CHRISTmas was me, and my husband, celebrating the birth of our beautiful Saviour Jesus. God bless.

  12. I don't think anyone else's could have been even remotely like yours.

    No one started any fights at Grandma and Grandpa's house, so it went well.

    1. A quiet Christmas is always the best, Mimi.

      God bless.



God bless you.