Monday, 30 December 2024
Happy Gnu Year

Saturday, 28 December 2024
I'm ignorant and averse to learning
The questions asked are not difficult but ones that even a cursory knowledge of Christianity will suffice. Like: Who fell off his horse on the way to Damascus and became a follower of Christ?; Where in the Bible will you find the story of Samson and Delilah - the Old or New Testament?; Who could interpret dreams and was sold as a slave by his brothers?; Who fought Goliath?
It seems that this level of ignorance is due to people not bothering to learn or even attempt to find out more. Just like not bothering to learn a language or how to cook. Religion, or Christianity to be precise, is not seen as a way of life leading to eternal salvation.
We have the situation where a living Creator God offered Himself to humanity on the Cross; and humanity is totally oblivious of His presence.
Christianity does not teach that we should climb up to God for our redemption. God has come down to us, and offered Himself as sacrifice on the Cross and we are unwilling to acknowledge or accept His priceless gift.
If someone gave you a Christmas gift or a birthday present and it remains there on the shelf unopened; it is not a gift. All it is is a packet wrapped in fancy paper.
You have to open the packet, appreciate the gift and accept it with thanks to the donor.
We have to accept God's gift to all of humanity. Each one of us. His invitation of salvation and eternal life with Him in Paradise is open to everyone.
We have to respond. Not just take it for granted. It is not just an automatic salvation for the lazy, the ignorant or those who cannot be bothered.
We have to reply to the Divine RSVP offered to each one personally.

Friday, 27 December 2024
Christmas Gifts
I hope you had a nice Christmas with family and friends and that you received wonderful presents. Let us know what Santa got you.
This year the family wanted something different. Something unique. They wanted a unicorn. I tried to explain that unicorns do not exist but I was outnumbered. Apparently they exist and they wanted one.
I tried several pet shops, and stables around us, and farms too. No unicorns. I searched the Internet but could not find any website selling unicorns. So I placed an advert on social media: UNICORN WANTED - WILLING TO PAY GOOD PRICE.
So I went to this farm some 20 miles away. You wouldn't believe it. They had a live unicorn. I was so pleased to have found this rare mythical creature. The seller told me it was unique. Apparently, this unicorn, apart from being the only one in the world, it is also the only one who can count. I couldn't believe it.
"Come on, try it!" said the salesman, "ask him to do a sum."
"What's five plus five?" I asked. The unicorn did not react. I waited a minute, then two, then another minute ... nothing.
"You caught him by surprise," said the seller, "He needs to be run in. To warm up; like athletes do before they go on a run or do gymnastics. They need to warm up. Ask him an easy one!"
"What's one plus nothing?" I asked. The unicorn did not react. We waited a minute, then two, then another minute ... then the unicorn snorted as they do, "Pffrrttt ..."
"There you are," said the salesman, "he said one. Let's try another, what's two take away one?"
The unicorn went, "Pffrrttt" again.
"Isn't he clever?" said the salesman, "not only can he count, but he is also multilingual. Speak to him in any language!"
I stepped back a few steps and said, "venez ici!" The unicorn did not move.
"Vai via!" I said. He did not move.
"Tienes hambre?" I asked, meaning 'Are you hungry?' ". The animal did not react at all. He just went "Pffrrttt!"
"You see," said the salesman enthusiastically, "he said 'I don't care' in French. That's how they say it ... Pffrrttt!"
I ignored his sales pitch and noticing the creature closely I remarked, "I see it has a carrot stuck to his head instead of a horn. Why is that?"
"Oh, that's a temporary horn," he said, "his real horn broke when he tried to ring the doorbell by pressing the button with his horn. The vet stuck this carrot until his real horn grows again!"
Anyway, because of that slight damage he gave me a reduction to the selling price.
We had a unique Christmas present as a family this year. We kept the unicorn at a stables nearby owned by a family friend. Unfortunately, the other horses ate the carrot on its head.
We now have the only unicorn in the world without a horn. That's unique, don't you think?

Tuesday, 24 December 2024
A Christmas Prayer
Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your visits here and for your continued support and encouragement.
I attach below a short video from Fr Derek Laverty.
I wish you all a very blessed Christmas filled with joy, hope, good health and whatever you may desire.
God bless you all.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
A Christmas Message
Dear friends,
Let us first of all thank the Lord for yet another year together. I am truly grateful to all of you who have visited me here whether you left a comment or not. Over the past year, and before that even, we have exchanged news, shared jokes and have come together in prayers and friendship. For this I thank you.
I pray that you all have a very blessed Christmas with family and friends or even if you are alone; and may our Lord be always by your side giving you comfort, protection and love at all times.
God bless you all.

Saturday, 21 December 2024
The Power of Love

Friday, 20 December 2024
Joseph the silent
Let us consider this honourable man; the step-father of Jesus on earth. Do you realise that in the whole Bible story of the nativity this man has not said a word? He is not recorded as having said anything. He just obeyed.
We read about him before the
birth of Jesus when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream
and asked him to take Mary as his wife. (Matthew 1:18).
his dilemma. He was engaged to Mary when she found out she was due to
have a baby by the Holy Spirit. At first he considered doing what many
men with a pregnant girl friend whose baby is not theirs would have done
- run a mile in the opposite direction.
Being an honourable man he decided to break the engagement privately so as not to disgrace her. Remember, in those days being pregnant without marriage was very serious indeed and people risked being stoned to death. So to spare her and the unborn child he decided to leave her quietly and privately.
the angel appeared to him in a dream; and based on that dream alone he
decided to marry Mary and raise her son as if He were his own.
Joseph was an ordinary good Jew, obedient to the Jewish Law. But God intervened
and shattered his life-expectations. He is called to a new level of
obedience. That of God.
Joseph was there when Jesus was born in Bethlehem and we read about him when
he took Jesus and Mary to Egypt to escape from Herod (Matthew 2:13) and
then when they returned to Nazareth (Matthew 2:19).
He is also mentioned when the boy Jesus was twelve years old and found in the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41).
as Jesus' foster father he was there during His early years protecting
Him from Herod and providing a loving family for the Son of God.
a wonderful man he must have been. Working quietly in the background,
without much recognition, doing God's will in raising His Son on earth.
So, what is his legacy to us?
Obedience and trust.
what his common sense told him to do, he did not walk away from Mary.
He trusted and obeyed God and decided to stay with Mary. He decided to provide for
her and a child who was not his. He taught the child carpentry and
raised Him up as his own.
May his obedience and trust be an example to us all. Especially when we are called by God to obey what He commands.
This prayer to St Joseph
is said to be over 1900 years old. It was found in the fiftieth year of
Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the 1500's it was sent by the Pope to Emperor
Charles when he was going into battle. It is a novena to be prayed for
nine consecutive mornings for anything you may desire. It has seldom
been known to fail.
“O St. Joseph whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before
the Throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. O St.
Joseph do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from
your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord;
so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power I may offer my
Thanksgiving and Homage to the most Loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I
never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not
approach while He reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss
His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my
dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen.”

Thursday, 19 December 2024
Is this real?
Dear friends, this is worth repeating, especially at this time of year, because there are many people who do not believe, or even do not want to believe. They have set their mind against believing or even considering the possibility that they might be wrong.
Jesus is the only Son of God and He was born of a virgin as a human here on earth.
Jesus has always existed as a Spirit, just like God and the Holy Spirit - known as the Trinity. He did not begin to exist when He was born here on earth. This is when He took a human bodily form.
When the time was right, God decided to send His Son here on earth as a human so that we might get to know Him personally. To see Him, listen to Him and speak to Him; and to witness His power through miracles and His eternal love for us. He came to build a bridge between God and sinning humanity. To see and know Jesus is to see and know God. There is no way to God apart from through Jesus.
Now God had three choices as I see it.
He could have sent Jesus as a Superman type person. He could have suddenly appeared on a cloud as a grown up human and taught through His powers and miracles. We would have been frightened out of our minds and followed Him through fear and total submission. Hardly the act of a loving Father God, is it?
His second choice would have been to send Jesus as a human baby born of a man and woman. He would have been a holy man just like the prophets or John the Baptist; and no doubt we would have treated Him the same way. Disbelief, derision, mockery and put to death like we did to the prophets.
But God decided to send Him as a union between Divinity and humanity. He was born through the Holy Spirit and a virgin human. A Spirit God made man. And He was resurrected by God as proof and to glorify God Almighty our Creator.
But many do not believe all this, as I mentioned. This is partly through obstinacy and stubbornness and partly because Jesus is not often mentioned in our schools.
He is taught as part of Christianity, Religious Instructions or Sunday school lessons. And if you miss these lessons as not important then you have a whole generation not knowing Jesus albeit they may have heard of Him. Jesus is not taught as part of history. But He is very much a part of human history as Caesar, Pilate, Alexander the Great or any other person you may mention. Even more so than any of them. Jesus existed here on earth as a human and claimed to be the Son of God and died for saying so.
Now here's an important thing we may have missed. There is only one other person who knew for certain that Jesus is the Son of God. That is Mary herself. She knew that she had not been with any man and yet she was pregnant with Jesus. Joseph did not know that for certain, nor anyone else. But Mary did.
Over thirty years later, she saw her son arrested, beaten, tortured, and horribly nailed to a Cross and left to die.
Now, if He was not the Son of God, any loving mother would have shouted, "Stop. He is not the Son of God. He is an ordinary man and He is mentally ill. Delusional. Spare Him and let Him go."
But she did not do that. She, and Jesus, went through the whole agony of the Crucifixion because she knew the truth.
Jesus is the Son of God and through Him we go to God.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024
Christmas Books

Tuesday, 17 December 2024
The Environmental Footprint of Britons in the Middle Ages
Last Saturday, on this Blog, Barbara set me a challenge to write about the Environmental Footprint of Britons in the Middle Ages.
My dictionary defines the Middle Ages as the period from the 5th to the late 15th centuries, (from 400 to about 1500 AD), so it gives me plenty of room to comment on.
I guess at the time the Britons did not care much about the environment any more than they cared for fashion. Anything goes, as is apparent from the lady above who wore her bra on her head to keep her ears warm. Environmentally friendly? Yes, it saved her from buying a hat!
I have included the Tudor period, (1485 to 1603), to make a point on the environment. They had open sewers in the streets and toilets were a hole in the ground in the back garden. They often emptied chamber pots out of the window onto the people in the streets down below. Hence the phrase "Gardyloo !!!" which roughly translated meant "watch out for the water" (and what's in it) !!!
Not much care for wildlife either at that time. People had to use quills to write with. These were feathers of various birds which had to be sharpened daily with knives - hence the word pen-knife. Once they sharpened the quill they used it to tap the keys on their computer keyboards.
If a woman did not marry she often stayed at home with her parents and spent her time spinning - hence the word "spinster". Women could be punished by law for nagging and scolding. Women were warned to stop nagging and if they continued they were punished by ducking. They were tied to a chair and lowered in the river a few times. If a woman continued nagging and scolding she was made to wear a metal mask which clamped on the head with a metal bar in her mouth holding her tongue down. She was then paraded in town as a warning to other women.
Talking of parading in town. Lady Godiva, was an 11th-century Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who lived in Britain all that time ago. Lady Godiva took pity on the people of Coventry who were paying too much taxes imposed by her husband on the town. She pleaded to her husband to lower the taxes. Eventually, to shut her up, he said, "I'll lower the taxes if you strip naked and ride a horse through the streets of Coventry!" To his surprise she agreed.
She issued a proclamation that on a certain day everyone should
remain indoors and shut all their windows because she was going to ride
naked on a horse throughout town. How naive is that?
On the day in question Lady Godiva rode naked on a horse and paraded throughout town.
But a tailor called Tom succumbed to temptation. He made a small hole in
his window shutters and had a good look at what he should not have been
looking at. And that's where the name Peeping Tom originates from. Not
an environmental friendly act would you say, drilling a hole and
damaging a window shutter!
And now another Briton from the Middle Ages. Robin Hood is believed to have lived in the late-12th-century; at the time of King Richard the Lionheart of England.
Robin and his Merrymen lived in Sherwood Forest, (environmentally friendly living), and they robbed the rich to help the poor, (economically conscious).
Robin and his men always wore green. Some believe it was to camouflage themselves in the forest from the Sheriff's soldiers; but truth be known it was because washing machines had not yet been invented, and clothes do get dirty when you spend your life climbing trees like a monkey. (Again, environmentally friendly albeit smelly clothing). Their habitat was environmentally friendly too. They lived in a damp and wet forest which froze them to death in winter and gave most of them rheumatism and aches and pains.
When Robin Hood got very old, (18 November 1247, about 87 years of age),
he lay on his death bed breathing lightly and reminiscing about "olde
tymes" when he could climb trees without the aid of an elevator.
Merrymen surrounded the bed and regaled in "olde tales" about how they
got the better of the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Maid Marion was there too
making endless cups of coffee to keep everyone awake until Robin went
finally to sleep.
The Merrymen whispered to
themselves about where they would bury Robin when he died.
Little John
suggested a nice spot in Sherwood Forest. Friar Tuck preferred a burial
in Nottingham itself, to make a political point so to speak.
suggested a burial at sea would be more fitting ... there's no record as
to why they wanted this, but then we can't assume that those people
were either intelligent or logical.
Much the Miller's son suggested
cryonics preservation but this was dismissed since the fridge was broken
at the time.
Robin Hood then said: "I know what you're talking about ..."
They all looked innocently at the ceiling and whistled or hummed silently. The ceiling needs repainting, thought Maid Marion.
continued: "Give me my bow and arrow. I shall shoot an arrow high in
the sky. Where it lands that's where I wish to be buried!"
gave him his bow and arrow. He put on his spectacles and weakly pulled back the string on the bow with
his shaking hand. They all looked silently in anticipation. He raised
his arm high, still shaking, and released the arrow.
And that's how Robin Hood came to be buried on top of the wardrobe.

Monday, 16 December 2024
Hippo in the loo
Bill Catherine Mevely and Jack have been asking about the hippo on my post last Saturday.
We had a terrible situation the other day and I had to call the Pest Control people.
I went to the toilet and there, inside the toilet seat, was the biggest hippopotamus you ever did see.
At first I was afraid ...
I was petrified!
Kept thinking I could never live ...
With a hippo by my side.
I know what you're thinking. This is plagiarism. But it isn't; it's a hippo I tell you. A really big hippo there in our toilet.
But speaking of plagiarism. Personally,
I don't like it and I long for a world with no plagiarism at all. You may say I'm a
dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us.
And the world will have no plagiarism at all.
But let's not detract from the hippo in my toilet. As I said, I was
afraid it might bite me where I don't want to be bitten. I stepped back
and said "Shoo ... shoo ..." like you would a cat or other creature. But
he did not move. His head was sticking out of the toilet bowl and he
stayed there looking at me.
I picked up the toilet brush, which in our poor household consists of a
hedgehog tied to a stick of wood. I tried to push the hippo back with
the brush; but the hedgehog did not like it one bit. He untied himself
from the stick and said he'd resign from this **** job.
I pushed the hippo with the stick, now minus the hedgehog. He did not
budge one inch. He was too big to go down the toilet. He just picked up
the stick in my hand and threw it back at me.
I flushed the toilet, but because the hippo was blocking the toilet pipe the water overflowed all over the floor.
I phoned the Pest Control people. They arrived within the hour. The man
searched in his book about various pests and vermin but could not find
anything about hippos.
I asked him how could a hippo just appear in our toilet from nowhere. He
said that he was probably holidaying over here and took the wrong
turning by mistake. That, or he probably fell off the back of a lorry
delivering hippos to a nearby zoo far away from here.
Either way, we now had a hippo in our toilet and we could not get rid of him.
The Pest Control man asked me if I had any golf clubs.
"You're not going to beat him on the head with a golf club?" I asked.
"No ..." he replied, "but it is well known that hippos like to play
golf. I was going to entice him out of your toilet and to the nearby
golf course far away from here."
As you can tell. I am having difficulties ending this story which still leaves me with a hippo in my toilet.

Sunday, 15 December 2024
Open the present ...
There is this mistaken notion amongst many people that all you have to do is be a good person and you will go to Heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth and people need to be put right on this.
Heaven is not a luxury hotel and all you need is the right number of ticks and gold stars in your Spiritual Passport and you're in.
If you go through life not caring about God then what makes you think He would want to spend an eternity with you?
Harsh? But it is true.
Let's look at it this way. Tell me if I'm wrong.
God in His limitless love has invited us all, with no exception, to an eternity in Heaven. But we must respond to this invitation. It isn't a matter of sitting on our backside through life and we're in Heaven at the end of it. We must RSVP God's invitation.
When someone gives us a present we must open it, appreciate it, and thank the donor for it. If we leave it unopened all it is is a packet with wrapping paper around it. It is not a gift.
We respond to God's invitation by believing in Him as our loving Creator Father, by obeying His wishes, and by believing and acknowledging that Jesus is His only Son, who died for us and was resurrected from the dead.
These are the main headlines as they say in the News. There are others we can learn about as we progress through our lives.
Or in other words, to summarise by quoting Jesus, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes
to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father
also. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him." John 14:6-7

Saturday, 14 December 2024
A thoughtful post for winter

Friday, 13 December 2024
The wonders of nature
Every so often I like to research some interesting facts and share them with you so you can enthral and fascinate your friends at parties and other gatherings like at the dentist's waiting room.
Did you know that the crow in Japan has developed an intelligent trick to crack walnuts? He sits on the traffic lights and waits for the lights to go red. Then he flies down and places the walnut under the tyre of a vehicle and flies back on the traffic lights. When the lights go green and the cars move forwards they crack the nut. The bird waits until it goes red again and picks up the broken nut pieces.
Also, eagles have learnt that one way to crack a tortoise and eat the insides is to drop it from a height and then fly down after it. The
ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus was killed by a tortoise. It was
dropped by an eagle from a great height and landed on his head. Ironically,
Aeschylus had been staying outdoors to avoid a prophecy that he would
be killed by a falling object.
The centipede when it is chased by a predator it detaches one of its legs and throws it at the predator. The predator stops to eat the leg whilst the centipede runs away to safety. Unfortunately, many centipedes die shortly afterwards when they return to retrieve their shoe.
As you know, the rhinoceros is very short sighted. Some scientists tried to remedy the situation by designing special spectacles that would fit around the rhino's head and over the eyes, like some scuba diving people do. They failed because the rhinoceros would not sit in the optician's chair. He wriggled left and right trying to escape, and he knocked the whole place about with various equipment and lenses flying all over the place. Also, he could not read the various sized alphabets on the reading chart.
Did you also know that you cannot talk to earwigs? In their language they do not have any vowels. Just consonants like MMMMMM for tasty food, NNNNNN for No, PPPPPP for doing No. 2 and so on. Scientists say the tiny creatures have turned a deaf ear to communicating with humans.
Some people relax by listening to the song of whales on CDs or tapes. Also on You Tube. You can hear them go Woooooo Woooooo Wooooo and it is very relaxing. Whales however relax to a totally different tune!

Thursday, 12 December 2024
Robin Redbreast
I love robins, especially their wonderful songs. They are cheeky little birds, and courageous too. They visit our garden all year's through, not just at Christmas, and in summer, when I have worked in the garden and perhaps disturbed some insects or worms, a robin often visits and waits in the bushes; then he plucks up courage and jumps from branch to branch until he is on the ground literally just three feet away picking up something to eat. He is totally fearless and I stand there still like a statue, not daring to move an inch, so that I don't frighten him away.
Did you know that legend has it that when Jesus was dying on the Cross, a robin, then just brown in colour, flew to His side and sang in His ear. Christ's blood stained the robin's breast and since then they all have the red markings.
I saw a robin in our garden only yesterday. Fearless and cheerful as ever.
This reminded me of a story long time ago when, a few days before Christmas, I visited a factory full of machineries, conveyor belts, and a huge furnace burning so fiercely you could feel the heat a long way off. I was doing an audit of their financial accounts.
As I arrived, someone had found a wounded robin amongst the heavy snow in a hedge somewhere. He picked him up and put him in a small cardboard box, and wrapped him in some pieces of cloth to keep him warm. He had a damaged wing and could not fly, as he was lying there in his box with his eyes half closed.
I was going to my office so I took the box there. I had just visited my favourite burger restaurant, so I put a large chunk of burger and a few French fries in the box for the bird to eat. He did not seem interested. So I covered the box with a pile of papers to make sure he doesn't fly away, not that he could; and also to make sure that the office cat does not help himself to a feathered meal whilst I was out of the office.
An hour or so later I checked the box and to my dismay the piece of burger and fries were still there uneaten. To think that I could have had them instead. There I was generously giving part of my meal to a bird in distress and he couldn't even bother to even taste it. He just stayed there, lying on his side, eyes half closed and breathing ever so lightly.
In total disgust at this bird's ungratefulness at my generosity, I ate the piece of burger and fries and threw the box into the fiery furnace.
It took only seconds for that blazing inferno to turn the box and its contents into ashes.
I stood there and watched with a smirk on my face as the ferocious famished flames devoured hungrily the little morsel they'd just been offered.
I placed him in my empty coffee cup, upside down, so he doesn't fly away. Took off my shoe, the left one it was, as I remember. Took off my sock and put the bird in it to keep him warm.
I then filled the cup with hot coffee to keep me warm too.
After work, I took the sock and its content to the local Bird Rescue Centre where they took care of him. They never returned the sock though.
I had to drive back home sock-less in my left foot; which nearly gave me frostbite by the time I got to my apartment.
A few days after Christmas the Rescue Centre invited me back to see the bird now totally healed. I was there when they released it in the wild once again to fly happily and to sing to its heart's content.
But they never gave me my sock back!!!

Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Patt O'Neil
5.0 out of 5 stars I was so touched by the story, I cried.
Reviewed in the United States on 23 October 2024
For such a fast read, this book was amazing. As a Catholic, the story touched my heart deeply and should be read by other Catholics. If the reader is not a Catholic, it should be read anyway for the way it deals with our understanding of God’s forgiveness of sins, spiritual support through the worst of times, and the strength a good parish can have even if you are doubted by your peers.
This book is the first in a series about the main character. I read a later book and enjoyed it so much I had to go back to the beginning to follow the progression of his career. This book does not preach, it just carries the reader along on what could be if they believe.
Martha J. Orlando
5.0 out of 5 stars Don't Be Nearsighted When You Can Have Visions!
Reviewed in the United States on 13 May 2018
Do you believe that God still performs miracles in today's jaded and fallen world? What would your reaction be to three children stating they had met Jesus in a park? Would you believe without question? Or would you be led into doubt and disbelief instead? In Visions, Moubarak explores these all-too-human questions through the eyes of Catholic priest, Father Ignatius, and the ecumenical community at large. You will be irresistibly drawn into the believable characters, and sympathize with their questions and insecurities, while at the same time, be compelled to examine your own heart as to its spiritual health. This novel is a must-read for every Christian, and I would highly recommend it, too, for those who are questioning their beliefs in Christ, our Savior.
Martha Orlando, author, A Trip, a Tryst and a Terror, Children in the Garden, The Moment of Truth, Revenge!, Redemption, Revelation, all available on Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Good Series On Father Ignatius
Reviewed in the United States on 19 July 2024
The father Ignatius series is a fun and easy read, Victor Moubarak is an excellent write, love all his books.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024
A voice in the wilderness
If I were to describe an event which happened when Queen Elizabeth first visited the USA, or when President Reagan won the election, or when a particular team won the football championship, or in the same month your cousin Elma got married, you would be able to pin-point the exact year I am talking about. Because these events are recorded in history and you can look them up as to when they happened.
But of course we do not refer to events' timing in this way, do we? These days we say the actual year the event happened, or if we want to be precise we give the exact date of a royal visit or an election or whatever.
But it wasn't always so. At the time of Jesus people referred to dates by stating when certain things happened. That is because they did not measure time and years as we do now; and also in order to pin-point a certain period of time that people can relate to. They also had different calendars like the Jewish, Greek and the Roman calendars, compared to now when we all refer to the same dates A.D. (Anno Domini).
Let's read this bit from Luke 3:1-6:
In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was ruler of Galilee, and his brother Philip ruler of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias ruler of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness.
Note the many references: Caesar had ruled for 15 years, Pilate was Governor, Herod and his brother Philip were rulers, and so was Lysanias. Annas and Caiaphas were high priests.
By placing all these milestones in history together historians can pin-point almost precisely when John the Baptist started his mission. Around the year 28 or 29 AD as an educated a guess.
The reading continues:
He went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah,
“The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth,
and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’ ”
So not only do we pin-point the time period, but also the place where this happened - all the region around Jordan.
What do we learn from this? Simply that it is a fact which happened in history. The writer (Luke) is not telling a fairy story, "Once upon a time," but has taken care to research his facts and state precisely when and where what he is saying happened. He is providing evidence for his readers at the time which they can check independently to prove for themselves that these events happened.
The Bible is full of such references of times and places where things happened and the names of the people involved. Names like Herod, Pilate, Caiaphas, Simon of Cyrene, Joseph of Arimathea and so many others. Besides, the Sanhedrin (Jewish judicial and administrative council in the ancient Land of Israel that served religious, civil, and criminal functions) kept written records of Court cases and there is written evidence of Christ's arrest and trial.
Which proves that the Bible is based on true facts. It is not a fairy story. Jesus, the Son of God, was born as a human here on earth and lived amongst us. He died and was resurrected and many testified to this. It is fact; not a fairy story.
Makes you think, doesn't it?

Monday, 9 December 2024
What would you have said?
Today, in the Catholic Church, is the feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The day when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she will have a child and she will call Him Jesus. Luke 1:26-38
Let us consider for a moment the momentous gravity of this event.
Imagine the Angel Gabriel had appeared to you ladies with such news. How would you have reacted? Honestly now. Would you have believed it, let alone agreed to God's request?
I know if an Angel appeared to me right now I'd fall off my chair, let alone entertain a discussion with him.
Mary agreed to God's request and as time went by she knew in advance what was to happen to her precious Son.
Can you imagine yourself knowing what is to happen in your life day by day?
Many people don't understand the Catholics' devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, and often believe that our love for her is wrong and somewhat sacrilegious. They quote bits of the Bible like:
Christ said ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the
Father except by me.’
Or Paul message in his letter to Timothy when he says, "there is one God,
and there is one mediator who brings God and mankind together, Christ
I'll admit that many Catholics don't understand their devotion to Mary (or the Saints) either. Over the years many confuse devotion for adoration. To be clear, we should worship God alone and there is only one way to God; and that is through His only Son Jesus Christ.
The devotion to the Saints is a sign of respect and love for their role in the life of Christ; and in establishing His Church here on earth. It is not and should not be an act of worship.
The way I see it is this: God chose Mary to be the Mother of His only Son. He obviously had, and still has, high regard for her. Do you think He is upset for the love and respect I have for her?
Or for Joseph? Or any of the other Saints?

Saturday, 7 December 2024
Something to think about ...
Did you know that King David predicted in details the crucifixion of Jesus one thousand years before Jesus was born and six hundred years before the Persians invented this horrific method of execution?
And Isaiah too, seven hundred years before Christ, predicted the same thing.
Psalm 22 was written by King David roughly a thousand years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. It depicts aspects of crucifixion well before this method of execution was devised and used by the Romans.
In Psalm 22 Verses 3-5 describe the man on the cross as more than a man. It address him as Israel’s God:
"Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; In you our ancestors put their trust ... ... ... "
The Psalm describes many physiological effects associated with death by crucifixion—asphyxiation and heart failure, along with extreme dehydration.
See verses 14–15, 19):
"I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted within me. My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth ... ... ... All my bones are on display."
The fact that these effects of execution by crucifixion were predicted long before crucifixion was invented or employed makes the predictions all the more remarkable.
Note also in verses 17–18:
"People stare and gloat over me. They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment."
And in verses 7–8:
"All who see me mock me; They hurl insults, shaking their heads. 'He trusts in the Lord,' they say, 'let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him. ' "
Here's another significant detail often missed. The Psalm identifies the executioners as Gentiles. The Jewish leaders had no authority to kill Jesus. Only the Romans (Pilate) had that authority. It is he who condemned Him to death. Note the word "dogs" in Verse 16. This was the term used by the Jews when referring to the Gentiles.
"Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet."
Note also that the psalmist declares the means of execution: the piercing of the victim’s hands and feet.
Like so many of David’s psalms, this one turns from sorrow to joy. Verses 27–31 declare that people from all over the world will hear about the crucifixion and Resurrection.
"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him. Posterity will serve Him; future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!"
ISAIAH 53 Verse 3 onwards (abridged)
He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.
Like one from whom men hide their faces,
He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.
Surely He took on our infirmities
and carried our sorrows;
yet we considered Him stricken by God,
But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
and by His stripes we are healed.
We all like sheep have gone astray,
each one has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid upon Him
He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet He did not open His mouth.
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
... ... ...
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with a rich man in His death,
although He had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in His mouth.