Wednesday 11 October 2023

Autumn Leaves


Sorry folks, I'm rambling already and I haven't even started this post. The thoughts are rushing through my head faster than I can type.

I've just mentioned on Mevely's Blog that Autumn makes me a little sad. I don't know why. Perhaps it's seeing the leaves dry up and fall. The photo above is from a park near me. It's a nature reserve with a large lake. Already the trees are changing colour, and the many birds and fowls are packing their bags and going to warmer climes.

Also, Autumn has Halloween and in our Church Calendar on 2 November we have All Souls' Day, in which we commemorate all the faithful departed and remember them.

All in all not a very cheerful time of the year for me.

I remember once whilst travelling for work I stayed in a hotel up North in mid-November. It was cold, raining a continuous boring drizzle all day, and grey everywhere. As it happened there was a Conference and an Exhibition at the hotel of "International Mediums". This has nothing to do with their size; they are people who claim they can communicate with the souls of the dead. There were people from many different countries there.

Now I don't think it is right to attempt to communicate with the dead. To pass the time I went to the Exhibition to see what there was on display. Out of curiosity, I bought a Luigi Board. It was useless. All I got from it was a recipe for ravioli.

In one of the side rooms there was a woman conducting a seance. I got in to listen sceptically. She claimed she could communicate with animals who had passed away. What nonsense, I thought. She told someone in the audience that her pet rabbit Fluffy is now living happily in pet heaven and is surrounded by many female rabbits. Unfortunately, Fluffy had been neutered when its owner had him as a pet.

The medium claimed that there are animals in Heaven; and the audience was pleased. Not me ... I would hate to come face to face with the Sunday roast admonishing me for having eaten it.

In another room a medium, at the audience request, tried to communicate with  Pythagoras but unfortunately had no success. "It's all Greek to me!" he said. Something to do with the square on the hippopotamus being twice the size a triangle.

To pass the time even more I wandered in another room. The man there was convincing the audience about re-incarnation. What a thought! Can you imagine coming back as a tin of condensed milk.  

By about eleven or so I went to my bedroom. I could not sleep. In the room next door there was a man banging on the wall and moaning "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?" How inconsiderate. Holding a seance in his own room so loudly. I had a good mind to go round and give him a piece of my mind; but I had little to spare. So I went to sleep to the continuous banging and the moaning of "Is anyone there?"

The next morning there were ambulance people in his room. I wonder what was wrong with him?

Anyway, as I said, I don't much like Autumn ... except for this romantic song; "Autumn Leaves".


  1. ...each day presents its own joys, seek them out and enjoy them.

  2. Oh my goodness. you do spin a good yarn. LOL. This was priceless!! I hope it cheered you up. It certainly made me chuckle! Happy October, in spite of yourself! LOL. Have a blessed rest of your week.

    1. I'm so glad I made you laugh, Pamela. Thanx for visiting me here again.

      God bless always.

  3. Oh, my friend Pam doesn't know the half of it! I just showed this video to Tom and enjoyed another laugh. His piano is beginning to resemble our front yard.

    1. I like this video of the late Tommy Cooper - comedian and magician. I'm so glad you and Tom enjoyed it again.

      God bless you both, Mevely. Thank you for inspiring this post

  4. The video is hysterical, Victor! Seems like you were able to find humor in Autumn in spite of it all.

    1. That's true, Martha. I try to find humour wherever I can. The pianist is comedian and magician Tommy Cooper. He died on stage in 1984 of a heart attack, and the audience laughed thinking it was part of his act.

      God bless always.

    2. And here's a quote from Tommy Cooper:

      'The minute I got off the plane in New York, 15,000 people started crowding around me. If you don’t believe me, ask Marlon Brando. He was standing right next to me.’

  5. I love seeing the autumn leaves in their full colour., they are so pretty.

    1. Yes ... pretty and sad somehow. It's like another ending before a new beginning in Spring.

      God bless, Bill.

  6. "Autumn Leaves" is a song I've enjoyed for decades. Thanks for this fun version. While I do believe there are animals in heaven (since our Lord Jesus will come back riding a horse), I am happy about that, but your perspective about meeting the roast you ate ... well, that gives me pause.

    1. "Autumn Leaves" is a nice song Barbara. I hope I did not spoil it for you.

      As for animals in Heaven; we really don't know. There is so much we don't know for now ...

      God bless you. Thanx for visiting here again.

  7. I always enjoy seeing the wonderful colours that Autumn brings.
    Great video with Tommy Cooper :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanx Jan. I'm so glad you enjoyed the video.

      God bless.

  8. Heeheehee! You do have a good sense of humor. I do like the idea of animals in heaven, and I'm a vegetarian.

    1. Laughter can often help in difficult situations, Mimi. God bless you always.



God bless you.