Friday 20 October 2023

Are you following me?


Either the world has gone mad or I sat on a cactus and did not realise it. 

(What does that mean?)

I don't know. Nothing makes sense any more. The world does not make sense. I think I'm the only sane one around here.

(Where's here?)

Here is where you want it to be. Wherever you are is here for you. It may not be here for someone else who is over there, but it is here for you.

Let me explain what prompted this post. Just hang in there (here) with me for a moment.

We were discussing various social medias the other day and someone said he had over 700 followers on his FB, (or was it Twitter?), account.

How can that be possible, I thought but said nothing. How can someone have over 700 followers? That's more people than I have known in my entire life. 

And it's not just social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and the like. It's happening on TV as well this not making sense thing. 

I'm sitting watching the adverts and I'm told, "this advert is wasted on you. Do you know who that person is?"

"No ... I've never seen her before ... who is she?"

"It's XYD, she's a famous singer, and the reason the advertisers used her is because she has a great following amongst her age group on social media and if she promotes this product then it will sell by the millions!"

"Oh yeah ..." I mumble unimpressed, "I bet she puts on her pants one leg at a time like every one else, whereas I lie on my back on the bed with my feet up in the air and I get dressed with both legs simultaneously! That makes me special."

I get ignored, as happens so often, with retorts of, "what's that got to do with anything?"

This celebrity thing is not just on TV. It's the same with newspapers. I pick up a paper and they say that someone famous has died whereas I did not know the person even existed. 

Or there's a news headline saying that a certain individual has divorced another individual. So what? Why do they need to tell us about celebrities and other important people getting married, separated, divorced, having a baby and so on? Does the world really need to know that? 

I read the other day that the cousin of a celebrity had stubbed his toe against the edge of the side-walk and was driven to hospital. Now that was worth headline breaking news don't you think?

Why do newspapers and TV report inane news about various famous people or celebrities, and what has happened to them, or their cousins, or their grocer's children, their dogs or whether they squeeze their toothpaste tube from the middle? Do we really need to know all this nonsense?

The answer is simple - it sells newspapers. It fills in time in the TV News hour. It provides the media an opportunity of a scoop news before everyone else.

And of course, there are a lot of people out there living life vicariously through the lives of someone else they admire. 

Their lives are so empty that they have to "follow" someone famous and be up-to-date as to what they are doing every moment of their lives.

And that makes them feel important. They know something you don't; or before you do. And that makes them believe that they are themselves important ... famous even. And they go on social media and write about themselves.   

Not me ... I just walk the streets and every so often make a statement about myself. Like, "My feet hurt ... I love pickled onions ... Yoga hurts my backside ..."

So far I have two followers ... wearing white coats and with butterfly nets.

If you have to follow someone - follow Jesus.


  1. "I read the other day that the cousin of a celebrity had stubbed his toe against the edge of the side-walk and was driven to hospital. Now that was worth headline breaking news don't you think?"

    To be honest, I'd rather here that than the regular news!

    Be sure to follow Jesus. The time is short.

    1. I agree, Sandi; the regular news is even worse. We need to pray that more people follow Jesus.

      God bless you.

    2. You said: Why do they need to tell us about celebrities and other important people getting married, separated, divorced, having a baby and so on? Does the world really need to know that? ..................

      the person right HERE agrees with you. Also this person agrees that if you must FOLLOW, then let it be Jesus.
      You know one day about 40 years ago I was introduced to a person whose name was Jesus Hernandez. Only to learn the Jesus was pronounced Hey-Zuss. I wondered if that was legal.....
      I am smiling. Great post people HERE agree with you..
      Sherry & jack...

    3. Thank you so much Jack and Sherry. It seems the news is full of non-stories about people and celebrities who think they are important when they really are not. Good luck to them if they can sing, dance, act or play sports; it does not mean they are more important than anyone else. Or that their opinions are worth more than anyone else.

      God bless you both.

  2. could be a bit of both. Watch where you sit.

  3. Back in the day, didn't they call this 'yellow Journalism'? Now, if one wants to impress they call themselves an 'Influencer.' Me, I'm just happy to be largely unnoticed.

    PS - Love the quote I saw on FB recently: "Being popular on social media is like sitting the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital."

    1. I like it.

    2. Your quote is correct Mevely. A lot of these celebrities and important people think they are cool and knowledgeable. Often over here on TV we have serious political programs, and amongst the "speakers" at the top table is a sportsman, comedian, singer or such like. I ask myself what do they have to contribute? They are not experts at economics, politics, world affairs and such like. Their opinion is as valid as mine and the neighbour's dog down our street. Why not invite the dog to the program? He'd make more sense.

      Often these experts are introduced as "actor, author, blogger, commentator," and such inane titles; that equally apply to me.

      I am a "thinker"; especially when in the toilet. Why not invite me to these programs?

      God bless, Mevely.

      Thank you Regine. God bless you.

  4. I agree with you, that is news about no news. :)

    1. Exactly. They pretend it is news when in reality they have nothing to say.

      God bless, Bill.

  5. I'll follow Jesus always, Victor. All this other stuff is nonsense.

  6. I've never even heard of most of these people!!
    I too will follow Jesus. :)

  7. Your story ends with a good moral.

  8. I mostly just stick to reading blogs. And following Jesus. I can't live without Him.



God bless you.