Saturday 21 October 2023

Why is space dark?


A few days ago, on this Blog, I made a joke that if there are an infinite number of stars why is space dark?

SANDI said this was a good question. Visit her HERE.

So I set up researching and asking someone far brighter than myself. Here's an explanation.

Light travels from the sun to us on earth. When it reaches earth it hits a tree and we see the tree. Actually, we see the light reflecting back from the tree to our eyes; so our eyes and brain identify the tree. Take out the light and we see no tree. Because light is not reflecting off the tree.

OK ... this was lesson one.

Lesson two. Light is made of "little bits of light" we shall call photons. These photons are travelling from the sun to us on earth at the speed of light - very fast. 300,000 km/sec (186,000 miles/sec).

So if you were out in space, sitting there on your armchair, your eyes are not fast enough to see these photons passing by. So all you see is black. Dark space.

The other reason we can't see photons is that they are not close together. If they were all close to each other we would see a blurred line of light. But they are not close together. They travel lonely at high speeds so fast we can't see them.

It's a bit like being in Formula 1 car racing or such like. You're standing in the audience and the cars are passing by so fast that you can hardly see the mole on the driver's nose. Only photons are much faster than a racing car.

Deep under the sea it is very dark. So how do fish see and not bump into each other? 

Their eyes have evolved to detect a lower number of photons so they see the darkness as light. If you were to lift a fish from deep down up to the surface the chances it will be in agony and go blind because of the light up here on the surface. More photons per square metre than deep down in the sea. 

Lesson three. Space is forever expanding. Einstein, Hubble and Stephen Hawkin and others said so. Look them up if you wish to learn more.

Let me explain it in simple terms for my simple mind to understand.

When a baby is born all his insides are within his skin. We'll call the insides the universe. As he grows into a child, an adult and a well built rotund person his skin expands accordingly and so do his insides. His heart, lungs and so on are bigger and further apart from when he was a baby.

The same for the universe. It is expanding and the planets, moons and stars are becoming further apart. BUT ... this is important ... they are not getting bigger like the heart or lungs. The earth is the same size but further apart from other planets. It is moving away from other planets and moons. 

This theory has been proved by scientists although I find it difficult to understand. 

My query. If the universe, which is in fact everything - sun, moons, planets and so on - is expanding; what is it expanding into? If the universe is everything (i.e. there is nothing outside it) then how can it expand into nothing outside it?

Anyone out there can help with an answer?

ADDENDUM: Maybe the problem is one of definition. Instead of saying "the universe is all the stars, planets, moons, galaxies etc ..." perhaps we should say the the universe is a collection of all the stars, planets, moons, galaxies, solar systems and so on contained in a limitless space. They are all in space.

If you take a certain amount of clothing and put them in the fast-spin drying cycle of your washing machine the clothing will fly outwards towards the edge of the spinning drum. It is called centrifugal force - the tendency of an object moving in a circle to travel away from the centre of the circle.

Now if you put exactly the same clothings in a bigger spinning drum, the same will happen. The clothes will go towards the edge of the drum. And again in an even bigger drum, and the same effect will happen. 

The clothes are moving further away from the centre of the drum; but they are not getting any bigger.

It'd the same with all the stars, planets and so on. They are spinning round and round in an ever expanding circle celled space. But they are not getting bigger.

Now I am not a scientist; but that's how I understand it.

Also, I believe that a Creator God knows what He is doing; even though expert scientists can't understand it.


  1. "So if you were out in space, sitting there on your armchair, your eyes are not fast enough to see these photons passing by. So all you see is black. Dark space."

    So...if our eyes got better we would be able to see the light? There's a lesson in that.

    Interesting and amazing post, Victor.

    1. Yes you are right, Sandi. If our eyes had evolved to such an extent that we could see each photon travelling by, then yes - we would be able to see light when we are there in outer space. Space would not be dark for us.

      What that would do to us when back on earth is a "?"

      My guess is that we would see a lot of light even at night because we can still see the photons.

      But God is clever. He made us see what we need to see - i.e. light when we are on earth in daytime and at night; but total darkness when out in space.

      Reminds me of "Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1 Corinthians 13:12

      God bless, Sandi.

    2. "Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face."


  2. ...I've never been as bright as a star.

    1. Lighten up, Tom. This is getting too serious for me.

      God bless

  3. Even confused, I am going to enjoy the light. I used a pic of one of your books today, Hope you don't mind.
    Love from a cool Florida we haven't reached 70 yet today but will get there.
    Love Sherry & jack

    1. Thank you for featuring my book "The Priest and Prostitute" on your Blog today, Jack.

      I have bought your book and hope to start reading it soon.

      God bless you and Sherry always.

    2. Thanks my friend. I have enjoyed the books I have read of yours and look forward to more. Things are settling down a little here.....

    3. I'm writing another compilation of short stories about Fr Ignatius right now, Jack.

      God bless you and yours.

  4. I would have done much better in science while in school if my teacher had been like you. NOW THIS--I can remember.

    1. Great to see you here again, Lulu. Many thanx.

      I have asked my expert to explain all this to me then I wrote it down in terms I can understand. Basically, we can't see the light per se (the photons) but we can see what it reflects from (the tree).

      God bless, my friend.

  5. Hey Victor, All your comments showed up on the blog like clock work. Thanks. BUT the same seems to happen to others, they THINK the comments did not take but they did. Thinking of you of course and truly enjoy the friendship. My sons case has reached the sentencing stage. 5 yrs probation, 1 yr forced rehab, and $156K in fines. Prayers still needed. He was facing 20 yrs in prison, many people around the world have been praying and I thank you for yours. This has been a tough 2 years.......

    1. I am praying for your son and your whole family right now, Jack my friend. Prayers of thanks and also prayers that God remains with you in this difficult time. Praise the Lord.

      God bless always.

  6. Knowing that God is in control is enough for me, Victor. Blessings!

  7. I second Martha's comment, Victor.

  8. This is all a bit overwhelming for my olden brain cells to absorb. Like Martha, I find peace knowing God's got the reins.

    1. It's really simple to understand, Mevely. Imagine you're driving a car on an empty highway. How fast can you go? 70mph? 80 or 100 miles per hour.

      The photons (bits of light) are travelling at 186,000 miles/sec - that's per second not per hour. Can you imagine how fast that is? So fast that you cannot possibly see them travelling past you. That's why if you're sitting in outer space it looks (is) dark. The photons are so fast that you cannot see the light they make as they are travelling past you.

      God bless.

  9. I ditto Mevely and Martha. LOL. Great article, however, and very thought provoking. I'm so thankful God has it all in His hands.

    1. Indeed, God has everything under control, Pamela.

      God bless.

  10. Goodness, I'm going to have to re-read this.
    Pause for more thought needed.

    Wishing you a good weekend Victor.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanx Jan. I've tried to explain it further in my comments responses to Sandi and Mevely.

      God bless.

  11. Thank you for the excellent and insightful answers.



God bless you.