Thursday 26 October 2023

What's the last thing you said?


Imagine it's just happened suddenly. A loud noise and thunder in the sky and it's all over. It's the end of the world. 

One moment you were doing what you were doing, and the next you are no more ... just a soul. Waiting for judgement and your long future into eternity.

What was the last thing you said before it all happened? 

Was it a happy, positive conversation encouraging someone perhaps? Or expressing love and friendship? Or were these words spoken in anger? Bitterness, spite and hatred perhaps? 

Whatever we say, whether positive or not, has an effect on someone else and indeed defines us for life.

How are we to be remembered when we're gone? The jovial always smiling and optimistic, encouraging person? Or the face like a mile of bad roads always critical, moaning and pointing failures in others?

Did you know that research has shown that if a child is told he is stupid, thick or clumsy often enough by his parents, he will grow up showing and experiencing such tendencies in life thereafter? What a legacy to leave one's offspring.

It's only words ... but words are all we need ... to pave our way to hell.



  1. Replies
    1. Indeed, we are remembered by what we say ... and do.

      God bless, Sandi.

  2. Very thought provoking post this morning. The last thing I said was "why won't this stupid thing work?" LOL. I was trying to post a payment online and the website wouldn't open up like it is supposed to to take my payment, which is due today, of course. Then I went to their home page and see that they do "maintenance on the website every Tues. and Thurs. mornings from 5-7 a.m." However, it was already past 7 a.m., so it should be working! So I am sitting here at my desk muttering to myself about the stupid website. At least I wasn't talking to a real person! LOL. Now it is almost 8 a.m. and I will try again to make my payment. This is what I get for waiting until the last day to pay! I hope you have a lovely day. Thank you for reminding me to always speak kindly.

    1. It is so irritating when websites don't work, or as sometimes happens they don't connect at all to the Home Page.

      Hope it all works out OK for you, Pamela. Praying for you.

      God bless.

  3. May the Lord teach all of us to guard our hearts and our mouths that only loving, encouraging words emerge, Victor. Give me an encouraging person any day of the week!

  4. ...once said, words can't be taken back.

    1. My Sweetheart says as I played that, I liked the BG;s sound. I wish I could tell the sounds now, but alas we live with what we have, as well as what we say. I must have to admit in the last 2 years I have said TOO MUCH in frustration, thankfully most of it in the privacy or our home and my girl handles it well. BUT, but I would not like to leave this world and her remember that STUFF.
      I get what you are saying and THANKS we all need those reminders.
      Sherry & jack enjoying the sunshine here.....

    2. It's true, Jack; we all say things we don't mean in frustrations or anger. I know I often have.

      The thing is, we should learn from them and try not to repeat our mistakes.

      God bless you and Sherry always.

  5. We should think about what we say before we say it. It can make a big difference to us and to those we are talking to.

    1. Very true, albeit difficult when we're under stress.

      God bless, Bill.

  6. The old saying that our mothers always always told was, If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all. :)

  7. Great song to accompany this message! When I'm relaxed and 'sane' it's easy to be kind. Unfortunately, however, if someone pushes my buttons, I often forget to button my lips.

    1. Everyone is pushing my buttons these days. I even have buttons where I did not know I have buttons.

      I agree, Mevely. I am finding it difficult being a Saint.

      God bless always.

  8. I have written that on blogs. I have become so disheartened with hateful negative political comments on the blogs of Christians. I love your post. Thank you. I am a mushy person who is always talking sweetly mushy to family. The little boys giggle…Brenda

    1. It's true, Brenda. Often one sees negative comments on Christian Blogs. I have been called "real names" on some of them I dare not repeat here.

      God bless.

  9. With everything we do and say, we become more like Jesus or less like Him. That's what matters.



God bless you.