Tuesday 17 October 2023

Doe men listen to women?


I wonder how many men will write in and answer this question honestly? Do men really listen to women or do they just nod, and smile, and keep repeating "yes dear ... yes ... I understand ..." and keep watching sports on TV or doing whatever it is they are doing?

In my case, I keep getting interrupted when doing something very important, like watching TV. 

I may be watching a documentary and they show a country somewhere ... say Canada for instance ... and I'm interrupted by "Justin Bieber is from Canada ... so is Shania Twain ..."

Well, that information certainly enriched my life. By the time I digested and ignored this ground-breaking piece of non-information I have missed what they were saying on TV.

Or other inane information ... "I had a friend in school who came from Canada."

Come on men, tell me whether this ever happens to you and how do you deal with it.

The other day we had to go to a wedding in a town I'd never visited before. I was not looking forwards to the journey. I thought about the poor man getting married and committing himself to a lifetime of incessant listening. 

I switched on the GPS navigation system in the car and it did not work. Great ... now what? My wife got out the map book. I then remembered my cell-phone has a GPS navigation app too; so I switched that on and we drove off.

A couple of miles down the road the car GPS system came online too. And my wife was following the direction on her map book.

Pretty soon the two women on the GPS systems disagreed. One suggested I drive straight on the other said turn left. 

Brilliant ... I had two women I never met telling me to do different things, and my wife suggesting I stop and ask for directions. Who from? Those cows in the field? Or the sheep over there? How do you ask directions from someone who is not there?

Eventually she won. I stopped in the middle of nowhere in the countryside. We waited for a few minutes. No one ...

So I decided to leave the car and walk around a bit to stretch my legs and perhaps meet someone. Eventually, I saw a farmer in a field. I asked him, "Could you direct me to Notlob, please?"

"Oh ... it's too far to walk from here," he said.

"I've got a car ... about half a mile from here," I replied.

He scratched his head, looked left down the road, then right up ahead, and after a while he advised, "To be honest ... if I was going to Notlob I would not start from here!"

I suddenly thought of a city near Notlob and asked him about that, "do you know where that is?" 

"Oh yes ... I go there once a week to sell our produce," he replied with a smile.

"Good," I said enthusiastically, "can you tell me how you get there?"

"My brother takes me," was his reply.

I walked back to the car and drove off to the sound of three women telling me what to do. Eventually we got there to witness the man vowing to listen to his wife for eternity

DISCLAIMER: For comedic purposes only. This post has been vetted by my wife and two GPS ladies.


  1. ...I want the Reader's Digest reversion, I don't need all of the details.

  2. Ask somebody for directions, no way. :)

    1. My point exactly, Bill. Why ask for directions? People always say: go straight, turn left, then second on the right then straight over the round-about, then third exit on the next round-about ...

      And by the time they've finished I've forgotten it all and dare not ask again!

      God bless.

  3. NO COMMENT! My girl is the perfect map reader! I will say once my Pastor and his wife were coming to visit, both he and his wife had a GPS device that argued. They are still married. But you are correct about 'em GPS's. Note my wife reads these comments. 'nuf said?
    Sherry & jack
    ps: We have been married 67 yrs want to stay married. ;-)

    1. God bless both of you Jack and Sherry for being such an example to us all. But it's true, sometimes GPS systems do not agree with each other. Some choose the quickest routes, others choose the one with less traffic and so on ...

      God bless always.

  4. The cartoon at the end is priceless, Victor. And as for giving/getting directions, we've had our GPS mess up here and there. I do like hearing a woman give directions, though. :)

    1. One good thing about the GPS lady: she does not say, "you're going too fast, watch out for that bicycle, you're driving too close to the side-walk ... ... "

      I'm glad you liked the cartoon I put together some years back.

      God bless you, Martha.

  5. This reminds me of the time we were invited to a friend's home in another town. No worries, we've got GPS, right? Wrong! Not only were we without satellite service, but had no paper maps. (Thankfully, we were able to phone our hosts who audio-navigated us to their home.)
    Technology is wonderful -- until it isn't.

    1. You're right, Mevely. We should not over rely on technology. When I asked the GPS lady to direct me to a pub whilst I was travelling on business; she said, "you drink too much ... that's the third time this week you go to the pub!"

      God bless, Mevely.

  6. I love this. I love the farmer in the field too. I remember when all we had was maps, and somehow we got where we were supposed to go. My father said he always knew where he was, even when it seemed like we were driving around in circles. But somehow we got where we were going without the aid of GPS. Yes, GPS can be wrong. They can't see the new construction going on or they are still relying on the way it was while under construction and now it's fixed...nothing is perfect. We just have to rely on God and good instincts!

    1. I remember when the GPS lady said turn left and I did and it was a no-through road leading to a supermarket car park. The car park had one entrance (which is where I got in) and an exit in a different street at the back of the shop. It took me ages to get back on track where I was meant to go.

      Thanx for calling here again, Pamela. God bless you.

  7. Smiling here. Thanks for the mirth.

  8. Once in a while someone stops me on my walk to ask for directions - it has been a woman every time! :)

    1. Men don't ask for directions. God bless, Happyone.

  9. I'm the one who has to listen to my husband, I don't have much to say most of the time. Besides, I usually can't get a word in between him and Brother-In-Law.

    Oh, and Grandpa always stopped to ask directions and so do I. My husband, not so much.

    1. You must be a good listener, Mimi. I sometimes fall asleep when listening.

      God bless you all.

  10. Why is space dark? That IS a good question!

    1. Indeed ... why is it dark and then the sun makes it bright and blue? Surely the sun rays travel through space to make our skies blue; so why not make all of space bright and blue. Whenever I watch Star Trek out of the Enterprise windows it is always dark. Yet when they land on a planet it is bright and sunny.

      I wrote to Picard about this. Maybe my message got lost in a space shift anomaly due to a worm hole too small to get messages through.

      God bless, Sandi.



God bless you.