Monday 16 October 2023

It makes sense


When I was young I liked reading all the super heroes stories in magazines. Superman, Batman and Robin, The Hulk, and all the others. My favourite was Spider Man. He was bitten by a spider and developed super powers of flying through the air making spiders web everywhere. No doubt followed by Super Clean, a hero with a vacuum cleaner and brush, clearing the cobwebs left behind.

As a child I was bitten by our small dog Santa. We called him that because when we first got him he left us little presents everywhere. It was not much of a bite. Just a nip really. But I was certain I developed special powers like Spider Man.

From that day, I was convinced I had a heightened sense of smell. I could smell in the dark and round corners. A gift which I have retained to this day.

I could tell people by their smells. My grandma for instance always smelled of lavender. Why do old people have that distinguished smell of plants or herbs? My other grandma smelled of pot-pourri whereas her sister, Aunt Gertrude from Australia, smelled of eucalyptus. At the time I did not know what eucalyptus was, but Mom told me it's a plant grown in Australia. Apparently, Aunt Gertrude used oil of eucalyptus in cough drops and sweets. She gave me one once. It tasted awful and made me cry ... inwardly of course. Because real heroes don't cry.

I also had an uncle who wore a black suit that smelled of moth balls. I did not know that moths had such large balls; but Mom explained it was a chemical disinfectant to keep moths away from clothes. My uncle only wore that suit at weddings and funerals. The rest of the time he smelled of whisky. Dad told me it was his after-shave lotion. Mom added that it was called Single Malt distilled in Scotland.

In church we had an old confessional made of wood. It was a wooden booth where the priest sat and the penitents would kneel on either side and confess through a small window. I remember once in Confession, as I knelt in the confessional I told the priest that I had hidden my grandma's motorcycle helmet behind the couch. She did not ride a motorcycle, she just wore the helmet as a precaution in case she got mugged ... so she said. 

Anyway, the priest told me to keep my voice down because he could smell my grandma kneeling on the other side of the confessional. He did not tell me which grandma it was, the lavender one or the pot-pourri one.

I was very proud as a child of my super powered smelling abilities. It compensated for being bitten by Santa.

I'm still proud of the power of super smell. I can tell as soon as I enter the house that my wife has cremated another dinner. I wish we still had some of Aunt Gertrude's eucalyptus oil.


  1. ...eucalyptus has a wonderful fragrance.

    1. Yes it does, Tom. Tastes good in sweets and cough drops too.

      God bless.

  2. Have a blessed day my friend. Regine

  3. Something stinks in Denmark, I suppose you know what it is. :)

    1. It's in a little hamlet the name of which escapes me.

      God bless, Bill.

  4. I got a good chuckle out of this reflection, Victor.

    1. It's good to have super powers, Martha. Have you got a super power?

      God bless.

  5. And here I am thinking my oldest son and two of his boys were the only ones who wrapped themselves in capes and THIOUGHT they had super powers, but then none of them thought they had a super smeller....
    WE are keeping our heads above water here, but still have a long ways to go. Sentence has been imposed on family member, but still in limbo as to when it starts....
    Prayers for our mental state needed. Love from this side
    Sherry & jack

    1. I am praying for you and your family, Jack and Sherry. May the Lord be with you at this difficult time.

      God bless you all.

  6. Good ones, Victor. Yes, now I wonder why elderly women carry with them a particular aroma. My grandmother used to make homemade hard candies using anise oil ... so good!
    Like Willie sings, my heroes have always been cowboys.

    1. Yes aniseed, that's another smell I remember. Boiled aniseed and drunk like tea. Tastes a bit like licorice. Also aniseed tasting boiled sweets. Do they make such things any more? They certainly don't make licorice sweets; it's all glucose and molasses or caramelised sugar these days. Not one licorice has sacrificed its life to help make today's sweets.

      What do cowboys smell like?

      God bless you Mevely for reminding me of the past.

  7. You do have a fun sense of humor! I loved this. I must've been bitten by Santa too...amazing how certain scents bring back such memories! The wonderful scent of Apple pie baking makes me think of my wonderful mother, who baked the best pies ever!. One time I bought some apple pie scented air freshener. My kids used it in the bathroom to cover up certain smells, and well, it kind of spoiled that fragrance for me after that. LOL. Apple pie scent should only be used in the kitchen! LOL. Have a wonderful day my friend!

    1. Bless you Pamela; you've brought back sweet memories of apple pie with cinnamon. A nice hot freshly made apple pie, or cherry pie - or even cakes and pastries as Mom used to make. Not many people have time, patience and knowledge to bake any more. It's all shop bought because it's cheaper and tastes of cardboard. The only way one can get a square meal these days is by throwing away the food and eating the cardboard packaging.

      I too don't like bathroom products smelling of apples and other food products. What's the world coming to? Air fresheners smelling of garlic, fried onions and pizza?

      God bless you Pamela. Call here again.

  8. As always I enjoyed your post!!

  9. My grandmother's house had a certain scent, and I've never been able to figure out what it was.

    I'm glad you had some compensation for the dog bite.

    1. Yes Mimi, I can smell from a distance of three feet now ...

      God bless.



God bless you.