Thursday 5 January 2023

More ... More ...


It occurred to me the other day that entertainers such as singers and comedians are the only people to be applauded with a standing ovations and people clapping their hands and shouting "More ... More ..." They leave the stage for a few seconds and then return to the acclamation of their audience and sing or tell jokes for a little while longer. I guess it happens to politicians too. People stand up and applaud; sometimes shouting "Encore ... Encore ..." or if in France, they shout "Bis ..." which is the same as Encore or More.

You don't get this applause in other professions. Like a surgeon doing an operation, or a doctor examining someone in very private places and the patient suddenly stands up and applauds, "More ... More ..."

Or if you are a Catholic, (like me), you don't go to Confession and when the priest gives you a penance of reciting three Hail Maries, you applaud and shout, "More ... More ... great act of forgiveness there Padre!"

Or if the judge sentences a man to six months in prison, the defendant stands up applauding and shouts, "More ... More ... that was a good judgement there your honour!"

This clamouring for more seems to happen in certain professions only. I often wonder whether you shout, (or think), "More ... More ..." when you read my posts or whether you think I go on for too long and best to shut up and not post any more.

Always leave them wanting for more ... someone once said. So I'll leave it at that.

Except than to add, when someone goes to Heaven, is he greeted by angels applauding and shouting for "More" souls to be welcomed to Paradise?


  1. ...perhaps they want their money's worth!

    1. Yep ... people could ask the doctor if he carries out one operation will the next one be for free!

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I will be back for more, ;-) You have written a mouth full, well something like that. LOL We all like to be applauded. I hve been applauded on stage many times when I made a boo boo! I made the missake once of using a well now friends voice for one of my robots, a kid in the back yelled out, "Hey that is my dad in there!"
    Anyway, Love from over here my friend. I DO appreciate your prayers, someone very close to me is facing a tough time. The climax will happen this month. Thanks in advance for the prayers....
    Love from here, Sherry & jack

    1. Praying for you and yours as well as the person in difficulty right now. God is at hand and cares and loves us more than we can imagine.

      I applaud you for your courage and your good example, Jack.

      God bless you all.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    Yes, that is so very true!
    Truck drivers for instance get never applauded and most people not.
    As for your often too lengthy posts I have to skip reading your 'book' as I need to do so many other things. Being at my stage of CKD it is a struggle so I cannot lose the time.

    1. Always praying for yours and Pieter's good health, Mariette. Thank you so much for your support.

      God bless you both.

  4. I love the last question you posed here, Victor. It is comforting to imagine the angels cheering us on as we struggle here on earth.

    1. Yes, I hope so, Martha. We need them to be cheering us on as we often falter and struggle on our way.

      God bless always.

  5. Angels watch over us and probably can't believe the things we do to each other. Maybe we are the "sitcom" on the earth channel. :)

    1. I like that ... we're the sitcom for the angels. Good point, Bill.

      God bless.

  6. Methinks there are too many deserving folks who never get the recognition they deserve. I love your closing thought!

    1. You are right Mevely. So many people doing difficult work go un-recognised and un-thanked.

      God bless you and your family. May the Angels applaud you.

  7. There are so many deserving people who are perhaps like angels and go that little bit extra to help us. A little kindness and a thank you to people go a long way.

    All the best Jan

    1. You are so right, Jan. So many people who get on with their work yet we cannot possibly do without them.

      God bless you.

  8. God recognizes all the good works and in the long run that is all that really matters. :)

  9. Gracious, i never thought about the angels shouting for more souls to be saved. Maybe they do.

    I enjoy your blog and am so glad to be able to read here.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. You are always welcome here; I'm so glad you enjoy it. Share with your friends.

      God bless always.



God bless you.