Friday 6 January 2023

The Gift of Thyme

There are these two guys we know called Ivor Mosquito and Ivan Itch who are always buzzing around our house. Sometimes they are welcome, especially just before Christmas when my wife and I were in the garden and Ivor came to deliver our presents; and sometimes they're unwelcome when it is at an inappropriate time when my wife and I are in the bedroom.

I'll never learn how to make the bed and how to fold the sheets neatly in the corners as they do in hotels.

In them times they also used to leave a piece of chocolate on the pillow in hotels. I never knew why. It often melted in the night ... the number of times I had to explain to the maids who came to clean the room that it was chocolate on the pillow cases and the sheets!

Anyway, where was I before you interrupted me?

Oh yes ... Ivor Mosquito came and he gave me my present. It was a box of different herbs to plant in the garden. You know, mint, basil, rosemary, oregano; that sort of thing. I went quickly in my corner of the garden and planted them all. I always plant my herbs in alphabetical order. Ivor was amazed. He said, "where do you find the time?" I replied, "it's there next to the parsley, rosemary and sage ..."

Time is a precious commodity, you know. We often don't have time to spare for the more important things in life. Like sparing a moment or two for someone else. Smiling at a stranger perhaps. Saying "hi" to the neighbour as we go in or out of our house.

I know people who spend a lot of time helping others. Visiting the sick in hospital. Working voluntarily in church. Buying and preparing soup and sandwiches and going to feed the homeless late at night in town. They even take items of clothing like hats, gloves and other garments to help the poor keep out the cold. They also volunteer to visit old folks at home and drive them to doctor's and hospital appointments. I respect people who spend their time like that.

There are so many ways we can spend our time helping others.

Do you know that even spending time writing your Blog is helping others who visit you and are cheered by what you write? They also get an extra cheer when you visit them and leave a comment on their posts. Whatever you write ... about herbs perhaps, or plants, or cars or pets, or about Jesus too; you can rest assured someone will appreciate the time it took you to write it.

Now back to my herbs ... lettuce pray!



  1. Hi Victor, I like everything you have written here, and I love talking and interacting with people whenever and wherever I go out. I may have shared this with you before, but my husband always says to people 'If you see any two legged donkeys around town it's because Brenda has talked the hind legs off them' God bless..

    1. It's good to talk. And Blogging is a way of talking. We say something that hopefully will be of help or perhaps cheer someone else.

      God bless, Brenda.

  2. certainly is. Lettuce us have peace!

  3. Dearest Victor,
    That is a lot of funny wording!
    Lettuce pray indeed.

  4. Hello from over here. Enjoyed today's lesson, you will have to confess about the chocolate, we know you ate it! But yes you state a TRUTH about taking some time to spead assistance and good cheer. We do need to take more time. (I really have no idea what thyme is) but we are learning fast the meaning of time, as our clock runs down.
    The best for you from here. The prayers are appreciated.

    1. Hi Jack, Thyme is a herb used in cooking and medicinal purposes. But I don't think it is used in making chocolates.

      Praying for you and your loved ones. Hope all is well. God bless to you and Sherry.

  5. Happy Friday. Regine

  6. If I could save thyme in a bottle ....
    Wait a minute, I've some right there in the cabinet!

    In all seriousness, great message. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Mevely. I really admire those people I mentioned who regularly buy food and go feed the homeless in town. Also they distribute clothing.

      God bless.

  7. We could all use a little more thyme, the bottle could be recycled.:)

    1. Indeed, if only we could capture or slow down time. So many things still to do.

      God bless, Bill.

  8. I enjoy your blog every thyme, Victor. :) Blessings!

    1. What a nice and kind thing to say. Thank you so much, Martha. I learn a lot from what you write.

      God bless you.

  9. Sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth continuing to blog. Thank you for your encouragement.

    1. Yes ... Yes ... Yes ... it is worth continuing. Never give up. You never know who is visiting you and enjoying what you write. Many people visit and don't comment.

      God bless, Kathy.

  10. Yes, 'time is a precious commodity' we should use it wisely.

    Good post with some very good points Victor, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  11. We can all help others in some way. Sometimes just a smile can brighten someones day.

  12. Help can come in so many ways. Thank you for your blog, it is always an enjoyable visit here.

    1. You are so kind, Mimi. I'm glad you visit here.

      God bless you.



God bless you.