Sunday 5 November 2023

A candle in the dark


I normally visit as many Blogs and websites as I can. Usually they are Christian based sites. I read what's there but don't often leave a comment; only when I feel there's something I need to say. 

I was asked where I find the time. I replied it's next to the parsley, sage, rosemary and mint or oregano ... on the dried herbs shelf at the supermarket; although you can also get fresh herbs too.

You see, we live in a dark, troubled world right now. Not many believe, or most probably don't know what to believe. It's an angry world too. Full of sadness and tears.

So a Christian Blog or website is like a candle illuminating your little part of the dark world wide web. 

It may attract someone fumbling and stumbling in the darkness; searching for something they don't know they really need. Your little light may lead them to Him.

What a privilege. Something Christian you wrote has led someone to search for the true Light ... the Way ... and the Truth.

Think about that for a moment.


  1. ...some keep their light under a basket.

  2. Again, a very welcome heartfelt entry. WE like your attitude and dedication, and NO DOUBT you put a lot of time in to Spread the GOOD NEWS. Although I am already a believer, I NEED much of what you have to say and it lifts us up. So That light not only leads folks in the right direction, but it causes some lights to get brighter.....
    Love you my brother, we appreciate your prayers and encouraging words...
    Sherry & jack

    1. Thank you Jack and Sherry. You are very kind to me.

      Yes, it does take time to keep up my Blog and other websites as well as writing my books. My hope, (my prayer), is that just one person gets encouraged to find out more about God from what I write. I'll probably never know who that person is; but I'll keep writing for as long as I can.

      And your encouragement and support keeps me going; as well as that of my other loyal readers

      Praying for you. God bless.

  3. A calming presence is always welcomed. Thank you, Victor for providing that.

    1. Many thanx for your continued kindness to me, my friend.

      God bless you, Bill.

  4. To think we may be the only Bible a person reads is humbling, indeed, Victor. We all need to shine our light before others and pray they come to know Jesus.

    1. We may not realise it, but what we write can be more powerful than we imagine. I believe we need more regular Christian bloggers on social media.

      God bless, Martha.

  5. Funny, the shirt I'm wearing right now (depicting our little church building) says across the back -- "Be the Light."
    Lessons don't always come cloaked by clergy standing behind a pulpit. This I know.

    1. We can all be a light leading people to Christ, if we want to.

      God bless you, Mevely.

  6. Thank you for this, Victor. This is why I blog, and I pray that God will use this little light of mine to brighten the lives of those who read it. "Little is much, when God is in it". We should never underestimate the power of the written word, especially when it is dedicated to the glory of God. Thank you for being that kind of writer!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Pamela. I never realised when I wrote my first book "VISIONS" back in 2007 that I'll continue writing more than 40 books as well as this Blog and other websites.

      My attitude is that I'll write and God will ensure my writings end up in the hands that need them.

      God bless always, my friend.

  7. Time is precious. When you're choosing one activity you're passing on others.

    1. We should choose the activity more precious for our eternity.

      God bless, Kathy.

  8. Please know if you run out of time and can't visit me every day, I won't be upset and you will still be my friend. I'm trying to catch up, work keeps me so busy sometimes I just fall behind.

    1. What a kind thing to say, my friend. I do enjoy visiting your Blog and also seeing you here whenever you can. Thank you for all your good works.

      God bless, Mimi.

  9. We certainly do live in a troubled world right now.
    Praying for peace.

    All the best Jan



God bless you.