Thursday 9 November 2023

Is God Boring?


You know what it's like with some people. They say that they believe, although they probably don't know what they believe. They used to go to church at some point in their lives but now they have stopped. They say because it's boring.

Well let me tell you; God is not boring. Christians are boring; or some of them at least. 

You go to church and the priest, or minister, pastor or vicar, is as boring as a rice pudding going mouldy. His name is Fartoo Long to coincide with the length of his sermons which are delivered in a slow, monotonous, droning voice which would make the dead glad not to be in his congregation.

And it's not just the priest. Look at the parishioners too. Most of them have long faces like a mile or two of bad road; and some of them look down on you from on top of their glasses so as not to wear out the lenses. 

Then there's the choir led by Mrs Tone Deaf screeching at her heart's content solo as if she's an opera singer. How does she really know the tune to all those psalms she sings interminably? Did those archaeologists who found the old scrolls find the music score too? How does she know that her continuous wailing is exactly as those psalms were meant to be sung? Does God really deserve the punishment of her voice?

No ... God is not boring. People are.

God created us out of love and because He loves us so much He gave us so many things to enjoy. He does not want us to endure this life, but to enjoy it in preparation for more joy and happiness for eternity in Heaven.

Look at the beauty of the world He created. The mountains, the seas, countryside, clouds and beautiful skies. Look at the different colours of the trees, flowers, birds and fauna and animals.

Consider all the wonderful sounds for us to hear. The sound of the waves by the shore, the singing of birds, the droplets of rain, the laughter of a child, as well as music and singing for our enjoyment and praise to our Lord. (Mrs Tone Deaf take note).

Think about all the different tastes and the wonder of touch and all our other sense which God created for our pleasure and enjoyment.

These are not the gifts of a boring Divine Father. 

It is humanity, through its selfishness and taking everything for granted, which has turned Paradise into the hell we now inhabit - physically and spiritually.

Christians have an obligation to be joyful and to display this joy for all to see. 

How else do they expect others to admire them and follow their example?

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


  1. ...every Thanksgiving the churches in our area would have an ecumenial service. It was at the Catholic church because it was the largest church. The Priest would say, now for the time that you are waiting for, "the sermon in the amount!" He wasn't boring.

    1. Good one, Tom. Some priests/pastors can really relate to their congregation.

      God bless.

  2. Amen, God is certainly not boring. Majestic, holy, awesome don't begin to touch who He is. We, on the other hand, are way too often not bearing His image even when we claim His name. And that is a travesty.

    1. A travesty indeed by the way we behave.

      God bless, Linda.

  3. I love it when you mention Butter pecan ice cream!
    Think about all the different tastes and the wonder of touch and all our other sense which God created for our pleasure and enjoyment......
    BUT yes I and many others know what you are saying. I once listened to a 5 minute sermonette each morning by a young pastor. He said more in 5 minute's than I have heard in most
    hour long sermons.
    It is easy to see why he now has thousands in his church services while we suffer along with 30-50 folks.
    Fire, warmth attracts, ice doesn't, unless you are an ice skater. Not to say that is the way, but I see our Lord speak so earnestly that folks gathered around to LISTEN and LEARN!
    Again good stuff my friend.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Jack. You are right, a short sermon to the point has more impact than a long drawn-out speech. I know priests who actually read their sermons word for word from a prepared script; and they stop at every comma and full stop. That's not a sermon. It is a sleeping competition as to who can stay awake the longest. I usually get waken up by a sharp elbow in the ribs because of my snoring.

      Keep smiling my friend. I hope God has a sense of humour, otherwise I'm in great trouble.

      God bless y'all.

  4. God is never boring, Victor, but leave it to humans to muck it up. Some days, I can't believe He still loves us!

    1. He is patient too ... up to a point !!!

      God bless you, Martha.

  5. It's the people who are boring, they do what they wish, don't pay attention to the important things and if they right off God as someone who is not worth thinking about, well, they will pay the price in the end.

    1. True, some Christians I know are very boring. Not a good advert for Christianity.

      God bless, Bill.

  6. Boring is hardly a term I'd dare use to describe God. Rather, mankind's clumsy attempts to describe something in human terms (that) they can't begin to fathom. His miracles are new with every dawn if we would only open our eyes.

    1. Well said, Mevely. I know people who have stopped going to church because it is "boring". Truly, they don't understand why we go to church and Who God really is.

      God bless you always.

  7. People think God is Boring - they should read the Bible!!! :)

  8. thecontemplativecat here. I would say that we are boring most of the time.

    1. Yes, some people are. God created boring people to make us appreciate the normal ones.

      God bless, Susan.

  9. He's not boring.

    Our church isn't boring, either. If you want opportunities to do good works, we have over 30 ministry partnerships we work with through the city, you can find good works no matter what your gift and ability level.

    Tell the compelling story on Sunday to inspire those in the congregation to love the Lord and go out and serve every day, and you won't be bored.



God bless you.