Wednesday 1 November 2023

Cell Phones Warning


Let's be honest now folks. What do you do when you are in a waiting room; like at the doctor's, the dentist, hairdresser, chiropodist or anywhere else where you have to wait your turn? Do you read those posh magazines about high living, or wonderful homes and gardens, or sports, cars or horses? Or do you consult your cell-phone?

I went to see the doctor the other day. The poor chap was not feeling well and I took him some grapes and various fruit. I waited in the waiting room. There were another four people there waiting to be seen for various illnesses and excuses not to go to work. They were all looking intensively into their cell-phones.

What are they doing? I wondered. Are they checking their texts? How many texts do people receive a day? I get hardly any. Or are they sending texts? How many friends do they have to send texts to? Or are they on social media telling the whole world they are at the doctor for treatment of some personal infection? Maybe they are just playing computer games on their cell phones.

I leant side-ways casually and nonchalantly to see what the man next to me was doing. He was typing furiously. I noticed that he was writing his last will and testament. That's hardly a good advert for the doctor he was about to see; I thought.

I offered him a pickled onion from the jar I was enjoying. He shook his head and moved slightly away in his seat. I pulled out a KFC leg from my pocket and offered it instead. He said "no thanks ..." and moved to another chair. I ate the KFC myself and was left with just the bone. What do you do with the bone in the doctor's waiting room? They don't have bins for chicken legs and I could hardly leave it on the table next to the posh magazines. The other people were looking at me; so I put the bone inside my sock to throw it away later. I could not put it in my pocket because I had a bacon sandwich there.

It was my turn to go to the doctor's insulting room.   

He seemed a little better than when I last saw him. That time he got angry when a whole tub of coleslaw fell out of my pocket and onto his new carpet. You should have heard his language. Totally unbecoming of a medic.

This time he suggested I consult a vet instead! I wonder what he meant.

So, do you use your cell phone whilst waiting? Or do you enjoy a KFC, or a pickled onion or ... 


  1. "I went to see the doctor the other day. The poor chap was not feeling well and I took him some grapes and various fruit."

    I see what you did there. 😂

    1. I did the Christian thing to do; I shared all the grapes and fruits with him.

      God bless, Sandi.

  2. sit there in silence, which is something that many are afraid of.

    1. Yes, you sitting there in silence would frighten me too.

      God bless, Tom.

  3. Your best line today:
    It was my turn to go to the doctor's insulting room.,,,

    But I cannot imagine someone turning down a KFC leg...

    The best senty from over this way
    Sherry & jack...

    1. Doctors can be so condescending at times. Once one told me I had "fallen arches". I asked for a second opinion. He said "And that brick wall has been badly built too!"

      I did not offer him a half-eaten KFC leg.

      Keep smiling with me, Jack and Sherry.

  4. While waiting on the doctor, well or not, I usually read the news on my cell phone, but I have been known to actually bring a book with me to read. Don't think I've ever brought pickled onions or a KFC wing, though!
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. I think you should take some pickled onions for the doctor next time you go, Martha. It will certainly confuse him as a gift. I did the same once on my doctor's birthday. He stuttered as he thanked me. He must have been overcome with emotions.

      God bless.

  5. The chicken leg probably had some lint on it from your pocket so of course the guy didn't want it. :)

    1. Nothing wrong with lint ... it's fibre and fibre is good for the digestion. I know it tasted OK.

      God bless, Bill.

  6. I bring a book to read, or knitting. Hate to admit it but I'm one of those people who get the waiting room talking.

    1. I too get the whole waiting room talking. But then "Security" throws me out.

      God bless, Happyone.

  7. What are pickled onions, anyway? LOL. Not something I would eat or offer my Doctor. LOL. Then again, our doctor's office likes to give us some kind of recipe and/or food sample to help us lose weight and eat better when we go. This past week it was something called miracle noodles. It will be a miracle if I eat them. They look like clear plastic little worms. Not sure what they are made of, but I'm astonished the Dr. would suggest I eat them. Last time it was a small packet of sauerkraut. They say it's good for us! I ate it on a hot dog, which I don't think is good for us. They gave me a new food chart for weight loss (what are they trying to say here??). It removed all my favorite foods and said I couldn't eat them at all, but I could eat the sauerkraut and miracle noodles and other strange things I'd never heard of. Maybe I need to consult a new doctor. LOL. I look at my cell phone to look up things like miracle noodles at the doctor's office. LOL. Oh, btw, fried chicken legs were NOT on the list of approved foods. LOL.

    1. Pickled onions are onions left in a jar of brine (water, salt and vinegar), to mature and taste awful. Like sauerkraut and other pickles but with onions.

      Why do doctors prescribe tasteless foods to lose weight?

      Thanx for visiting here again, Pamela. God bless.

  8. "His Last Will and Testament" ... lololol!
    I hope in Heaven's cafeteria the only 'health foods' are fried chicken and chocolates.

    1. Good point, Mevely. I wonder what foods they have in Heaven.

      Keep smiling always. God bless.

  9. I read whatever book I brought with me, or read a book I've downloaded on my phone. There's always more to read.

    1. I read the notices in the waiting room to make myself depressed.

      God bless, Mimi.

  10. I bring a book to read ...

    All the best Jan



God bless you.