Sunday 26 November 2023

Oh ... not that again.


I make no apologies for returning to this subject again. I am sure that at least one of my readers needs to hear this message today.

I regularly check the statistics on this Blog. They are usually in three digits. So if one person in a hundred gets something from this post today then it was worth repeating.

"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." Mark 11:25

If you know something and don't act on it then you are convicted/condemned in the eyes of God. So there you have it. Now you know.

God is asking you; telling you, to forgive or else He will not forgive you.

I have been hurt badly by someone in life. I have tried to forgive that person and asked God in prayer to forgive them and care for them. But if I meet that person again I'd punch them on the nose. Perhaps not literally but figuratively speaking. Because being with that person would not only re-open old wounds but would also place me and others in similar situations as before.

Does that make my forgiveness invalid?

We all owe it to ourselves to protect ourselves and our loved ones from evil and harm. It is our responsibility and duty to do so. If by returning to the previous state of affairs puts us at risk, it is right not to place ourselves in that situation. We can forgive someone without returning to the status quo. God understands and respects such a decision.

But what if that person asks for our help?

Difficult one this. It is also our duty in the eyes of God to help that person as best we can. To say you forgive them and to withhold our help is the same as not forgiving them.

In my books, I have often written that this world will never know peace until it learns to forgive. 

But what is world peace? World peace is when we all genuinely forget the past and truly forgive with a view to moving forwards in love and harmony as God commanded.

And it starts with one person at a time. Starting with you ... and me.


  1. Each one of us.

    "But what is world peace? World peace is when we all genuinely forget the past and truly forgive ..."

    These words are fire.

    1. "But what if that person asks for our help?"

      Helping them will help you. I have seen this happen. It puts you above the problem. Somehow it lifts unforgiveness and throws it aside.

    2. Thank you, Sandi. World peace is so elusive because we still remember the past and want to get even. Helping each other is our first step towards forgiveness and peace.

      God bless you.

  2. ...forgiving is important, but forgetting is impossible.

    1. Agreed. Let every time we remember be another opportunity to forgive once more.

      God bless, Tom.

  3. Oh man does this ring a bell. My last REAL Pastor once gave a sermon using this verse. THAT hit HOME. I went home and wrote two letters since the folks were hundreds of miles away. And yes I felt much better. One a non professing Christian wrote back her forgiveness. The other a Minister of the Gospel never answered. I still felt good in my spirit.

    Good subject my friend, WELL covered....... Love it
    Sherry & jack on this side..

    1. Thank you Jack. Forgiveness can be very difficult to achieve, especially when the hurt done to us is great. I still remember, daily, and try to forgive again; difficult as it is.

      God bless you and your family my friends. Best wishes to Sherry and to y'all.

  4. Once again a great reminder of what we need to do to achieve true peace and contentment.

    1. It's not just peace and contentment, it is a warning from Christ as to how we will be treated by God if we don't forgive.

      God bless, Kathy.

  5. Very interesting. You just never know when you share things, how readers are affected, where they "are" and how much they needed to see what you've written. Thank you.

    1. That's right, Barbara. We never know who visits our Blogs without leaving a message or comment. Forgiveness is very difficult for many people and this is understandable as many of us have been hurt in life. The thing to do is, as best we can, in prayer to hand over the ones who have hurt us to God. Ask God to bless and forgive them - not punish them, but bless them. We can't possibly hate those we pray for. So when the memories come back, we pray again for those who hurt us.

      God bless you, Barbara.

  6. That is a tough situation considering all the hate in the world today but I know we must try.

  7. Though I know we must try, I think/feel sometimes you need to walk away. It's been my experience that people really don't change and allowing someone to hurt you or your family again...when you've been down that path and know no good will come of it. History is there for us to learn from and I believe we've been given a brain and free will and so we shouldn't waste it by ignoring it. I don't want toxic people back in my life...sometimes you just can't cross the line
    again. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Yes you are right, Sandy. Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation and return to the status quo. Often, it is our duty to distance ourselves from certain people.

      God bless always.

  8. I certainly takes all of us, Victor. God asks us to forgive, but He never said anything about forgetting. But if we don't give that pain of ours over to Him, how can we move on in His grace? Blessings!

    1. Well said, Martha. God did not say to forget. Christ does not forget when He sees the wounds in His hands, feet and side. He forgives once again.

      God bless.

  9. Borrowing from your suggestion, I have asked God to forgive someone for me. Nevertheless, I think there's a letter (or several) I should pen.

    1. Thank you for these nice sentiments, Mevely. God is pleased with you, I am certain. Yes, however difficult, please write those letters. I am praying for you.

      God bless always my friend.

  10. Our world is not in a good place at the moment.

    Helping someone can be a good start.
    If we could all try and make our own surroundings a better and happier, kinder place, then from small steps perhaps larger ones can be made.

    All the best Jan

    1. Indeed Jan. How many families are living in anger and disputes? What hope is there for the wider world?

      God bless.

  11. Forgiving and removing ourselves from the harmful person is wise. If they need help, there are ways to do it without putting yourself at risk, perhaps through a third party.

    Forgiving is, in part, leaving them to the Lord to deal with, hoping they are brought to see what harm they've done and repent of it.



God bless you.