Thursday 30 November 2023

Did it happen to you?


Did this ever happen to you? You're alone at home, or in a room, doing something completely natural like watching TV, or cooking in the kitchen, or washing the dishes, or reading a book, and then suddenly, for a split tiny bit of a second, from the corner of your eye you see a figure. It's so quick you almost have imagined it. Either a figure standing there or walking past you and out of sight.

Has this ever happened to you? And you stop and think. Have I imagined it? Was someone there? Surely not. Don't be silly, I just imagined it ... or did I?

If this ever happened to you; what was it? A ghost? A spirit? An Angel? Or your imagination?

Many people report that they've sometimes seen something or someone and perhaps not really see it. A quick vision as if there was someone there. And it normally happens when they are alone; either at home or in a room with other people elsewhere in the house.

The reason I am asking all this is because last Christmas, one evening I got home late, and as I entered the house I am sure I saw out of the corner of my eye Santa Claus running out of the kitchen into the back garden. He jumped over the fence into the neighbour's garden, and then in the street where he drove off at speed.

I asked my wife about it and she said I was imagining things. People often do.

What do you think?


  1. ...I can't say that it's happened to me.

    1. What? No Santa visits?

      God bless, Tom. Keep smiling.

  2. A few years ago when I was living in Wales I awoke during the night and saw my sister standing right beside my bed. She had died at a young age, we believe it was from a wrong blood transfusion as she told me when she was in hospital that she had heard a nurse say that she had been given the wrong one, and when she came home she was covered in red spots.

    1. Wow, what a story, Brenda. I had heard of similar apparitions of people who had passed away visiting their family.

      God bless always.

  3. I'm not recollecting seeing anyone, but sometimes noises will lead me to think that someone else is in the house.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Yes, me too. Noises in the middle of the night. I heard them.

      God bless, Martha.

  4. I once saw my dog soon after he died. It seemed so real.

    1. Very strange. Many people experience visions.

      God bless, Bill.

  5. A few days after my father passed, my (at the time) young son told us 'Grandpa' had visited him the night before. Never one to tell 'tall tales', we had no reason not to believe.

    1. It's amazing how often people have such experiences. We don't understand them and yet ... spirits and ghosts are mentioned in the Bible. Could it be that God allows such loved ones to visit us? Is it OK to ask them to pray for us? They prayed for us when alive, can they still pray for us now they are closer to Christ?

      God bless, Mevely.

  6. I never had that happen but I did have a dream after my father died. He was driving his car and my gramma (his mother) and Ken's father were in the car with him. Gramma and Ken's dad had died too. My dad waved to me as he passed by and said, we are all fine. See you one day.

    1. Yet again, you also describe similar experiences to our other readers, Happyone. See my response to Mevely above.

      God bless always.

  7. thecontemplativecat here. Over the decades, I have experienced similar and even stronger. We have seen spirits, felt their touch. I have a sensitivity for this, wish I didn't.

    1. Thank you Susan for sharing your experiences here. Glad to see you visiting here again. Hope you're keeping well.

      God bless you and yours.



God bless you.