Sunday 1 September 2024

Are you following me?


Are you following me?

The beauty of the English language is that you can get different meanings from the same words.

The phrase above can quite literally mean: Are you walking a few steps behind me everywhere I go?

Or it could mean: Do you understand what I am saying? Are you following the meaning of my discussion?

Or in Blog terms it could mean: Do you follow a Blog? Are you pinged every time there’s a new post?

Hey – I’ve just learnt something new. Apparently “pinging” is when the computer tells a reader that someone has added a new post to their Blog.

So those followers of this Blog get pinged every time I write here. (Sounds painful). So thanks to all of you for undergoing such pain every time I write! Thanks also to other readers whether you visit once in a while or regularly.

Back to the essence of today’s post.

What would it mean to you if I changed the opening sentence to: Are you following Jesus?

Are you (and I) physically daily in our lives following Jesus in everything that He said and has asked of us? Are we “In step with the Lord”?

Do we follow Jesus in that we understand Who He is, what He said, and what He came on earth to do?

Two thousand years after He walked this earth there is still confusion and controversy about Jesus. Who He is, and what He meant when He said what He said, and did what He did. Some still claim He was just a prophet, a teacher, a wise man or a healer. Many do not accept Him as the Son of God.

Do we really follow His meaning? Do we understand Him? Do we get pinged every time He speaks to us now, today, in this very day and age? For, make no mistakes about it, He does speak to us today – but perhaps not many are listening.

So there you have it: What does “Are you following Jesus?” really mean to you (and me)?

Now there’s a thought!


  1. ...that you can get different meanings from the same words is a beauty?

    1. Yes, beauty is in the eye of the bystander, or the passer-by, or whoever ...

      God bless, Tom.

  2. English isn’t the only language that does this. ❤️
    —-Cheerful Monk

    1. That's right; it's all Greek to me, or is it Double Dutch?

      God bless Cheerful Monk.

  3. Yes I am following Jesus and still learning as He takes my hand through this season of my life. I don’t have grandchildren and never will so He has birthed in me ministries that I can embrace and love on instead.

    1. Every day Jesus is close to you, Debby. Only a prayer away.

      God bless.

  4. I begin and end my day with a thank you to God and try my best which I know can be better.

    1. Yes, we can all try and can do better. God bless you and your family, Bill.

  5. To the best of my knowledge I've not heard any audible pinging (when you post). Nevertheless, yes. "I want to be in the number when the saints go marching in."

    1. I've never had any pinging either, Mevely. Don't know if it is an actual sound or an e-mail message that people get. My telephone however does not ring when someone phones me; it laughs!

      I like the song "When all the Saints come marching in". God bless you always.

  6. If my phone or computer pinged every time I had a new post notification, I'd lose my mind, Victor. But Jesus is welcome to ping me every day with His reminders of love, grace and mercy. And I agree, English has so many nuances and meanings. I love that, but I know it makes it a difficult language for others who don't speak it to learn.

    1. Aha ... my thoughts exactly, Martha. If Jesus were to ping me (or you); how would I really really behave? I'd be so out of my mind trying not to do anything wrong. Careful of what I say, what I think, what I do; in case He pinged me even harder on the head.

      God bless always, my friend.

  7. All I can say is, I pray He is molding me to be a good follower of Him.

  8. Yes, I follow Jesus as best as I can. I love reading the Bible every morning, and many times it speaks to me and leads and guides me in the situations that I may be going through. He sees all we do, and reads all of our thoughts. God bless.

    1. Thank you for this thoughtful comment, Brenda. God bless you always.



God bless you.