Sunday 8 September 2024

Christian Falsehood


Being in a secular world is sad enough where people seem to have ceased to believe in God, in His Son Jesus, or in anything at all. Without God as their guide people create their own god in the shape of riches, possessions, power, influence, celebrity and whatever else can provide them with temporary pleasure and entertainment. 

At the risk of being "preachy" I feel I should point out at another danger in our society - namely Christian Falsehood.

This is the trend or fashion to invent sayings and notions that sound Christian in basis but in reality are far from such. This way, they lull people into a false sense of Christianity leading them to believe that all is well in their lives when the direct opposite is true. For example:

"God helps those who help themselves" - this is not Biblical. I have not found anyone in the Bible who said this. Taken in its literal sense it would mean that if someone is dishonest and does something wrong for gain or to advance himself then God is smiling on him and approving of his behaviour. Total nonsense of course. But often used as a saying to condone or encourage such behaviour.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" - Let me first quote Leviticus in the Bible where this comes from: "If a man injures his neighbour, just as he has done, so it shall be done to him: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; just as he has injured a man, so it shall be inflicted on him. Thus the one who kills an animal shall make it good, but the one who kills a man shall be put to death. (Leviticus 24:19-21)

Let me explain that at the time this was meant to be a statute of limitation. It meant to say "don't go overboard and over react to what has been done to you". It was a set of rules to control what must have been an uncontrollable situation with people seeking revenge much more than what was done to them. It reminds me of a saying I heard once "retaliate first!" That is certainly not Christian teaching; and let me remind you that Leviticus was written many years before Jesus was born. But over the years, this saying seems to have been interpreted as a right to get your own back and to beat the other person as he has beaten you. No wonder the world is in the state it's in.

Here's what Jesus said about it, "You have heard that it was said, ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’ But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

"You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.(Matthew 5:38-48)

"God answers all prayers" - Again, this is not Biblical and is not true. If God answered all prayers there would be no more funerals in the world and we would live for ever. God certainly listens to all prayers and He answers many in His own time and in His own way. It may not be what we expect but you will find it is always what is best for us. God's time is eternity and His ways are not our ways - so let us stop measuring Him by our standards.

"God is everywhere" - No ... He is not. God is where He is allowed to be. If a heart is closed and set against God, and the very existence of God, then God will not force Himself on that person. God will make Himself known to that person through various means but at the end of the day the choice remains with that person to decide for himself. No one goes to Heaven against their will.

"A loving God would not let us suffer for eternity in hell" - Another modern non-sense thinking. Hell exists all right; Jesus said so many times. But God does not send people to hell. They freely go there by their lifestyle choices.


  1. ...many conservative Christian churches in the US have become corrupted by greed and power.

    1. I don't know about the US; but generally, there's a lot of false Christian teachings.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. "God answers all prayers"

    Well, yes, but sometimes the answer is no,

  3. God gives three answers to prayers; yes, no, wait. I do believe He answers but as you said, in His own way and in His own time.
    There’s one of those Christian false hoods that drives me crazy: to comfort those who are grieving, I’ve heard many Christians say, “ God needed another angel” or “ He has his angel wings now” or the deceased is watching over you and guiding you. After my son died, I was inundated with these falsehoods. Those well meaning comments did not comfort me at all. The fact that I will see him again was comforting and that he was with Jesus.
    Thanks for pointing out these falsehoods. I believe I was brought up in the Church of Christian Falsehood because after I was born again, I was shocked that these were not even scripture.
    God Bless Victor.

    1. Thank you Debby; Oh ... you are so right. Yes, it does upset me when people say "God needed another angel" and such similar terms. I should have remembered that one too on my list. We seem to have created a new generation which believes they "know" God and can interpret His every thought and action.

      Thank you fro your wonderful comment. God bless you always.

  4. God has answered some of my prayers but not all of them but it doesn't stop me from asking.

    1. Good point Bill. We should ask in the knowledge that He is listening and the hope that He will answer in His time and way.

      God bless you.

  5. Such statements are, as you indicated, often thought to be scriptural. As for God answering prayers, my thought is that He does answer in one of the following ways:
    not yet/wait

    1. Indeed, you are correct, Barbara. God bless you my friend.

  6. I must agree wholeheartedly with what Barbara said above, Victor. I think that's why it's so important for us to say, "Thy will, not mine, be done." That's hard, isn't it? We do want what we think we want without considering what's best in the sight of God.
    Blessings always!

  7. I see others have commented like I would about God answering prayers. Yes, No, Wait

  8. I learned somethings new!
    Pastor Janet's sermon this morning also addressed loving one's neighbor; loving all.
    I remember my mother saying the Bible tells us there were wars and there will always be wars. (Something to that effect.) I'm curious, what is your interpretation? Thank you!

    1. Thank you Mevely, for your question. As I understand it, Jesus is saying here, what is so clever in loving those who love you? Like spouse, children, family and friends. Everyone does that. He wants us to go a step further and love one's "enemies". Now this bit is difficult; some would say impossible. Because this world has a lot of people who do not prescribe to this edict. A lot of people who do not believe in God, in Jesus, or in any religion whatsoever. So, if you do not believe in Jesus/God you will hardly take notice of His teaching let alone obey it.

      The Bible does mention there will (always) be wars. (Revelations and elsewhere). This is simply stating a fact because men have sinned for generations and are not meant to agree on anything. This is what free-will is all about. God did not create robots to do His will slavishly; but free people to choose how to live and behave. He also allowed the devil this free will rather than destroy him when he rebelled. So we have a situation where Satan and his devils are influencing people to their way of chaos.

      I have often said in my books that this world will not know peace until it has learnt to forgive. Peace is a gift from Christ through the Holy Spirit. He often said "Peace be with you. My peace I give to you". If people do not have peace in their hearts because they do not have the Holy Spirit abiding with them, they are hardly going to forgive each other and have peace in the world. Your mother was right.

      Sorry this is so long. God bless, Mevely. E-mail me if you wish to discuss off-line.

    2. Not too long at all. Thank you so much, my friend. Blessings!

  9. thecontemplativecat here I really appreciated this post. I have heard these things said and thought much the same. Words like those give a sense of absoluteness. they have been cemented into place by the beliefs that this is, of course, right. With the secularization of religions it must be really confusing for someone who wants to be fed, but is tossed a bone instead.

    1. That's the real problem, Susan. There are many false "prophets" and religious sayings that are not Biblical and repeated often to sound as such.

      God bless always.

  10. "Without God as their guide people create their own god in the shape of riches, possessions, power, influence, celebrity and whatever else can provide them with temporary pleasure and entertainment." That's simply not true. The Dalai Lama doesn't believe in the Christian God and he doesn't react that way.
    ---Cheerful Monk

    1. Thank you Cheerful Monk. I was speaking of people in general.

      God bless.

  11. Hi Victor, yes, we can not be taught God's ways by man, it is the Word of God in our daily lives spoken to us through the Holy Spirit. When we are born of the Spirit we have become a child of God and go through a learning process as we grow in Him Spiritually.

  12. I needed to read this. Thank you.

  13. This is why we should be careful and search the scriptures and make sure our thinking is in line with His.



God bless you.