Thursday 12 September 2024

Who is Jesus to you?


Is this a difficult question to answer without resorting to slogans and catch-phrases like "He is my Saviour, my Lord, He died for me, The Son of God" and other descriptions.

Let's analyse this by first looking at Jesus through the eyes of His contemporaries; those who lived with Him. To them, He was a human born of Mary who was married to Joseph. They knew His parents and watched Him grow up as a child working in His father's carpenter's shop and become a man amongst them. But as He grew up they noticed something different about Him. He was knowledgeable, even at the age of twelve discussing scripture in the temple with the elders; although He had no formal education as such.

When He started His mission on earth He spoke with authority and conviction, and all that He said made sense. He lived on a higher moral plain than society of the time. He showed compassion for the sick, the destitute and those forgotten by society. He cared for the hungry and the poor and showed kindness for everybody. The people witnessed His many miracles, and this really set Him apart from the rest of society; especially when He claimed that He was the Son of God. This upset and scandalised many of them, but a few believed He was Who He said He was. And this truth grew throughout the world after Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on His followers.

Move forwards 2000 years. Who is Jesus to people today?

Many don't believe in God or Jesus. Some have heard of Him and consider Him a wise man, a teacher, healer, preacher or prophet. Others profess that He is the Son of God and worship Him as they do God His Father and our Creator.  


There is a great difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus. We could have heard about someone and read about someone extensively but not know Him personally. The distance between the head and the heart is only about 18 inches but it could be the longest journey we ever make. Do we really know Jesus?

In my case, it happened suddenly at the age of eight. I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was on the bus on the way to school when I suddenly realised that there must be a God, and Jesus is His Son. All I had been taught by my parents and teachers seemed to make sense. Somehow, I knew it was all true. 

Since then, I have felt His presence and guidance and help many times in my life.


(The video at the top of the right hand column entitled Time for Reflections may be of interest to some readers).


  1. ..."The distance between the head and the heart is only about 18 inches but it could be the longest journey we ever make." An interesting concept.

  2. Jesus is my best friend forever!
    Honestly, it took me a lot longer (than you) to feel this way. As a child -- and even a young lady -- the only time I gave Him any consideration was on Sunday morning. I'm so thankful He waited patiently for me.

    PS - I just finished 'Murder' last evening and so enjoyed it! My Amazon review should be published shortly, I hope.

    1. Thank you my dear friend for your continued support and Amazon Reviews. I'm so glad you enjoyed my latest "Appointment with Murder" book.

      I understand what you mean about "the only time I gave Him any consideration was on Sunday morning." This happened to me too during my teen years and early twenties. I'd left my parental home and had a good job in London and somehow God did not feature in my plans! Coincidentally, the book I am writing right now featuring Fr Ignatius deals with this subject and is entitled "Part-Time God". It's very slow going right now.

      God bless you, Mevely, and thank you again.

  3. Jesus is the Almighty- the Alpha and Omega!

  4. This reminds me of the scripture in the NT when Jesus asks his disciples, "But who do YOU say I am?" And Peter is the one who answers with the truth of the matter, recognizing that Jesus is the Messiah promised long ago. This is the most important question any of us could ever ask of ourselves.
    Blessings always, Victor!

    1. Yes, you are right, it is the most important question. But many don't know the answer; not truly in their hearts.

      God bless, Martha.

  5. He's my friend who I talk to everyday. If I need some advice, I'll ask see what happens. He has the solution and the path to lead me where he wants.

  6. He is my constant companion. I came to know Jesus in a personal way in Sunday school when I was 7. I drifted away for some years as an adult but He never gave up on me and I returned to Him.

  7. Jesus is the 'Word of God made flesh' Who enabled all who come to Him to become children of God in the Spirit. After my NDE I was told 'It's not time yet, you must go back.' It was then that my life changed and I became born again of the Holy Spirit, and a new creation, starting to learn God's ways and thoughts. Still learning.

  8. "There is a great difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus."

    A thousand Amens to this!

    Thank you for sharing the story about being on the bus. It is good to hear. Each of us has to come to know this for ourselves. We must KNOW Jesus. God bless you.



God bless you.