Tuesday 3 September 2024

At the psychiatrist


I went to see the psychiatrist today. He had phoned me earlier on in the day saying he was not feeling well; so I thought I'd pay him a visit. When I got there he was already laying on the couch waiting for me. I sat beside him with a notebook and pen.

He said life was getting too much for him because people kept coming to him with their problems. No one was interested in him and his problems. So I said, "I'm listening!"

He told me that that very morning he was visited by a moth. As big as a human being it was. Can you imagine that? A moth as big as a human being? What was more surprising is that the moth spoke to him. She said, "I have a toothache doctor, can you help me?"

He replied, "This is the third time I told you I am not a dentist; I'm a psychiatrist. Why do you keep coming here?"

And she said, "Because the lights are on!"

He then told me that he keeps having a recurring dream where he is at a football match in the jungle and the elephants are playing the giraffes. Every night it's the same dream. Sometimes the elephants win and sometimes the giraffes; and a rhino is the referee. 

I suggested he takes some sleeping pills to sleep deeper and better. He said, "Not tonight; it's the Grand Final!"

He then told me that since he was a child he has been afraid of monsters hiding under his bed. He checks every night before going to sleep. I suggested he cuts the legs off the bed; but he was afraid this might squash the monsters.

I asked him if anything traumatic had ever happened in his life which triggered such dreams. He said he used to be a kleptomaniac but he took something for it. This made him a little paranoid and he thought he was always being followed. So he went to his local library and asked the librarian, "Have you got a book on paranoia?"

She said, "It's behind you!" and nearly gave him a heart attack.

As we were talking a penguin came in the room, he said, "Hello!" and sat in the corner. I thought was seeing things; I could not believe my eyes or my ears. 

"Did you see what came in?" I whispered to the psychiatrist. He replied, "It's either a large penguin or a small nun!"

So I gave her a few frozen fish sticks I had in my pocket and ran out of the psychiatrist's room.

He then e-mailed me an invoice for $100.00 for his consultation.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I have a licence to drive, also a TV licence which people in the UK should have. I no longer have a dog licence because this was abolished some years ago. Nor a fishing licence. I am told by my solicitor I do not need a licence to listen to my distressed psychiatrist, unless he is a dog, a fish, a car or a TV.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. "Because the lights are on." LOLOLOL.
    As ever, thanks for putting a smile on my face.

    1. Do you realise that in the daytime moths try to fly towards the sun? Luckily for them they get tired before they get there!

      God bless, Mevely.

  3. Your imagination is amazing. Thanks for the laughs!

    1. Watch out for penguins or large-sized moths. They're everywhere over here. I saw one recently riding a giraffe.

      God bless, Bill.

  4. The moth 'saw the light'! LOL! Another great chapter in your book of humor, Victor. God bless!

    1. I'm so glad I made you laugh, Martha. God bless always, my friend.

  5. I wouldn't want to miss the Grand Final either. Thanks for the laughs!

    1. It must have been quite a game, I guess.

      God bless, Mimi.

  6. Thanks for the chuckles Victor.

    All the best Jan

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this story, Jan. God bless always.

  7. Hi Victor, I think the psychiatrist should have paid you, not you pay him.

    1. No way ... if he paid me he would have needed his head examined!

      God bless, Brenda.

  8. More great giggles from you Victor, hmmm I have never thought of carrying fish sticks in my pocket just in case there is a penguin some place, giggles.

    Blessings this fine day

    1. Actually Catherine, the fish sticks are for me to eat. I used to carry dog pellets in my pocket to eat when hungry. Then one day the food intake landed me in hospital. I stepped off the curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me!

      God bless always.



God bless you.