Saturday 21 September 2024



Imagine you went out on the road and ignored all the road signs, the red traffic lights, and the speed limits; and you drove on the wrong side of the road and ignored "No Entry" signs.

Imagine you ignored to file your Tax Return, and ignored other legislation. 
Imagine you lived your own way, by your own rules, and ignored everyone else.

It won't le long before you're in front of a judge in Court.

Any society, if it is to remain a collective society, has laws; and these laws or rules must be obeyed if that society is to remain intact.

God gave His people instructions and rules through the prophets as recorded in the books of the Old Testament. The most well known set of rules are the Ten Commandments, and they have been broken and ignored ever since they were written.

Over the years, many generations in many lands have set their own rules and these have been obeyed or not and suffered the consequences. Society cannot survive under the rule of law unless individuals want to submit and obey that law.
The first place to learn obedience is in the family.
Parents must set the example by being obedient themselves, first to God's Commandments and then to those of the society in which they live.
They should teach obedience to their children through gentle correction and ensuring that their own rules towards their children do not lead to resentment and rebellion by being too harsh or unfair and unjust.
Obedience, like many other qualities, is learnt at the earliest stage in life. Ideally in the family.
In recent times many people have distanced themselves from God and His Commandments. The family, as the nucleus of society has been devalued. Marriages, divorces, separations and casual relationships are seen as just normal phases in one's life. Is it any wonder that ... ... ...   


  1. ...many ignore what have been the norms of life.

  2. You have written a very interesting post, one which I enjoyed reading. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Denise for your visit here. Please call again soon. God bless.

  3. Great post! Life is easy when everyone follows the rules. No one should be above the law. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Indeed Eileen, there are many who wish to be above the law. God bless you.

  4. You are so right and your last paragraph really nailed it.

  5. I always say that I would not want to be brought up in these times, as these days I see young children in pushchairs with modern technological gadgets, growing up in times when parental guidance is not the norm. I loved the times of my young childhood with two loving parents. God bless.



God bless you.