Sunday 31 July 2022

Forgive me Lord


I wonder ... how many of us ask God for forgiveness when we pray? When we are alone in prayer, we most likely ask for favours, we request healing for others or oursleves, we may even thank God every now and then for what we have and for answered prayers ... but how often do we ask for forgiveness?

You know how it is ... we all sin. We lose our temper with someone else, we get impatient, we half-listen when someone is talking and possibly interfering with our TV viewing ... there are so many sins we commit almost naturally and don't even stop to think about them. Perhaps we don't even consider them as sins ... Just part of human life. Everyone loses their temper or not pay attention every so often to someone else. So what? Is it a sin worth bothering God about?

Let's consider this last thought.

Is it a sin worth bothering God about?

The fact remains that we did something wrong, and the other person may have forgiveness us for losing our temper or whatever. But it is still a sin in the eyes of God. It is a sin against His Commandment to love one another. So ... is it a sin worth confessing in prayer?

Oh ... and another thing. Do we ever seek forgiveness from God for worrying? 

Yes I know ... we all worry about this and that and about certain people and future events and so on. It's only natural. Everyone does it.

But is it a sin?

Does worry betray a certain lack of confidence, a certain lack of faith in God? When we worry, are we in fact saying that we don't believe God will answer our prayers, our fears and our confusions? Are we saying that He is perhaps not capable of doing so? Are we even doubting His own existence?

Because in essence that's what worry is. The fear of something beyond God's capability or willingness to help. Hence, worry is a sin against God.

Let's think about that a bit more ... ... ...


  1. If you keep praying, despite (and often) through your worries,
    if you keep loving others, despite (and often) through your worries. If you keep pursuing peace, despite (and often)
    through your worries...
    If you do all that, you are seeking The Kingdom of God “above all else' and that's the point....

    Jesus knew every detail of what was about to happen
    to Him, and He was afraid...
    Whether we fear pain, poverty, or anything else, Jesus understands....!

    1. What a wise thing to say, Willie. Thank you.

      God bless you.

  2. ...there's a LOT of forgiveness needed these days.

    1. The world will never know peace until it learns to forgive.

      God bless, Tom.

  3. This hit the spot today, Victor. Thank you. Worry is a way we turn from God to look at a problem, or perceived problem, instead of God. But He says, "Come to me all who are weary..."

    Do we bother God? I don't think so. He loves us like we love our own children. He wants to hear from us.

    I am on a blog break, but here I am reading blogs...😂

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sandi. Enjoy your Blog break and take time in prayer.

      God bless always.

  4. As I read your post the scripture 'Be anxious for nothing' came to my mind.Also if we have anything against a person we should go to that person about the concern we have. If we don't approach the person then our unforgiveness will be like a poison within us.

    1. Indeed Brenda, Jesus often taught the people not to worry about tomorrow or what they will eat ...

      God bless.

  5. So many sins I hadn't considered! I admit, sometimes I think what I bring to Him may be too trivial, bothersome at best. Now worry? I've a PhD in worrying. You've given me much to work on -- and for that I thank you!

    1. Hi Mevely,

      Sinning is usually either against our fellow man or against God. So it follows that we often sin against other people without realising it. Like the examples I gave when someone is yaketing on and on and we're not paying attention. We don't necessarily have to ask his forgiveness; but we need to mention it to God in prayer.

      Worrying (unduly) is a sin against God because we doubt His love and capability to help.

      But God understands our weaknesses, and He is always there to comfort and forgive us ... once again.

      God bless always.

  6. Forgiveness - we ALL need it.
    I thank God more than I ask for forgiveness.
    Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    1. Thank you so much, Happyone. God bless you always.

  7. So much to think about. Worrying is a common thing these days. We all worry too much.

    1. Yes indeed, Bill. We worry that God is not listening to our prayers.

      God bless you and your family.

  8. Dearest Victor,
    A very good, thought provoking subject!

  9. If anything matters, then everything matters, so yes, it's worth taking time to confess, repent, and let the Holy Spirit guide us to do things His way next time.



God bless you.